

He got blind, he was disgusted by himself. But little did he know that this would introduce him to HER, his LOVE, his LIFE, his SWEET ADDICTION and his OBSESSION. "Before meeting you, I use to think that there are two kinds of love....The kind of love, you would die for and the kind of love, you would kill for. But you, my darling! You're the kind of love, I want to live for!" . . . . . . . . ~minimum 2 chapters per week~ . . . . . instragram ID :- _sumaya_khatun_ you can connect with me through this account. . . . If you have any suggestions or want any changes in this story, plz feel free to let me know through message in insta.

Sumaya_khatun · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


The next morning, leo woke up and smiled remembering the way he slept really very peacefully in bella's embrace last night.

He again float his hand to the side to find his comfort, but for his disappointment, he just found the empty bed.

He wanted to feel her skin so badly, that he screamed out her name loud.

"Bella!! where are you gone?!" by hearing his loud noices, bella came to him in rush.

"yah! why are you shouting?!! what happened?!" she came to him while screaming back.

"why did you live me all alone? huh? you know that I'm scared of loneliness right?!" he yelled at her while pouting cutely like a baby.

"awe! when did our leo baby get this habit?" she asked him teasingly.

But he replied her sincerely and seriously "since the time, you entered into my life" he kinda said it softly and romantically which made bella blush hard!!

"T-Then what can I do?" she stuttered "stupid! why did you stutter?" she facepalmed internally. "The chef is on leave today and I need to make your breakfast too, why don't you wait for few more minutes? " she asked him while raising an eyebrow.

"Nooo...Then take me with you! you cook and I'll sit" he whined like a baby. Bella gave up and sighed.

"okay, okay! anything for you majesty!" hearing this, leo giggled.

leo throw his arms as if she was going to carry him in bridal stile to the kitchen.

"Hey! what do you think of yourself?? just that I call you baby doesn't mean that you're really a baby that you're telling me to carry you!" hearing this, he again pouted.

"please, stop it! you look like a pig while doing that!" she said while chuckling.

"what did you say? you brat? don't you know that I'm your boss? and You need to respect me? if I could be able to see then I must had pulled your ears...." he was babbling like a grandma.

"okay, okay! I'm sorry! I can't win over you! now come on! give me your arm" saying this, bella supported leo and directed him to the kitchen counter.

"okay, you sit here! I'll go and cook!" leo hummed in response.

"well...what are you going to cook?" bella turned back to face him and replied, "omelet rice!"

"you know what bella? I'm scared" he said while pretending like he is really scared.

"what? but why?" she asked confusingly.

"because you're the one who is cooking!!" he said and laughed as if he cracked the funniest joke.

bella looked pissed but instantly replied with a proud smirk "Actually, I'm not that noob at cooking! you'll see!" leo gave a amused look due to her confidence.

As she made the food, the delicious smell of the food filled his nostrils, making his mouth water.

"How much time will you take bella?" he yelled in air and hoped it would reach to her direction.

"it's done! " saying this, she placed the delicious omelet rice on the dining table. which was filling the area with mouth watering smell.

bella took a spoon full of it and shoved into Leo's already large open mouth.

He chewed it and lost in a different world. He ate it while enjoying it to the fullest. The plate was empty before he realized.

"what? it's already over?? that quick?" he was really amused! he never ate this delicious omlet rice, not even in ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ restaurant.

"now tell me, are you still scared?" she asked totally being proud of her cooking skills.

leo gulped and then replied "umm okay. it would be a lie if I say it wasn't tasty. But I need to admit that you're such a 'wifey material' like...you're beautiful, you're caring, you're a good cooker! tsk I mean a good cook! and you're quite professional at your work" he finished saying his thoughts.

"wow! never imagined that YOU would say this all!" leo scoffed by hearing this and dramatically said...

"Never heard this before, right? guess I'm the first guy to complement you this much" he again scoffed.

But bella crashed his expectations by saying, "No!"

"huh? what do you mean by 'no'?" he asked while narrowing his brows.

"I mean no! you're not the first" hearing this, a pout automatically formed on his lips.

"Oh really? I wonder whose that blind?" he said mockingly which didn't go that easy to her.

"it's none of your business!" she said rudely and stormed off.

"hey!! wait! drop me back at my room!! bella!!" he yelled but she didn't budge a bit.

"uff! this girl again left me helplessly!!"



Hope you liked this chapter, plz don't forget to rate it!

Love you all❤

Sumaya_khatuncreators' thoughts