
Come what may

Bang! Bang!

It wasn't just one bullet but two.

Kristofer opened his eyes. He knew it was nothing but a dream. But, the cold sweat that dripped along his face made it impossible to brush it off as simply a part of his past.

It haunted him.

The sound of the bullet.

The look of acceptance on his nanny's eyes.

It was as if she just understood that in order to save Kristofer, she needed to die.

Kristofer stared at his empty bedside. Anna must have gone off somewhere and he had no clue where.

Since he can't even reach his wheelchair, he was left to stare at the ceiling.

The dimness of his room allowed him to think of that tragic accident.

Two bullets. When he thought back about the man who abducted him, it had Kristofer wondering why he didn't even have any weapon with him.

He could have used a gun to get Kristofer.

He could also brought a knife to threaten him.