
Chapter 6

I stretch myself, also feeling surprisingly well despite the blows I took last night. I'm calm too, one hand on the withers of my hairy companion, I feel like nothing can happen to me anymore. I catch my eyes on his steely gaze while scratching his cheeks.

"Carlos has probably decided to sell me to a vampire! " I explained to him after thinking about this idea of taking blood.

I think this is the only possible explanation for their behavior yesterday. I've heard of auctions of human beings before and knowing my father-in-law, it would seem logical to me that he would participate. While thinking, I continue to pet my dog who growls softly as if he understands what is happening.

"But you know what? " I continued suddenly full of hope and energy, Well, I'm not afraid anymore! I'm going to apply for my visa for Canada! No matter what, I'm out of here! I'll take a week to sort this out...