

He got blind, he was disgusted by himself. But little did he know that this would introduce him to HER, his LOVE, his LIFE, his SWEET ADDICTION and his OBSESSION. "Before meeting you, I use to think that there are two kinds of love....The kind of love, you would die for and the kind of love, you would kill for. But you, my darling! You're the kind of love, I want to live for!" . . . . . . . . ~minimum 2 chapters per week~ . . . . . instragram ID :- _sumaya_khatun_ you can connect with me through this account. . . . If you have any suggestions or want any changes in this story, plz feel free to let me know through message in insta.

Sumaya_khatun · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


It was night already and leo was eagerly waiting for bella. 'cough'! 'cough'! I mean, his dinner.

Bella, herself came to feed him his dinner since he threatened her to fire her.

She knocked the door and entered the room. Atlast for leo, the moment he was waiting for has arrived.

She came close to him and leo could know that it's her in no time.

She didn't say anything but shoved a spoonful of food to his mouth. Leo opened his mouth when he felt the spoon harshly touching his lips.

Leo couldn't dare to say anything either. There was an awkward silence between them. Both were reluctant to talk. As bella was about to live after she finished feeding him, leo grabbed her arm making her stop.

"I am sorry bella" leo said, breaking the silence.

"for what?" she asked him eventhough she knew why.

"for touching you withought your permission" he said while his head stung low.

"I-It's okay" she said hesitantly and started walking out of the room when leo called her out again.

"bella, the people who says that Disney land is the happiest place, has clearly never stood next to you. For me, I feel that being with you is the happiest moment I could ever live. I hope you could be in my place for once!! so that you could have an idea that how precious you are to me! I could simply ask you to be mine but..." he sighed and smiled sadly. Then he continued

"who would love back a blind, bella?"

Hearing this, bella was stunned! she never thought that he was insecure of his blindness.

"I LOVE YOU, BELLA! All that you are is all that I'll ever need! I've fallen in love many times in this past four days....but always with you."

his feelings were genuine, seeing this bella's heart was overwhelmed. She just wanted to hug him tight and say that she don't care about him being blind at all. But there was something which was stopping her.

"SORRY LEO! I DON'T FEEL THE SAME FOR YOU!" saying this she left him all alone and heart broken.

Both Leo's and bella's eyes were shedding tears. Leo's tears are reasonable but what's wrong with bella? why is she crying when she doesn't feel the same for him.

Leo ran behind her to stop her but he fell on the ground.

Bella atlast left him in a really very miserable state. He was screaming and crying like a mad person.

He started smashing all the things in the room. Suddenly something strike in his mind.

"you're just like hulk! you crash everything when you get angry "

When he remembered that moment, he became even more angrier and started screaming and hurting himself like crazy.

Now the room was all dark and messed up. Bella left him in a cold room filled with dark aura. His eyes were bloodshot red.

Anyone could pee in their pants just by the look of him. The person who could calm him and get him back to his own state was bella!

Leo cried himself to sleep. He slept on the cold floor.

The next morning, leo woke up from his slumber and his head was hurting like crazy due to all that crying.

He called out for bella with a week voice. Afrer the previous incident, he wanted to meet her even more.

"BELLA! where are you?? come here!!" hearing his voice, a maid came rushing to his room.

"yes, sir! do you need something? " a maid entered the room and asked him.

By the fact that bella didn't come to him and sent a maid, made him go bonkers.

"WHERE IS BELLA? SEND HER!! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT I DON'T WANT ANYONE ELSE EXCEPT BELLA AROUND ME??" he screamed at her face, scaring the shi*t out of that maid. She got scared by his ruthlessness right now!

"S-Sir t-that..b-bella resign the caretaker job. She already left today morning" the maid knew that this is the end of her.

"WHAT??? HOW DARE SHE??!!!" the maid got scared and ran for her life. Leo was again in a messed up state.

He can't believe that she left him. He was totally in misery and messed up.

Atlast he was tired and fell to the ground.

"Why am I even scared to lose her while she was never even mine!" leo said sadly while tears were running down his cheeks but a faded smile was crept on his face.

Meanwhile bella was heading out to her house in a taxi. But her state was not good either. She was miserably crying. But controlled herself because she was in public.

"I'm Sorry leo, I'm so bad! I did hurt you. You were the last person I'd ever wanted to hurt. You'll always be the apple of my eye. I wanted to hug you, to caress you, to kiss you and say that I love you too. But i can't! I have my own reason. I am sorry leo." bella said while looking out of the window and tears were flowing down from her eyes.

She was staring out the window and continuously crying. She was pitying on her own miserable life.



What could be her reason to not accept him? any guesses? comment down below!!

Sumaya_khatuncreators' thoughts