
Card System In Naruto.

Novel in English, if you read in Spanish, look at my profile where you can read the novel in Spanish!!!. I'm new to writing and this will be the first fan-fic I've ever written and I hope you like it. Synopsis. After the death of our protagonist, he found himself inside a white room, where he was allowed to reincarnate, but he did not want to reincarnate, but due to some inexplicable event he is reincarnated in the Naruto anime, not understanding how it happened. Luckily he got a card system, They offer abilities from different worlds ¿How you face your enemies and what decisions you make in this new life? He will decide whether to change the course of history or stop interfering in the events that marked the anime's history or discover the mysteries of his reincarnation and the problems that may appear for his future. Disclaimer: The photos were found on the internet and I took the liberty of editing them a bit. The original images do not belong to me, as does the content of the original manga, anime, and novels. All belong to their respective creators and owners, I just took ideas from different works to create the skills of the main character and develop a bit of the plot for his fan-fic. ... .. .

Tuyomi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
69 Chs

'Chibi 2.0'.

I was a little late with the chapter an apology.



The cool breeze of the dew woke Genji from his long sleep. Genji got up from the long green grass and looked where he was standing.

The sight of him was greeted by an extensive forest of trees, high mountains in the distance, the sweet song of the birds around him, a cloudy sky, and a dense fog that hid much of the place.

"Where I am?".

Genji wondered when trying to climb a tree and see where he was, but when trying to use his chakra to climb the massive tree.

His body had no chakra as if the chakra was fading from his body.

"What's going on?".

Genji was confused by what was happening right now, so he walked aimlessly for a while.

The thick fog gradually dispersed from the vast forest, but Genji could not avoid the strange situation, since he could not remember how he got here and what he was doing before.

At the end of the road along which Genji walked, it was possible to see a high cliff that overlooked a high mountain with a lot of jungle covering a Japanese town or castle.


As he watched in the distance, a female voice echoed around the place, drawing Genji's attention.

A happy and sad song is heard through the forest.

"The birds are already rising, hold out your hand ... We will go together, after the distant sun; We will go together after the distant sun ... We will go together after the distant sun, we will go together when the forest sings."

Genji was listening carefully and for some reason he remembered hearing the voice, he was singing somewhere. Submerging himself in the sad melody, Genji walked down the path toward the singing woman, his eyes clouded as emptiness itself.

The green trees that were hidden by the mist were appearing as he walked down a stone path that formed at his feet.

Genji would weigh in on the change in terrain, but his mind was focused on the sad song he kept hearing.

"Your pains will be my old feelings, your dreams will be my dreams ... Fleeing towns and wandering and happy hunters, when the forest sings we will go far, so far, that the wind will not be able to stop us."

The landscape kept changing with each step Genji took.

Making the voice of the woman louder and clearer.

At the top of the tree, a young woman was sitting on a branch holding a flute in her hands. She was wearing a long purple yukata with some white floral patterns, but her face could not be seen clearly due to a strange light that prevented Genji from seeing.

"Your pains will be my old feelings, your dreams will be my dreams ... Fleeing towns and wandering and happy hunters, when the forest sings we will go far, so far, that the wind cannot stop us."

Genji, who was mesmerized by the melody, recovered himself and looked at the tree in the distance whose leaves had already started to turn yellow and fall to the ground.

However, what stunned Genji was the multi-colored flower that was on top of a branch.

"That flower is…".

The surprise was marked on Genji's face when he recognized the flower, but before continuing to speak, he was interrupted when he heard the end of the song that that mysterious woman was singing.

"Defeated after our way, we will go away from this vain world, we will go together, after the distant sun ... Your hand in my hand for eternity ...".

With those last words, the landscape shattered like a mirror. Everything Genji looked at was gone, as he was greeted by darkness and silence.

At that moment Genji opened his eyes and took care of where he was.

He was lying on a single bed and a few steps from him was his friend Naruto sleeping on another bed with her arms wrapped in a pillow that he hugged with his arms.

Genji placed his hand on his forehead as he remembered the strange dream he had.

"What was that all about?"

Feeling a bit confused, his thoughts were interrupted by a sound.

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

[System has finished the upgrade, would you like to see the new features of chibi 2.0? (Yes / No)].

