

He got blind, he was disgusted by himself. But little did he know that this would introduce him to HER, his LOVE, his LIFE, his SWEET ADDICTION and his OBSESSION. "Before meeting you, I use to think that there are two kinds of love....The kind of love, you would die for and the kind of love, you would kill for. But you, my darling! You're the kind of love, I want to live for!" . . . . . . . . ~minimum 2 chapters per week~ . . . . . instragram ID :- _sumaya_khatun_ you can connect with me through this account. . . . If you have any suggestions or want any changes in this story, plz feel free to let me know through message in insta.

Sumaya_khatun · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


In mansion, leo was becoming crazy! He never ever thought that the absence of a normal girl could effect him this much.

"BELLA!! WHERE ARE YOU? COME BACK TO ME!!" he broke down while saying this.

anyone could feel the pain in his heart just by seeing this state of him.

"ARGh!! guards!!! you're such a useless filthy trash that I'm raising!! you still couldn't find an ordinary girl?? she is not just a girl! she's my LIFE! only I can understand the feelings I'm holding for her!! if I had eyes then she might have been in my arms instead of some random place on this earth!!"

leo was continuously blabbering while crying miserably. Even his workers fell sorry for him.

The maid dialed bella's phone number and she answered the call.


"hello! mam? please come back to the mansion! I'm so scared! sir might do something bad! he didn't eat or drink since you left him!" the maid said in one breath through the call to bella withought even giving her a chance to speak.

"what? he didn't eat anything? go! make him eat however! he is also taking medication, so it's not good for him to starve like this-"

Bella was cut off when leo snatched the mobile out of the maid's hand.


leo became speechless when bella dismissed the call soon as she heard Leo's voice. Leo stood in his place withought any momentum while the mobile slowly slipped down from his hand.

"ahh! my precious mobile!" the maid kneeled down and held her mobile in her hand as if it was a delicate flower.

Leo just walked back to his room while tripping off sometimes.

withought anyone's help, he made it to the bed and sat their silently withought uttering a single word. It felt like the silence before storm!

Meanwhile, as bella cut the call, she cried silently.

"why? why god? why? why do I need to be the most unluckiest girl? I lost both my father and mother! atlast, leo was the only one who loved me! but I've broke his heart too" she said to herself while crying.

"The loneliness I felt before when I had no one by my said, I'm feeling it again! this time, even more!" she burst out into tears while her sobbing echoed in the whole house.

next day, bella went to hospital for her chemotherapy. After the completion of the therapy, doctor handed her the reports and said.

"bella, actually we assumed that you would have only 1 week left. But fortunately, due to your patience and the therapy, it seems like you are going to live for few more days than we assumed!" doctor said to her expecting her to be a bit more hopeful but to his surprise, she seemed sad.

"but I thought that I could be relieved from this misery soon-" she got cut off by the doctor.

"I guess you should be happy that you're recovering and if you continue taking your therapy sessions then you might recover fully and live for long like others"

in response, bella smiled sadly and said "what's the use of living for more days, doctor? while my charm has already gone from my life!" saying this, she walked off from the hospital.


A tall and handsome guy was fixing his Rolex wrist watch while setting his hair. As soon as he was done, he headed out of the house for the office. He arrived at the parking and stood near car and waited for the butler to open the door.

as the butler opened it, the man hoped in the passenger seat, while the car drove off!

Meanwhile, bella came out of the examine room and jumped into hailey's arms!

"I made it!!! I made it!!! I'm-I'm out of cancer!! I can live my life happily like others. most importantly, I could live the rest of my life with him!!! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!" bella said while tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks.



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