

Heart hammering against her chest, Anna squinted her eyes over the thick glasses that shielded her eyes from being recognized.

A black cap was on her head and she wore a loose shirt and pants. All in all, she looked like a kid trying to hide her puffy eyes and also her messy hair.

But, she didn't mind. If anything, she could clearly resemble the image inside her head.

Her primary target was at the counter right now, the cashier blushing at what Anna would imagine a simple compliment from Brett Prestman.

According to her research, Brett Prestman invites his associates to a coffee shop. For any casual business talks, he would have a coffee session with whoever was involved at the meeting.

The only times he would stay inside his office if it seemed too confidential and involved documents not permitted to be brought outside.

It was one out of the many things that most people liked about Brett Prestman.