
Catch me if you can Mafia Boss

The new the powerful Mafia Boss Aldric Pierce. He is ruthless, he is his fathers son. Keena Raven a sweet sweet assassin. When Keena Raven watches her parents get killed at a young age she vows to destroy every last party involved in her parents death. When she tortures and kills a member of the Pierce Mafia gang she learns of who pulled the trigger that night and how he died. Feeling defeated Keena finds out of his son the new heir to the Mafia empire she decides to destroy it from the inside out. Can Aldric Pierce learn of a story that happened when he was a young boy and fill in the gaps of a wrongfully told story or will he fall victim to Miss Raven's clever plans to destroy his family legacy? It's time to play a game of Cat and mouse. You tell me which one is which.

Fiction_1864 · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter Twelve: Any One Call For a Second Date/Part Two

"Where is the place we are going to next?" Keena couldn't help it she was enjoying their 'date'

"Well I was thinking we would go and eat what do you think?"

"Back to the bar?" Keena knew that couldn't be right because she had been to most parts of New York she spent years learning the city, and they weren't going in that direction.

"Nope but I am not telling you anymore you will have to wait and see." Aldric stayed calm showing no emotion on his face and Keena wished she could be like that. Why did she have so many feelings?

"Your the worse!" Keena giggled as she waited patiently to get to their next destination. Soon enough they arrived but to where? Aldric once again let Keena out she held onto his arm as he lead her to a fenced arch? Aldric lead her through a fenced arch surrounded by flowers and there it was the cutest restaurant she had ever seen. There were fancy designed tables surrounded by flowers.

"My lady." Once again Aldric bowed as he pulled the chair out for Keena and she sat down she fit perfectly in this setting. As Aldric sat down he really looked at her, her makeup had been done well her hair was messy and wild but tamed enough to really express her and her dress her dress made her look like a Disney princess, but the truth was this life was no Disney movie and the innocence that the dress made Keena look was deceiving Aldric didn't need to know Keena's story to know that. She had the fire of a warrior in her eyes.

"This place is beautiful." Keena looked up at the fairy lights that hung down from the wooden beams. Keena didn't need fancy restaurants, and bars this is what she wanted in life. It reminded her of her mother. "What is this place called?"

"Ma'am it is called Firefly Gardens." A waiter had cut in standing by them to take their order.

"Oh hi, sorry I didn't see you." Keena was polite but Aldric was not so happy the waiter ruined the moment.

"Not a problem ma'am is there something that I can get you?" The waiter looked to Aldric first.

"Please take her order first." Aldric leaned back in his chair studying Keena.

"Of course Sir. Ma'am what can I get you?" The waiter placed menu's while he waited for Keena's response.

"I'll take a lemonade." Keena was just so at peace with the place.

"And for you Sir?"

"I'll have the same thing."

The waiter was about to leave when Keena stopped him. "Sir if at all possible can you put this on my tab Keena Raven."

"No that won't be needed." Aldric quickly cut Keena off and handed the man a card and told him not to take money from Keena. The man nodded and left to go get their drinks.

"Why do you have to make it so weird." Keena said laughing at Aldric's stern look.

"Because you will not be paying for dinner." Aldric wanted to stay stern but her laugh made it impossible to even pretend to be upset.

The drinks came back and then their food order was taken Keena had ordered a green strawberry salad as an appetizer and for her meal she ordered a T-bone steak and a baked potato, Aldric didn't order a appetizer and he ordered a ribeye with sautéed green beans. As Keena got her salad and thanked the waiter she asked Aldric why it was called the Firefly Gardens.

"Well at night they turn all the lights off except the little table lights and let the fireflies fill the restaurant." Aldric watched her eat, normally when he took girls out they ordered salads and then BLT's but her she ordered a T-bone steak and a baked potato. He thought it was quite interesting but what he found more interesting was when their food was taken to their table it was the boss who took the food out to them.

"Hello guys first I have the T-bone steak for..." Keena raised her hand and he placed it in front of her and then set Aldric's food down. "Sorry to bother you guys but I'm the owner of this restaurant and I cant help but ask Keena is it are you by chance related to Claire Raven?" Aldric's men had not gotten anything from Keena's past it was their job to figure it out and they couldn't and a man owning a restaurant possibly knew a relative of hers he was very interested to see what Keena's response would be she was very bad at hiding her emotions.

After hearing her mothers name Keena's brain started screaming this man knew her mother she had a million questions did she come here often, is that why she felt so at home here? Her mind was freaking out but she knew she couldn't she would have to show no emotion something she couldn't do except when it came to her family she would protect them anyway she could so she shut her emotions off and politely apologized saying she was not and had not heard of a Claire Raven.

The man apologized and wished them well on their meals and the rest of their evening.

"Hmmm that was interesting." Aldric stated after taking a bite of his food that was phenomenal.

"Yeah it was."

"Interesting how its a Raven you aren't related to or know." Aldric studied Keena she didn't seem to be lying but what were the chances.

"Not really Raven is a pretty common name and New York City is a large place, and every smart man would take their women here." Keena kept eating and kept her mind as calm as it could stopping it from running up to the man and begging for more information.

Aldric decided to let it go knowing that he wouldn't get anything out of her if she was lying and decided to have a great rest of his date. They finished eating and they were to full to get dessert.

"Ready?" Aldric said standing up.

"I thought we have to stay here and pay?"

"We pay up front." Aldric held out his had for Keena and she held he squeezed her hand as they walked. Once up at the front Aldric payed for the order the cashier had used his last name to wish them a great night as as he did so the owner looked up from what he was doing he narrowed his eyes at Aldric and then glanced at Keena and smiled sadly Aldric saw it and he knew he knew that Keena had lied there was no way this was a coincidence not only did he know a Claire Raven he knew the Pierce name.

