
Catch me if you can Mafia Boss

The new the powerful Mafia Boss Aldric Pierce. He is ruthless, he is his fathers son. Keena Raven a sweet sweet assassin. When Keena Raven watches her parents get killed at a young age she vows to destroy every last party involved in her parents death. When she tortures and kills a member of the Pierce Mafia gang she learns of who pulled the trigger that night and how he died. Feeling defeated Keena finds out of his son the new heir to the Mafia empire she decides to destroy it from the inside out. Can Aldric Pierce learn of a story that happened when he was a young boy and fill in the gaps of a wrongfully told story or will he fall victim to Miss Raven's clever plans to destroy his family legacy? It's time to play a game of Cat and mouse. You tell me which one is which.

Fiction_1864 · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Prologue: Have To Play Your Part

"He's coming!"

"What? Why what did you do?"

"Does it really matter anymore Claire."

"What do I do about Keena?" Claire Raven questioned her husband as little Keena stood in the doorway.

"Mommy, Daddy?" Keena was four, to little to comprehend life its self.

"Hide Keena that is what you will do."

"What if they look for her?" Claire walked over to her daughter and picked her up and brought her over to Luis Raven.

Luis kissed his daughters forehead and she grabbed his finger with her little hands. "They won't Claire. They won't as long as you don't hide with her."

Claire looked between her daughter and her husband "How do you know?" But Luis didn't answer "How do you know Luis?!"

Luis looked at his wife. "I never told him about her so if you don't hide with her they will leave and never know. She will be safe Claire."

Claire started to cry Luis might have endangered their family but he truly loved and cared for Keena. Claire pried Keena from Luis's grasp and put the small child inside of an ottoman that opened.

"Keena we are going to play a game okay it is called hide and seek tag. You have to hide here until daddy come's and finds you. If it is not daddy you run so your not it okay." Claire cried as Keena nodded and laid down. Normally a four year old wouldn't know this game yet but Claire and Luis had been preparing for this and taught her early. "I love you Keena Raven never forget that."

"I wuv you mommy." Keena and Claire bumped noses and Claire walked away knowing what her own fate would be.

Claire went to the kitchen and started to prepare a last meal. "Is someone coming for her? Is my Daughter going to be safe?" Claire knew in most cases knowing less was better in case of interrogation but she had to know.

"Yes Claire but that is all I will tell you for everyone's best interest."

Claire set the table up but neither could eat when a knock came to the door. Claire jumped in her seat while Luis got up walked through the house and opened the door for his guests.

"Mr. Raven nice to see you again may we come in?"

It was Damion Pierce the most ruthless Mafia boss so of course he could come in with or without permission.

"Yes Sir, sorry my wife is not here to welcome you she is cooking dinner had we known...."

"Yes, yes Mr. Raven but you didn't know we were coming so there is no reason to apologize is there?"

"No Sir, I'll call Claire out here then."

"No need Luis we will follow you into the kitchen."

"Yes Sir....." Luis walked slowly to the kitchen with Mr. Pierce and his three bodyguards there was no way he could take them all. Luis walked in "Claire Mr. Pierce decided..." Luis looked at his wife to see her dead on the floor.

"Well then and I thought there would be more of a fight than this."

"Mr. Pierce please..."

"Oh really now your going to plead. Have some more dignity you wife is dead there is nothing left for you anymore."

"Damion please I didn't have a choice."

"Well Luis neither do I." Damion Pierce shot Luis in the gut once. "It is Sir to you." Damion shot Luis Raven in the head. He walked past Luis's corpse and looked down at Claire who had plunged a knife into her heart she looked like she died quickly. Damion knelt down checked for a pulse and after finding none he stared into her eyes. She was quite beautiful what she had been doing with Luis he had no idea. He had even given her a chance to be with him but she denied him saying she could never be with someone so cruel. So instead got with Luis Raven of all people.

Claire Raven knew Damion Pierce well she knew even if she had not killed herself that he would have to. He had to that is how the Mafia worked you couldn't be weak for anyone. Claire knew that best she chose not to have a child for this reason she knew a child would make you weak. Even though she did not love him she knew how to be strong and brave. Damion stood up and his hand shook ever so slightly before he pulled the trigger on who should have been his wife.

"There they are all for sure dead. Now clean this up I'll be in the car waiting."

"Yes Sir."

"Sir should we look around."

"No there is no need Claire Raven didn't have any kids." Damion walked out of the house knowing he would never see Claire Raven again.

The bodyguards cleaned up the kitchen and left driving Damion Pierce to his family. Damion Pierce had not been as strong as he thought Claire had. He had a son and a former wife who died giving birth. His only heir to the thrown was a boy named Aldric Pierce.