Although Genji was feeling distressed for some reason, he decided to clear his mind a bit before seeing the system update.

- No -.

Genji got out of bed and left the room. As he left the room he remembered that he was with Jiraiya and Naruto to find Tsunade.

The hotel was traditional and had a small wooden bridge where you could pass to the other side of the hotel, while a small stream of water flowed under the bridge.

Genji sat on the bridge and dipped his feet into the water to feel the coolness of the water, while relaxing, a kitten approached Genji to be pampered.

* Meow * * Meow * The cat meowed at Genji's caresses and purred with joy as she was placed on Genji's legs for him to continue stroking her.

As she enjoyed the water and entertained her mind with the little kitten, a voice spoke to her.

"You seem like I wasn't the only one who couldn't get to sleep."

"I imagined you were spying on the ladies' room, Jiraiya."

"* Cough * * Cough * The toilets are under maintenance and will be up and running in an hour."

"That explains why you are talking to me and not spying on the girls," Genji said as he continued stroking the kitten.

Jiraiya looked at Genji and knew that something was happening, but he understood that it was not correct to ask about personal things, however, he asked him something that he had in mind.

"Are you thinking about what happened to Akatsuki?"

"No ... I think Akatsuki was only investigating information from Naruto and Itachi took the moment to use it as an excuse and see with his own eyes, if his younger brother was alright. Too bad he ran into us at the dangos stand and had to escape from the village. " Genji replied.

"If you hadn't caused a lot of destruction with the explosive seals and alerted all of Konoha to think they were being attacked by an allied village. Perhaps Itachi would continue to search for Naruto in the village."

"Maybe you are right".

Genji told him when he remembered what happened with Itachi and Kisame.

The situation did not go unnoticed by the Konoha police, but Genji did not want to be involved in any more trouble, so he escaped using 'Bringer light'.

Then he thought of asking for help from his closest friends but discarded that thought so as not to get his friends in trouble and the end decided to look for the only person who could be trusted in Konoha because of his wise status.

It wasn't difficult for Genji to find Jiraiya, "I need you to help me with a little problem, Jiraiya."

"Sorry kid, but I'm only interested in women and I'm busy right now," Jiraiya told him by continuing to spy on the girls with his binoculars and ignoring Genji as if he did not exist.

Genji was in no mood to listen to his nonsense, "I and Naruto were attacked by Akatsuki."

Jiraiya digested Genji's information and told him to follow him to a more private place to discuss what happened.

While chatting for an hour, Jiraiya warned him not to say anything for the safety of his disciple. After talking for an hour, Jiraiya also released Naruto from genjutsu and thus ended the day with Genji and Naruto meeting the two Akatsuki members.

The next day Naruto refused to go with Jiraiya if Genji did not go with them since he learned that he would be free from community work, and Naruto took the opportunity to help his friend escape from work.

Naruto's complaints were enough for Jiraiya to give up and agree to take Genji with them.

Jiraiya used his connections to get the councilors to approve his mission and get two Chunin out of the village, and in the end, he ended up taking Genji and Naruto in their search for the new Hokage.

Jiraiya was a bit against wearing it at first, but it was also the perfect opportunity to understand Genji's character and ask him about a few things.



"I think I'll go back to bed." He told Genji as he carried the kitten in his arms and returned to his room.

"Remember to wake up Naruto because today we will leave early."

"Very well". Genji said as he walked calmly.

Genji stopped in front of his bedroom door and put the kitten on the floor, and then gave him a piece of fish that he had kept in the storage room.

He then entered the room and lay down on his bed again, but with a calm mind, he told the system.

- I want to see the system improvements -.

[Affirmative ... Chibi 2.0 system has been completely updated, I wait a moment ... The system has had some changes that may be very important for the user, please choose an option.

~ Cars.

~ Objectives.

~ Map

~ User].

Genji chose the user option since it caught his attention.

[The system has created a practical way for the user to see information about himself and some people.

Name Genji Shimada.

Age: 13 years and eight months.

Condition: Excellent.

Health: 30,300 health and increasing.

Chakra: 41,240 and increasing by his bloodline.

Chibi coins: 0 coins.

Level 20.

