
Chapter 10: Mind game.

The final pair of princes, Prince Liam of the Kingdom of Silvermist and Prince Finnley of the Kingdom of Sunshine, rode to the center of the training ground. Prince Liam's eyes gleamed with a hint of magic as he raised his hands, and his horse seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy.

Prince Finnley, on the other hand, grinned from ear to ear as he waved at the crowd. "Hey, everyone! Don't worry, I've got this!" he exclaimed, his voice booming across the training ground. "I've been practicing my jousting skills... on my sister's stuffed animals!"

The crowd erupted into laughter, and even Prince Liam cracked a smile. But as the Tournament Marshal raised his flag, Prince Liam's expression turned serious. He charged at Prince Finnley, his lance glowing with a soft blue light.

Prince Finnley, however, seemed to have a different plan. Instead of charging straight at Prince Liam, he veered off to the side, his horse dancing across the ground. Prince Liam was caught off guard, and his lance struck the ground with a loud thud.

Prince Finnley took advantage of the momentary distraction to charge at Prince Liam, his lance wobbling precariously. But just as he was about to strike, Prince Liam raised his hands, and a blast of magical energy sent Prince Finnley's lance flying out of his hand.

The crowd gasped in amazement, and Prince Liam rode back to the starting line, his chest heaving with exertion. The Tournament Marshal nodded, making a note on his parchment. "Prince Liam wins the third round!"

Prince Finnley picked himself up, dusting himself off with a chuckle. "Well, I guess I won't be giving up my day job to become a professional jouster!" he exclaimed, grinning.

The crowd's applause still echoed through the training ground as the princes who had lost the previous round vowed to try harder. Marrying Sophia was not just a matter of personal desire; it was a matter of securing their kingdom's future.

Sophia, however, felt trapped and helpless. As she watched the princes prepare for the next challenge, she couldn't help but think of a way to escape this fate. If there was a way to stop this tournament, she wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

The training ground was quickly rearranged for the next challenge. The princes stood ready, their faces set with determination. This was not a game to be taken lightly.

The Tournament Marshal stepped forward, his voice booming across the training ground. "The next challenge is the Mind Test," he declared. "Only the smartest prince will win this round."


Before the princes stood six sturdy wooden chairs, each surrounded by ropes. The guards led the princes to the chairs and offered each of them a seat. As they sat down, the guards tied them securely to the chairs, ensuring they couldn't move.

But that wasn't all - the guards also positioned the chairs so that each prince faced the back of another prince. This was to prevent any cheating or attempts to glance at another prince's work.

Once the princes were secure, the Tournament Marshal stepped forward again. "The first prince to free himself from these knots wins," he declared, pointing to three equipment laid out beside the chairs. "You have a hammer, a chisel, and a length of wire. It's up to you to figure out how to use them to escape."

The princes looked at each other's backs, their minds racing with strategies and ideas. The crowd held its collective breath, eager to see which prince would emerge victorious.

The game was on.