

Tiny sapling explores multiple worlds as a little carrot pursues him through out each of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No dogblood Pure fluff and romance OP MC and ML Spreading dog food warning Rated R scenes (Wink wonk scenes)

eesee · LGBT+
4 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Getting into the fiasco pt.2

Unapologetic wails screeched throughout an empty hallway originating from a single room.

Clang, clang, Lu Xuezhi fought against the restraints imposed on him. He was fighting so much that a robot arm descended and grabbed Lu Xuezhi neck. His seizing stopped momentarily, as a box containing a white orb descended from the ceiling.

This white orb had multiple small rings around it spinning rapidly around the small orb. It was slowly. Turning pinking reddish in color as time passed in the small clear box.

The box connected with the unclothed back of Lu Xuezhi and the side which touched his back slid open. The orb shoved itself against the back of Xuezhi, even though there was no blood the screeches intensity increased. Xuezhi voice got more horse and his movement got more sluggish. It was as if electricity was making rounds throughout his whole body. He also felt something big and foreign against the middle of his spine.

The orb finally disappeared into Xuezhi and the robot arms went back into the ceiling after being cleaned by the nurses.

Nothing was holding him down but he still remained in the same spot as sweat surrounded his whole body.

Xuezhi vision was fading in and out as the doctors and nurses cleaned the room of an operation that lasted for ten minutes. Eventually they left him to recuperate with instructions to wait at least twenty minutes till moving.

Lu Xuezhi fell asleep after some time and the room was silent in till the door to the two way mirrow was opened. Out stepped a slender figure with head full of curly orange hair. The unknown figure stepped to the side of Xuezhi, and touched a piece of his hair. He brought up a long strand of light brown hair to his nose to sniff out the familiar scent. He bent down and stole a peck off of Xuezhi's flickering eyelids.

By the time that Lu Xuezhi woke up; no one was in the room. Xuezhi got up and suddenly his vision went black as if he blood pressure was low, when his vision cleared he saw an objective list and heard a loud sweet sounding laugh.

"I'M FINALLY FREE!!!!!!!!"

"Master, I'm your companion, orb #0010, and I'm the one to guide you through the worlds!"

"Right now, your main objective is to rest for two days and then I'll transport you to your first mission!"


Poor Lu Xuezhi wasn't thinking of a single thing other then eating. Since this thing was in him, he might as well accept it.

"What should I call you?"

"Master, #0010 doesn't have a name, Master lulu should give #0010 a name!"

"How about kiwi? It's sweet, like your voice."

"Kiwi shall be of service of Master Lulu!"

He didn't pay any mind to the nickname as cutesy things has always interested him.

Lu Xuezhi got private dinner at his room and passed the two days smoothly.

Once it hit the end of the two days Kiwi chimed in to Xuezhi's daily reading time.

"Master Lulu, Lay down as if you are going to sleep, countdown will begin in...3…2…1…"

Lu Xuezhi passed out and entered a black space. He couldn't see anything other then himself, and he seemed to be floating in mid-air. There was a floating white orb with multiple rings of gray surrounding it.

"Since Master lulu is a beginner of traveling, it's mandatory for you to go to a post civilization first before any other world to get used to the time difference."

"Information loading in…..3….2….1"

"Falling Superstar: The Epic Romance"

"The arrogant high schooler Wayne Troy only knew popularity and only saw his point of view at the top of the food chain. Everyday he would commute from home to school then to his agency for idols. Wayne loved it as everyone recognized he was destined for success. That was in till he realized that the absent father that he had was actually a multi trillionaire and expects his mother and son to reunite with him. Because of this, he has to learn to take over the business and handle his idol image together while at a new school for elites. Troy has to survive this fight to stardom as he discovers different sides to himself in five different girls as he learns that there is more then just the top of his mountain."

"The five girls include: Charlotte, Layla, Sophie, Niki, and Sara. You are to bump up the romance in any way possible!"

Lu Xuezhi read through the information and thought that there's hardly any mention of romance for being an 'Epic Romance'.

"Ding ding ding, Mater Lulu your correct!!!"

"We have two separate goals for this story: To bump up the romance, and make the character you are going to be popular!"

Xuezhi said, "I understand the first goal but why the second goal?"

"In order for us to be in the story we have to obtain a body, and usually all body's have wishes to grant. So while you're in the story you have to make progress towards the goal, if not it'll kick you out of the world. It's a give and take relationship."

Lu Xuezhi sighed and said, "Fine, when will we leave?"

"Right now actually! In….3….2…..1…. Let's go!!!!!!!"

A whirlwind of colors filled Xuezhi's vision as his body twisted into a coil and got sucked into a cloud of colors which disappeared over some minutes.