
Chapter 114 The Second Mysterious Letter_4

After all, Leonard Churchill managed to answer the queries on both occasions.

The appearance of this note before his eyes must have somehow been linked by cause and effect.

But the queries weren't the main issue.

Leonard thought of something else.

What kind of family would use such a powerful artifact to ask such trivial questions?


As he complained, a sudden insight came to him.

Leonard thought of something.

The common folk wouldn't have access to Mental Secret Skills, but the aristocracy certainly would!

For a child from an ordinary family, knowing how to read would be an achievement in itself. But to use Taren's Classics for a guessing game evidently indicated a lady of a prestigious family with abundant resources.

No matter where the note came from, if she could ask me questions, could I ask her some as well?

When this idea popped into his head, his mind came alive.

He figured there was no harm in giving it a shot.

So, he began to write.