

He got blind, he was disgusted by himself. But little did he know that this would introduce him to HER, his LOVE, his LIFE, his SWEET ADDICTION and his OBSESSION. "Before meeting you, I use to think that there are two kinds of love....The kind of love, you would die for and the kind of love, you would kill for. But you, my darling! You're the kind of love, I want to live for!" . . . . . . . . ~minimum 2 chapters per week~ . . . . . instragram ID :- _sumaya_khatun_ you can connect with me through this account. . . . If you have any suggestions or want any changes in this story, plz feel free to let me know through message in insta.

Sumaya_khatun · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


"wow! it's been so long since I last saw this place" bella said while smiling and staring at the mansion infront of her.

She entered in and the maid inside, welcomed her!

"Hi miss bella! it's happy to see u again after a long time!" the maid said and bowed.

"same here!" bella said and returned the bow.

"well, what bring you here today?" the maid asked out of curiosity.

"actually, leo wanted a personal caretaker and he dropped a advertisement about it right? so I came to apply for it!" she said while smiling ear to ear. But this sentence of her, dropped the smile on the maid's face.

"w-what? actually a kind information for you, leo sir managed to get a great surgeon who did his eye surgery and now sir's eyesight is back!" the maid should have said it cheerfully but why did she said it with an upset tone?

"WHAT?? REALLY?!! WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE!!!" bella said excitedly. She was genuinely happy for him.

"if so, then why does he need a caretaker? " bella asked confusingly.

"Go to the drawing room, you will find sir there and he will explain that why is he in need of a caretaker" the maid said and lowered her head.

bella find this weird but decided to ignore it and headed towards the drawing room.

"I hope he would recognize me through my voice!! what would his reaction be like after seeing me for the first time with his eyes??" bella thought while she entered the drawing room.

"h-" bella got cut off by the tall and handsome man with a strict aura standing inside.

"Are you the one who came to be my girlfriend's caretaker? if so, then your duty starts from now! Just go to my girlfriend's room and help her in whatever she wants. Let's talk about your payment after I be back from the office" saying this, leo urged out of the room even withought glancing at bella or letting her speak.

bella stood there frozen, before she collapsed to the ground as her tears streamed down like a river.

"g-girlfriend? is h-he ki-kidding me???" she broke down on the cold floor just as leo did a year ago after she left him.

soon as the maid saw her hopeless situation, she ran to her and comforted her! the maid knew that this is going to happen.

as the maid was comforting bella, bella shared her pain and told the reason behind her rejection.

"I waited hours, days, months and year for him!! but HE!!!??" Saying this, she again broke down.

"Let's not loose the hope! if you try, then you can again win over him! a bottom of my heart believes that he still likes you. Although his girlfriend, Jane is such a slu*t!! he came into relationship with her just in trial to move on from you! he was in miserable state and that Jane took advantage of it!!" the maid said and patted bella's back, filling hope inside her.

bella stood up and nodded while wiping her tears.

As soon as bella entered the room, she saw a messed up room! things are thrown here and there.

"So here's one more bit*ch that he has appointed!! why can't he just take care of me instead of appointing dumbasses for me!!?" a stern voice spoke rudely to bella, making her lift her head from the messed floor and see the owner of that vulgar voice.

as she lifted her head, she saw a lazy looking girl sleeping on the bed, looking more than fine. The girl look back at bella and their eyes met.

They both felt a rival connection between them!

"so this is that slut! *cough!* *cough!* I mean jane" bella said to herself in mind.

Jane checked out bella. she already started to feel jealous, bella was so pretty and her sweet floral fragrance matches her aura. jane glanced her head to toe and said.

"You're not going to last long!" jane said and scoffed sarcastically.

"Let's see that who actually is not going to last long!" bella said and smirked at her which made Jane's smirk drop. Seeing bella, jane felt a bit threatened.

"Don't tell me that you are the hoe* that he told me about!" jane said while wishing a 'no' from her.

"Wow! you're not that dumb as I thought!! but i don't think that he addressed me as a hoe right?" bella carried a smirk all the while.

jane scoffed and looked away!

"well, you don't look like you need a caretaker unless you're a baby!" bella asked her demanding an answer.

" Yes, you're right! I'm his baby after all!!" jane said dramatically while pouting which made bella's blood boil!!

"Actually he was not giving more attention and money to me! so I'm acting sick!! to get what I want. I even bribed the doctor!" she said and flip her hair, being proud of her dirty game!

"You don't truly love him, am I right?" bella asked while glaring at jane.

"nope! who said? i like him....he is handsome, rich and popular-" she got cut off by bella.

"It's attraction!! not love!!" bella said while glaring at her.

"huh!! whatever!! You're saying as if you loved him truly!! you left him because he was blind" jane said rudely and rolled her eyes at her.

bella closed her eyes tightly to control her anger.

"Now come and clean my room, MAID!" jane said and smirked at bella.

"it's caretaker!!" bella said while jane kept a serious expression on her face.

"Same thing!! also call me 'ma'am. Now go and clean the floor" jane said rudely while pushing bella with her leg, indicating her to proceed.

bella got really angry but she controlled her tempered and replied calmly.

"okay, ma'am!" saying this, bella left the room to bring equipments to clean.

"also bring me a glass of juice" jane shouted to make her voice reach bella .

bella returned with mop and juice.

bella handed jane the glass and bent to clean the floor.

meanwhile, jane intentionally dropped the glass to the floor, making it shattered all around the floor.

"oops! my bad!! now clean that too." jane said and laughed sarcastically.

But still bella kept her calm and continued doing her work!!



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