

He got blind, he was disgusted by himself. But little did he know that this would introduce him to HER, his LOVE, his LIFE, his SWEET ADDICTION and his OBSESSION. "Before meeting you, I use to think that there are two kinds of love....The kind of love, you would die for and the kind of love, you would kill for. But you, my darling! You're the kind of love, I want to live for!" . . . . . . . . ~minimum 2 chapters per week~ . . . . . instragram ID :- _sumaya_khatun_ you can connect with me through this account. . . . If you have any suggestions or want any changes in this story, plz feel free to let me know through message in insta.

Sumaya_khatun · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


*The door bell rang!*

A young lady opened the door. As soon as she saw the person on the other side of the door, a wide smile crept on her face.

"Hey! bella! how have you been? long time no see!" the young lady said while hugging bella.

"Hi hailey!" bella said sadly while forcing a smile on her face which didn't go unnoticed by hailey.

"bae! is something wrong?" hailey asked her with a concerned face.

"I-it's no-" before she could finish, she burst out into tears while hailey got worried and held her tight.

"it's okay! come inside and tell me what happened!" hailey said while directing bella to the couch.

"So now, tell me! what's wrong with you? where's my 'always happy and cheerful' bella? what did you do to my friend?!" she asked her with a frown on her face.

"she's dead!" bella said and again cried. Hailey got worried. she patted her back to calm her down.

"stop it! don't say like that! what's wrong with you?" hailey asked but bella replied in broken words while crying.

"L-Leo! I-I love-" she covered her face in her palm and again cried.

"wait! let me bring some water for you!" saying this, hailey went to kitchen and returned with a glass of water.

"here you go!" hailey handed her the glass of water which she accepted and gulped in one go!

"Now tell me!! what happened?!" hailey asked bella while trying to analyze her face.

"i-it's leo! I love him more than myself! I don't know that how come I'd fell so hard for him! but, but! I need to reject him while he felt the same for me too! I broke his heart! I broke the heart of my own beloved one! I'm a bad person!!" saying this, bella started hitting her head while hailey tried to stop her. When bella calmed, hailey said...

"Then why don't you tell him already that the reason you rejected him is due to your CANCER! maybe he understands you and be with you if he really do love you." it's here! she said it! The reason bella reject leo, the only one in her heart, is because she had cancer!

"No! no way!! I can't! I'd better reject him and make him hate me rather than accepting him and then leaving him all alone in misery and pain!" she said while explaining her decision.

"I can understand. But what if you can't make your place in his heart once again due to this?" hailey had a point!

"it's ok! I just want him to be happy! if I reject him then he will hate me and eventually move on. But if I accept him and if he fell more for me, then it would be so hard for him to forget me!" she said sadly and lowered her head.

"So what you're gonna do now?" hailey asked bella.

she scoffed and replied "I WILL WAIT FOR MY DEATH!"



The next chapter will come very soon. Please look forward to it!

Sumaya_khatuncreators' thoughts