Affective state: Love, enthusiasm, hope, humor, excitement, motivation, overwhelmed, anxiety, guilt, disappointment, worry, resentment, and sadness.

° Scanning: New tool that works by touching a person and giving basic information about their statistics].

Genji didn't want to admit his emotions, but it seems that the system looks at the user's mental state.

Then he looked at the information of the new tool and wanted to test it on his friend Naruto who was a few meters away, so he got up from the bed and touched the hand of his friend.

[* Ding * Information obtained from Naruto:

Name Naruto Uzumaki.

Age: 13 years and four months.

Condition: Excellent.

Health: 70,000 growing by his bloodline and increased by the help of the Biju.

Chakra: 95,660 continues to grow and increases by the number of tails of the Biju.

The affective state of Naruto to Genji: joy, acceptance, fun, enthusiasm, happiness, and motivation.

+ Naruto considers Genji one of his best friends and his greatest rival. He wants to remain best friends with him for the rest of his life and will support him the best he can].

"That's why we are good friends," Genji said proudly returning to his bed and continuing to view the system information.

[You have selected the cards tab… Wait a moment].

Genji wanted to see the new information of the cards, - Possibly it would be a good or bad thing depending on the improvement of the system, I hope it is something very good -.

[The system received a different energy signal than the one used on this planet. Preventive measures will be taken for the future of the user, providing another tool that helps the user to be able to use most of their cards stored or in use.

° Chakra accumulator: This new tool allows the user to accumulate chakra infinitely in the system to allow the use of active cards.

Active cards, can be linked with the new tool, and the use of passive cards cannot be linked with this tool, if the user tries to link passive cards with the chakra accumulator, it will give a wrong answer.

Note: The user needs to understand that the cards that need physical strength and chakra, cannot be linked with the new tool, and some cards will also have some change because they need to accumulate chakra to support the use.

The system is aware that some of its cards cannot be used because they can cause injuries to the user or due to the lack of chakra in their body, but with the integration of this new tool, the user will not have to worry about injuries, since that the system will support it and increase the survival rate of the user.

Cards that can use the chakra accumulator;

¬ Common: Experienced caster ~ 'Second generation ☆☆' {Requires 15,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Common: Release {Requires 10,000 chakra to activate}

¬ Rare: Blurred Assault {Requires 2,000 chakra to activate and expends 60 chakra per second}.

¬ Rare: Paint the Future {Requires 5,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Rare: Melody of Madness {Requires 25,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Rare: Earthflow {It takes 2,000,000 chakra to activate and expends 1,000 chakra per second}.

¬ Rare: Great King Zero {It takes 4,000,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Rare: Bakudo # 77 {It takes 500,000 chakra to activate and expends 5,000 chakra per second}.

¬ Rare: Steal {Requires 3,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Legend: Telekinesis {Requires 2,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Legend: Rho Aias {It takes 7,000,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Legend: Gate {Requires 100,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Celestial: Imagine breaker {It takes 15,000 chakra to activate}.

¬ Celestial: Swamp Kingdom {It takes 2,500,000 chakra to activate and spends 1,000,000 per minute}.

The user wants to test how the tool works (Yes / No)].

"This is fantastic, yeah." Emotion was clear on Genji's face as he jumped up from the bed.

Genji started thinking about this new tool that would help him double his strength in no time, as he came up with the ingenious idea of using his 'personal sealing chains' to accumulate chakra in the system and then retrieve his chakra from other people.

(Note: I'll start using 'Personal Sealing Chains' instead of 'Diamond Sealing Chains').

It was the perfect match and he also understood how much chakra consumption was used in the active cards.

[To use the tool, the user has to take the most comfortable posture they want and release the chakra in their environment. Then the system will start gathering and storing the chakra].

Genji did as he was told and lay down on the bed comfortably, while releasing his chakra, his body began to be covered by a blue hue all over his body and little by little the sweat was produced by releasing large amounts of his chakra.

This process finished in seconds and the system gave him the amount of chakra stored.

['Chakra Accumulator collected 30,000 chakra' ~ User has 11,240 chakra left in his body].

Genji wiped the sweat off his forehead, as a smile played on his face.

- This is excellent, now I have to rest to recover my chakra and in my free time I will store some of my chakra, System show me the map improvement! -.