"Ready for what's next?"

"More?" Keena said surprised and giggly she hopped if she was giggly it would put her mothers name out of his head.

"Of course."

"Um I am enjoying our date..."

"But?" Aldric could tell something was up had it been because of whoever Claire Raven was?

"It just doesn't feel super special with your guards following us everywhere."

Aldric had gotten used to them but he could get how someone could feel not having that even he felt that way growing up, he thought about it and changed his plans after seeing a path.

"No your right can you run in that dress?"


"Can you run in that dress?"

"Yeah I think so..."

"Okay then just incase don't let go." Aldric paused to make sure she was ready but she wasn't of course she wasn't ready to run in heels and a dress, but the guards agreed to go back to the car and would follow from there if they took any longer his security would know something was up. So he did what any sane person would do and took off down the path my the flowers holding onto Keena's hand so she wouldn't fall. After he was sure that his security wasn't following him he slowed down.

"Where are we?"

"Well Miss Raven we are in Central park what would you like to do first?" Aldric walked down Central park and they got cute pictures of the city in frames, they got other little Knick knack's that venders where selling when Keena saw a horse drawn carriage. She pulled Aldric from a vender and they stopped the carriage Aldric paid the fee and they sat down and rode through Central park. Aldric once again looked at Keena and Keena caught him staring and giggled. Oh how he loved that giggle. They stared at each other more and this time it was Aldric who moved the fallen hair out of Keena's face. Oh how he wanted to kiss her, and oh how Keena wanted to kill Aldric. Aldric leaned in but Keena distracted him from his mission by asking the carriage to stop he turned to see why she stopped it when he saw the giant fountain. It was almost sundown and Keena asked if they could watch the sunset from the fountain.

"Anything you want Keena Raven." Aldric payed the toll and he got down first and put his arms out Keena leaned into his embrace and he lifted her out of the carriage he set her down gently and she once again pulled him this time to the waters edge. Keena reached into the water to feel the cool water and had taken Aldric's had and placed it in the water he quickly removed it and wiped it off with his handkerchief Keena laughed

"Why are you laughing at me? It is so cold." Aldric smiled until Keena splashed him with water drenching him in cold water. He quickly removed his phone and looked at her in shock. "What the fuck are we twelve."

Keena laughed some more "Maybe...." Keena splashed him again and Aldric had enough he got closer and splashed her but was to rough and splashed her right in the face she paused to wipe her eyes and he was worried so he stopped but it was a trick Keena then pushed Aldric into the water, but in defense Aldric grabbed Keena dragging her with him into the fountain. She was underwater for a few seconds until she felt Aldric pull her out. Keena was sat on the edge of the fountain as she coughed and coughed.

"Keena I'm so sorry..." Aldric felt horrible the way they went in he was fine but Keena went in hard. Aldric was concerned wondering if he should call his men when Keena started laughing.

"Wow nice one Mr. Pierce." Keena stopped coughing and smiled warmly at Aldric he stared at her for a second before kissing her he wouldn't wait a minute more." Eventually the kiss stopped and Keena put her fingers up to her lips. Aldric took his wet jacket off and carried it as they walked back to the car. He had ignored his security but now he wanted to get Keena home so he called them saying they were at the cars.

They waited five minutes until His bodyguard and some extra help came running as soon as they saw Keena and Aldric drenched the bodyguard took off his jacket and handed it to Aldric who placed it on Keena

"No I'm fine."

"No your not your shivering just take it don't be stubborn." Keena let Aldric put the jacket around her and he opened the door and helped her into the car. He knew he was going to get an ear full from his men but he didn't care he would have done it all over again. Aldric got into the McLaren without a word to his men. He reached over and buckled Keena and she didn't complain.

"I really am sorry the heated seat will work in a second." Aldric still looked concerned as he moved that one stubborn piece of hair that would always hide her face.

"Its okay I enjoyed our date."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well I hate to tell you this but it's the end of the date I'll bring you back to your car so you can get home." Aldric started the car so that Keena could warm up.

"Wow the great Aldric Pierce isn't inviting me to his home what does this mean." Keena smirked as she shivered.

Aldric did also but he didn't respond he got to the bar and paused before unlocking the car. "Keena you know your car will be safe here I'll make sure of it do you want me to drive you home?"

"No It's okay, but you didn't answer my question why didn't you offer me to stay the night?"

Aldric laughed at Keena's insecurity. "Keena the fact that I haven't offered you that means that I care more about you than every other girl I want to go slow if that is alright with you."

"Of course you would have to convince me anyways." Aldric laughed at her statement and watched her get out. He paused before hopping out himself he ran up to her car and opened her door.

"I know it's not as cool as your butterfly doors."

"I think it is perfect." Aldric didn't want to watch her go but he knew it was for the best.

Keena realized after getting in that she had the jacket on but so did Aldric and before she could give it back he spoke.

"It reassurance that I'll see you again. Goodbye Keena." Aldric shut the door and stood in the parking lot as he watched her pull out. He thought it was interesting that she was driving a Corvette Stingray Z51 he wouldn't have guess that. As he got back into his car he couldn't stop thinking about what the man said at the restaurant. Was she actually related to Claire Raven, and if she was why would she lie about it? It was questions for a different day.

Keena drove home and she quickly took of the jacket. She played her part well she almost actually enjoyed tonight. Had he been another guy she would have but she couldn't he was Aldric Pierce and she had made a promise that she would destroy the Pierce Mafia. She couldn't get cold feet now. He had fallen for her now all she had to do was make him love her and then destroy him and his fathers legacy all while not falling in love how hard could it be. Keena got home and showered then went to bed and tonight she decided to text him goodnight. She could finally see where all of her time and energy through the years where going. She went to bed knowing she would destroy Aldric Pierce.