
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · แฟนตาซี
234 Chs


In a short time, Zhao Xiong put out all the information about the first member of Congress that Little Loli knew.

Although the ranking of the members does not represent the actual combat power, it is only arranged in the order of joining the parliament, but the strength of the first member is indeed not weak. The strength of the ancient dragon species can be revealed even in the parliament space.

Little Loli thinks that the first councilor's combat power in the real world is no worse than her own, or even stronger. This is a very surprising thing.

After all, Little Loli is the most powerful monster Zhao Xiong has ever seen in the real world.

This first councilor is very powerful, and both the crow and the Tibetan fox are afraid of it, but this is not the key.

Every time the first member returns to the parliament, he will bring back the fire and turn it in, which is highly valued by the parliament.

Of course, Zhao Xiong is not surprised by this at all. It's no wonder that the council does not value such a good employee. After all, he is the one who does practical work for himself.

"What does the dragon look like?"

Zhao Xiong was also a little curious, he had never seen a real dragon when he grew up so big.

However, even the incarnation of original sin and the indestructible mad thunder have appeared, and it seems that there is nothing strange about the appearance of the ancient dragon species.

What Zhao Xiong didn't understand was why he worked hard for the parliament, instead of paddling like other members. After all, searching for fire was essentially digging the foundation of his own world.

In his impression, the dragon is a very sacred legendary creature, not like a creature that will succumb.

"Where will it be in the real world, in the Kaiyuan Dynasty?"

Such an active guy, even stronger than the Hungry Girl, didn't even make it to the monster list, which was very strange.

Zhao Xiong had also guessed which list monster the first member would be, but now it seems that none of them seem to be a good match.

However, it does not rule out the possibility that the Jiaolong 'Cangjiang Dragon King' is just a disguise and is actually an ancient dragon species.

"Forget it, whoever it is, as long as it doesn't provoke me, I'm too lazy to think about it."

Zhao Xiong didn't care too much, now that the second battle force in the parliament has been pulled to his side, no matter who he encounters, he can touch it.

At present, the crow in the council has a grudge against him, and if he finds an opportunity, he will just kill it.

"Little Bear, I still want to eat..." Little Loli said coquettishly.


Zhao Xiong shook his head, "Just bear with it."

Except for the meat of the black-scaled giant beast, the other inventory was eaten up by the little loli. Zhao Xiong knew that it would not feel hungry now, just simply greedy, and refused directly.

If he doesn't stop, Little Loli won't stop, and she won't be satisfied until tomorrow morning.

"Hmph, then I'm going to sleep."

After Zhao Xiong refused, the gluttonous little Lolita didn't force it, she pouted, closed the lid of the coffin, and rested directly.

Zhao Xiong didn't care, he fed some lotus seeds to the dogs. After the initial pet ration, plus a lot of good things to feed, these dogs were extremely loyal to him, even faith!

After feeding the dogs, I looked at the circus animals in the cage. They had run out of food and were starving.

The bear named Xiong Er stretched its front paws out of the cage, looking ingratiatingly, expressing himself towards Zhao Xiong with all his might, obviously knowing who is the boss here.

These show animals, who grew up in circuses, don't have any skills for survival in the wild, so Zhao Xiong didn't plan to drive them away, but let the dogs distribute the remaining lotus seeds to them.

Although the role of lotus seeds is to help evolution, there is another important effect that has been overlooked, that is, enlightenment.

Even if it fails to evolve successfully after taking it, it can open up the intelligence of ordinary animals and have the wisdom to think like humans.

Soon these animals were fed by a few dogs on the border, obediently eating the lotus seeds.

Even a tiger and a lion dare not be arrogant in front of an evolutionary dog ​​with a shoulder height of more than two meters.

After all the animals had taken the lotus seeds, Zhao Xiong did not urge them, let them digest first, and then just waited for them to successfully enlighten their spirits.

He intends to incorporate these animals into the dog group and become his own little brother. As for those who are not obedient, they will directly slaughter and eat meat.

Because Zhao Xiong suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, who said that the bear people can only be transformed from people?

After finishing everything, Zhao Xiong also rested. When he wakes up tomorrow, the mystery shop should be refreshed. I hope that good things can be refreshed by then.

I am not afraid of not being able to afford it, but I am afraid that the store will not be able to do it.

Originally, Zhao Xiong thought it was just an ordinary night, but he didn't expect an accident.

"what's the situation!?"

Before dawn, Zhao Xiong suddenly opened his eyes, feeling a sense of crisis inexplicably.

He got up in vain, causing a strong vibration on the ground, and flickering silver lights swam around his body.

The dogs on the vigil were all startled, not knowing what was going on. Even a hint of coercion was enough to make them tremble.

"It's Parliament!"

Zhao Xiong felt that a swallowing force appeared out of thin air, as if to take his consciousness away from his body.

However, it was different from being taken away voluntarily by the congressman before. After reaching the fierce level, he had a little ability to resist.


The huge closed coffin on the side was opened, and countless tendrils erected the body of the coffin. Little Loli, who was wrapped in chains, said, "Little Bear, the council is calling everyone."

"Council summons?"

Zhao Xiong frowned slightly: "It shouldn't be the meeting day yet." Little Loli said: "Sometimes, if there is an emergency, the council will hold a meeting day in advance. "

"This **** council is taking itself too seriously!"

Zhao Xiong had a cold bear face, and said angrily.

He was woken up by someone in his sleep, causing him to get up and have a gas attack.

But not only that, there is one more important thing that was not done properly, and the meeting day came too early.

Originally, Zhao Xiong wanted to make Slaughter pretend to be a 'blood eater' to fool the Council, but now Slaughter is still absorbing the power of the Heretic God's minced flesh, the promotion has not been completed, and he is sleeping, so far there is no sound.

Are we going to war with Parliament now?

Zhao Xiong said in his heart, the timing is still a bit lacking. Although after this period of understanding, the power of the parliament has been reduced too much in his heart, but now is not the time to start a war, at least until he can completely resist the call of the parliament. Strength will do.

I can't do it now, I can only postpone it, but I have to get into that place after all.

"Massacre, can you hear me?"

Zhao Xiong whispered, using his consciousness to connect the life and soul core of the slaughter.

After a long time, a faint voice finally came: "Master... I'm awake..."

Zhao Xiong said: "Very good, I need you now."

"Master, my power is very weak now, and most of them are fighting against the power of the evil god."

The slaughter, who has been sleeping, still doesn't know what happened, thinking that Zhao Xiong needs it to fight.

"You don't need to fight, just be in charge of acting."

Seeing that this black hole-like powerful suction became more and more terrifying, and it could not be delayed for long, Zhao Xiong asked the surrounding dogs to be on guard.

He took a deep breath and answered the call.


The conscious body is separated from the body and plunged into darkness under the action of suction.