
Case 143

After years of friendship and two years of a relationship, does it have to end? Chan and Seoyeon have built a relationship, but what happens when one must move on? As the two struggle, they find themselves becoming closer, growing apart, and left to wonder if it is even worth it. As a chaebol, it was always a big deal who Chan would end up marrying. Soyeon, however, never wants to live under someone's shadow. "There isn't a reason to stay, so why should I? Tell me not to go, that there is a reason for me to be here!" The voice carried in the empty room, and the two found themselves staring at each other. Must they move on? Or will the two be able to work it out?

TheKpopGuide · สมจริง
10 Chs

The Meeting (Pt. 1)

The class was completely loud, with students walking around and talking to one another. You could see the groups of students were dissected into their own cliques, and the chattering echoed through the room into the hall. Students sat on top of desks, playing rock, paper, scissors with each other and talking about the latest gossip. The room was chattering with voices, the bell ringing just as the teacher walked in, and students began to scatter around. Each ran to their own designated seat, sitting down and silently waiting for the teacher to begin. He cleared his throat, and the class leader stood up without hesitation to help the class welcome the teacher. The students greeted him, and he smiled, thanking the students and motioning for him to sit.

"Good morning, my students," he started to write down a date and draw a line under it. "This is going to be a very important message for all of you to hear. We have a class meeting that we will be having next week." He pointed at the date, and a hand went up, prompting him to point in that direction.

"What is the meeting about?" The female student asked.

"Thank you for asking. We are going to be talking about the schedule for your final year. We are setting dates, and it is important for everyone to be a part of this planning period and participate. In fact, it's mandatory." He smiled, listening to the groans of many of the students who were not happy about this fact. "Settle down. I will have the agenda ready for all students on Friday to look over on the weekend, and everyone must participate." Another row of groans resonated from the classroom before another hand, and the student was pointed at.

"What if we are not able to attend?" The student asked, and some students agreed; mostly, some of them wanted to escape an assignment they deemed unnecessary.

"Great question. If you are not able to attend, a parent must notify me. There is actually a huge reward for all those who attend." The moment a reward was mentioned, all the students seemed stunned as they whispered about the possible reward. "All students who attend the meeting and meet the requirements will get the opportunity to be rewarded, but until the meeting, I will not be telling you what that is exactly." He smiled mischievously as groans could be heard. 

"All right, now, since that announcement is out of the way, let's begin class." He went to the desk, grabbing the materials that were going to help him teach. While he began class, unbeknownst to him, the door opened in the back of the room, and entered the assistant teacher. He found himself sliding in and trying to be silent, but there was no use. The teacher heard the silent click of the door closing and turned within seconds to see him standing there.

"Mr. Kim, good morning! I'm glad to see that you have joined us this morning." He smiled at him, motioning for him to come up to the room to help.

The class went by as quickly as it started; the students worked on their assignments silently as the teacher left them in their study hall. Students sat as they were monitored by Mr. Kim, watching as the students worked furiously to complete the assignment in front of them. Soon, a hand went into the air, getting a rewarding smile from him.

"Yes?" Mr. Kim looked at the student, motioning for him to move to the front of the room and turn in his paper. Mr. Kim looked over the paper and gave another rewarding smile. "Good work as always." He dismissed him, and the student walked out of the room, leaving the remaining students to complete the sheet without him.

He walked back to his desk, grabbed his backpack from beside his seat, and walked through the back door. He placed the bag over his shoulder, moving with one hand in his pocket. He was on a mission, and there was an objective that he needed to complete. He was met with the stairs, starting his ascend to the top, moving a little faster the closer he got. His excitement increased as he took his hand out of his pocket, dropping his backpack from his shoulder to lay by the door. He reached the top floor, visibly calming himself so that he could regain his breathing before opening the door that faced him. His breathing became steady. He put his hand back in his pocket and walked out. There was no one there yet; from what he could see, the rooftop was empty. He walked over to the side ledge, looking off into the distance as the trees blew in the wind. The door behind him soon opened, and a young woman walked out onto the top. She and he locked eyes, him stepping off to the side as she walked closer to the edge, sitting down on the ledge. He watched her sit down softly, moving over to the side next to her and leaning against it, facing her, and she stared back at him.

"How was your test?" He asked, and he tried hard to hide his smile by biting his lip.

"Better than yours." She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

He picked up her hand, pulling her up to meet him. He walked backward, pulling her along as he directed her towards the rooftop doorway. She followed slowly, being guided to the doorway where her back was laid against the wall. He stared into her eyes, watching her push her head back against the wall. He smiled, moving in close so that their foreheads were pressed softly together. He felt her breathing slow down as her hands went to the ends of his jacket, pulling them closer together. He let his body press against hers, pushing her hair back with one hand and using the other to wrap around her neck. He pulled her head closer, their lips meeting and pressing against one another. The temptation to continue in the back of their minds, but the cool breeze hitting their cheeks pulled them apart. Their foreheads met one more time as they both breathed in sharply, as they rested and resisted the urge to continue.

