
Chapter 45 Nirvana

The 55th Royal Bomber Squadron of the Prosen Royal Air Force, Squadron ten, was flying in formation towards their bombing target with two Do 217s.

Inside the lead plane's cockpit, the radio operator was calling ground forces, "Bald Eagle calling Wild Wolf, Bald Eagle calling Wild Wolf, please respond."

After waiting a while and as he was about to call again, a response came through the radio, which could be heard throughout the plane via the intercom.

"This is Wild Wolf, go ahead."

The radio operator glanced at the squadron commander.

The commander spoke, "Wild Wolf, please use the Panzer IV's main tank gun to fire a Smoke Bomb and mark the priority targets. Bald Eagle out."

There was silence for a few seconds before the reply came, "Understood. Marking priority targets, Wild Wolf out."
