
Chapter seventeen

10th grade

I was ready to jump from that balcony and die right on the cement as my face was flushed red, but I knew that infamous Kryptonian was listening to our conversation not so far away. This was all her fault! She made me ask her! And I knew that I would get rejected! Then we would eat ten tons of ice cream and try to forget what happened, then I would be crashed because I got friendzoned and never leave my house again, maybe not never but 100% sure not for 2 years tho, then I would not graduate and then no diploma no job I would be single and-

"Of course I will go out on a date with you" Sarah interrupted my thoughts about possible future, and laughed at my stupid dumbfounded red face

"Wait what?" I blinked not believing my ears, maybe there was something wrong with them cuz I clearly heard it wrong

"You know I liked you from the 6th grade yeah?" I blinked harder

"Wait what?" Now I totally knew that something was wrong with my ears. Sarah furrowed her brows

"You really didn't get all these signs that I tried to send you?" What signs? What? She liked me? Really really liked me? Sarah looked at my face "Sometimes I don't get it how you are so innocent and stupid then cute at the same time"

"You and Diego both"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Lena realized that she said that out loud and tried to recover herself from being flushed red

"I-I didn't say anything" Kara looked at her suspiciously "just go on the story" Kara never left her gaze and said

"Fine" Kara coughed "12th grade, week before prom, Sarah was having family dinner and that evening-"

"Wait wait wait" Lena signed her to stop "how do you know Sarah's thoughts?" She looked at her eyes furrowed. Kara nervously adjusted her glasses

"Uh.... because I may have read her diary too?" Lena snickered

"You little unprivatic alien"

"There is no word like that! Anyway....

"Sarah, we know about your boyfriend that you tried to hide from us" I dropped fork as that same words that I had nightmares of came out of my mothers mouth "you thought you could hide something from us darling?" I quickly got up

"Mama, Papa I'm so sorry. I know I should have told you, but you said no dating till graduation and I-" My dad cut me off

"No no, we like him" my eyes went wide

"Wait you do?" I looked from my dad to my mom

"Yes we do darling. He is a decent man and very sweet, he was here today and explained everything to us" I furrowed my brows

"He did?" There was no way Diego could do that.... I asked him many times to do that but, he was scared of my family.

"and he asked us for your hand to prom"

"Excuse me what?" I blinked "and you said yes?" The suspicious mind didn't want to believe. My mother nodded

"Yes bob is a good-" woah woah woah I shut my eyes and cut her off

"Bob who? Bobby Wilson?"

"Who the cow is bobby Wilson?"

"Oh he was just in our school"

"But who was he? Did he do something? Was he a bad guy?"

"Uh...um, he didn't like Diego that's for sure, he was some kind of bully. He liked Sarah because she was rich and pretty, plus he bullied Diego, a lot, I always stood up for him so he then started to prank me, that's why I always went to class with soaked clothes or my locker exploded in my face" Lena made a mental reminder to visit bobby and pin him to the wall only in underwear in public for that

"Yes Bob Wilson" my dad nodded "his family is decent and rich-" I shook my head

"I don't want to go to prom with him! I already have a-" I stopped, they don't know about Diego

"I already promised Kara to go with her because her date dumped her and she needs support?"

"Someone dumped you?!"

"Lena, can we not? You interrupt me every 5 minutes"

"No, you will go with Bob to prom, he already asked us and we said yes, it would be inappropriate and impolite to turn him down now" I got up and ran to my room, my parents didn't even try to call me to stay. I quickly got to my room, changed pink skirt to black hoodie and jeans, then opened window and sneaked out. I did thar for the past 3 years. Then with little thud I jumped and ran to house which was 1km away from mine. When I saw familiar window I stopped and picked up a tiny rock, but I didn't have to throw it because infamous Alien heard everything and opened the door before I even got a chance. She looked at me with tired eyes and nodded her head, then I heard lights flicked and steps reaching me, front door opened and I saw my school best friend Kara Danvers in unicorn pj's

"Oh my god. Do you still have that pijamas?" Kara rolled her eyes in response

"Hey Sarah, Diego is upstairs sleeping like a pig" she wasn't surprised because me and Diego contacted like this since 8th grade. And Diego stayed at Kara's quite a lot. I quickly stomped the stairs, quietly, on tiptoes passed older Danvers's room and opened the door of guest aka Diego's room. I found him on the bed, his legs and hands in the position that normal human couldn't possibly form, his head near the edge. I went near and crouched

"Diego?" I heard myself say quietly. Then a little louder "Diego?" No response "DIEGO!" he woke up and nearly fell off the bed. Then looked me confused in the eyes

"Sarah? What..." but he was interrupted

"Your stupid brother happened"

"His brother?"

"My brother?" I rolled eyes

"Yes your adoptive mr. I will steal your girlfriend brother" Diego sighed

"What did he do this time?"

"Oh nothing much, just went to my parents and told them he was my boyfriend" Diego sat right up like cheetah

"What?" And then I told Diego all of the events that happened today. At the end, he spoke

"Maybe it's better this way" I couldn't hear my ears

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe you should pretend that he is your boyfriend? And your parents would be okay with that" I sat up and looked at him not believing any of that

"How can you ask me something like that?" Diego was quiet "bobby is disgusting, dumb and stupid narcissistic boy who doesn't care about anything but his mirror! How can you ask me to do something like that?"

"C'mon! It will be fake and you don't have to go out with him and do something. Just avoid him in school, but don't deny that he is your boyfriend okay? We can go through this darling. Come here" he signed me "come come. That's right" he held me tight "everything will be okay"