
Chapter 14

A flash of dark fur hits Connor who flies across the room. A few seconds later, my wolf hangs over me with his teeth out, ready to tear anyone who approaches me to pieces like the first time he saved me. The hoarse growl it emits rattles the walls, paralyzing the humans in the room.

My father-in-law's henchmen, paralyzed at first, eventually come to their senses, so they take out their weapons ready to kill him. However the latter did not come alone, other wolves enter the room howling, sending them sprawling on the ground with their claws and fangs. Shots ring out in retaliation, but I already can't see the scene anymore since the Brindle is lying on top of me to protect me, I only hear rabid screams and grunts.

However, the room is not large enough for a battle of this magnitude. Flattened on the ground, I see pieces of false ceiling and placo collapsing, spreading a terrible dust, while I fear that the building will fall on our heads.