"How did you sleep?" He looked into her eyes, resting his head on her neck as he lifted her in a soft embrace. She held on as he pulled her legs on his waist, wrapping her limbs around him as he turned them around—his back landing on the wall, holding her tight as he lightly kissed her neck.

"Could have been better." She sighed, lifting herself up from him so she could look down at him as he looked at her with adoration.

"I know. I missed you so much." His grip around her waist tightened, trying to pull her in for another kiss, his body heating up against hers. She could feel one hand rubbing her back, and she smiled, leaning into his kiss once again. She tried to make it short before she pulled back, laughing at him.

"How was your test?" She smiled at him, jumping from his arms, straightening out her uniform, and taking his hand. She led him back toward the ledge, sitting down and looking out to the sun. 

"It was good. I had a good teacher." His hand tightened around hers, making her smile.

"Well, good, your dad expects it." She smiled. He pulled her into him, sitting her on his lap and wrapping his hands around her waist while his head rested on her back.

"He always said that you would be a good influence." She couldn't help but smile at the thought, closing her eyes as he continued to embrace her back. The two stayed that way for a while, him shifting positions so that he held on to her arms, warming them up.

"I was thinking-" she broke the silence, slightly turning her head towards him. His face lifted from her back, and he put his forehead on her shoulder.

"You were thinking?" Her face was unsure, and his face was filled with admiration. He felt her sigh as she turned to face him, breaking apart their back hug.

"What are you doing this Saturday?" Her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands wrapped around her waist.

"My girlfriend usually decides that." He chuckled, looking up at her, and she smiled softly.

"Let's go to the amusement park." She started to sway side to side in his lap, and he held on to her tight.

"If I say yes, will you stop doing that?" He asked, tightening his grip on her hips as she giggled. 

"May-be." She spoke in a sing-songy voice, moving her hips to each sound, and smiled mischievously at him. He breathed in sharply, tightening his grip more, standing up and holding her up around his waist

"Fine." He said, having her bury her face in his neck, and his breathing sharpened. She kissed his neck, and he held himself back, pulling her away. "You are trouble." She smiled with her tongue sticking out the corner of her lips.

"Okay, I'll stop." She tried to jump down, her legs dangling as he continued to hold on. "Let me go." She squealed, but he shook his head.

"I'm not finished with you yet." He shook his head some more, walking towards the door before pressing her back against it. "I love you." He pressed his lips against hers, holding the middle of her back. She melted into the kiss, her arms tightening around his neck as their bodies and lips pressed together. The kiss pulled them into a fantasy, making them lose their bearings, but the bell soon called them back to reality. She pulled herself back, her hand resting on his cheek and grazing his lips.

"Time to go back to school." She sighed deeply, looking into his eyes and smiling.

"Very well," He let her slowly fall from his arms, his hands holding every inch until she was safely on the ground. "You go first. I'll wait up here." He backed away, letting go of her hand slowly as she smiled and moved towards the door. 

"Okay. I'll see you at lunch." She let her hand fall, blowing a soft kiss to him. 

He watched as she opened the door, closed it, and walked down the stairs as he waited per usual. She climbed down the stairs, meeting her friends by the staircase, moving next to the lockers to begin their usual routine. He stayed at the top, looking down at the students walking beneath him before his phone chimed. It was time for his descent. Opening the door, he grabbed his backpack making his way down the stairs. He reached the middle of the stairs, hearing her laughter fill the halls. He peeked in the opening, seeing her against the lockers. She locked eyes with him, giving him the opportunity to wink and make her blush in the process. He smiled, continuing his walk down before an arm wrapped around his shoulder.

"Have fun?" The voice boomed into his ears, making him groan.

"Changbin, relax!" He pushed him away, trying to be released from his hold. 

"Come on, Chan! How's it going?" He kept up pace with him as they passed the girls, waving at them and making them giggle.

"It's fine." He held on to Chan as he tried to walk away from him, but he was not budging. 

"Are you really not going to set me up with her friend?" Chan hit his chest, motioning for him to be quiet.

"I told you, they think you're loud." His friend stopped in his tracks, making Chan laugh at the thought. "Don't worry. I'll keep putting in a good word for you." He smiled and hit his friend's shoulder.

"Are you really, though?" He leaned against his shoulder, looking up at him with soft eyes and holding his arm.

"I'll try, but acting like this won't help." He tried to pull his arm, and Changbin held it.

"Hyung!" He whined, stomping his feet on the floor as he followed.

"Okay, stop. I'm going to be late for class." He laughed, pulling from his friend's grasp and running off down the hall to class. 

He made it into his next room, hoping to get some time to calm himself before class. His heart was pumping already from Soyeon, but now he was out of breath. He walked into the room, going straight to his seat, and placed his backpack at his feet. He sighed loudly as he shuffled through his bag and pulled out a small box that he flipped through his hand. He pulled it underneath the desk, opened it, and smiled at the small ring inside. He put it inside his jacket pocket and sat back in the chair, his hands moving inside the pockets as his brain raced. He mumbled to himself, thinking aloud as the class continued talking loudly.