
Chapter 07

"Now where were you?!" I heard mum speak in very angered tone.

"I told you that I was with-" I got interrupted.

"Hey mate!" I heard Keith's voice and I sighed.

"I-" before any word could come out of my mouth I got cut off again.

"I get a call from you saying you are with Keith and Keith comes here to check on you because apparently you had blacked out in school and was taken to the hospital?! Why was I not informed?!" she said with a stern tone.

"Mum listen-" she cut me off, again.

"When did you start lying Noah? I clearly remember I didn't teach you how to lie so where did you learn that from?!" she asked.

"Mum I-" she cut me off again.

"Why are there bruises on your face every time you come home?!"

"Not every time mum. I-" she cut me off again.

"I didn't expect this childish-" this time I cut her off.


"Please listen to me." I said calmly.

"No Noah, I need to call your school authorities and ask them why they didn't inform me when my son was taken to hospital." She stated making me panic

"Mum please don't. I am going to explain everything just don't call them." I pleaded. I heard a sigh.

"I will decide about the phone call after hearing your explanation." she said.

"Okay" I murmured lowering my head. What am I supposed to tell her?

"Now go and change. Come down when you're done. Keith will take you to your room." I knew my mum was really protective of me but I didn't expect her to react like that.

"Yes mummy" I murmured and went to my room. Keith followed me there.

As soon as I reached my room. I shut the door after Keith followed me in.

"Keith you had one job to do!" I whisper yelled.

"Well I am sorry for being worried about you" he scoffed.

"Look mate I am sorry I didn't know what you told your mum, I was worried about you" I nodded because it wasn't his fault.

"How did you know I was in hospital?"

"You need to know everything?" he asked and I nodded.

"Well we were waiting for Mr. Brown in Literature. He was late but when came, he had this really worried expression on his face and he dismissed the class. We didn't ask because let's face it no Literature for a day was blessing. After taking two more classes and wondering where you went, it was then, when I saw Mateo and his friends standing outside of principal office. I asked him what he was doing there but he just lowered his head. I knew instantly so I asked him about you. He just said that Mr. Brown took you to medics and when I reached there they told me you were taken to hospital. I couldn't do much because I didn't know which hospital you were taken to and I knew your mum would be with you so I didn't come here but then I had to check on you so I came here just few minutes ago and got to know that you told her that you were with me." He let out a breath.

"Here I told you the whole story. Now tell me why did you lie and why school authority didn't call your mum when you were taken to the hospital?" I sat on my bed and sighed.

"It's just I asked them not to tell her because she would get worried" I lied smoothly but Keith wasn't buying it.

"Do you think I am a fool? First, you were blacked out when you were taken to the hospital. Second, no matter how many times you plead before them to not to tell your family, they still do. And third, when I tried to take your stuff home. I was told someone else took them. So speak up and solve this mystery" Keith spoke.

"I- I think I should take rest now Keith." I laid down on my bed hoping he would go away.

"So this is what you are going to tell your mum?"

"Keith I am already much stressed. I can't really tell the truth to my mother but I don't want to hide it either" I said closing my eyes.

"Noah, what is it?" I felt the bed dip as he sat beside me. I sat straight and let out a poof of air.

"I don't know myself yet. I am trying to put my head around it. It's just I met someone who really swept me off my feet. I know it sounds cheesy but it is what it is and I’m not sure what my relationship is with that person that's why I lied. I was with that person and they are the reason authorities didn't call mum." I beat around the bush.

"Oh... so...? Are you going to tell your mother about it?" he asked skeptically.

"No of course not. Are you mad? She would kick me out of the house or worse would never let me leave the house" I rested my head on the headboard.

"I don't think so. She would be really happy to know that you have someone special in your life."

"Yeah right. She would be paranoid about me being in the wrong hands like all the time and tell me what I should say to her when I’m not even sure of the status of my relationship with that person, if there is any." I said.

"You have a point though. So what are you going to tell her?" he asked.

"I don't know Keith. I really don't. I just hope she buys the lie that I told them not to call her cause I didn't want her to worry about me which is not a lie completely." I told him as he sighed.

"You’ve got yourself in a trouble mate. By the way, who is that lucky person? I mean did you meet them in school?" Keith asked.

"Can't tell you but yes I did meet them in school" I told him just as much information as it was required. I felt his arms around me.

"Don't worry mate. Everything is going to be alright. I am happy that you found someone, just be careful yeah?" I hugged him back and nodded.

"Yeah sure. Thank you" I pulled back.

"No worries and I... uh... I am sorry for what Mateo did to you" he said hesitantly.

"It isn't your fault Keith. Don't worry" He hummed.

"I just... I broke up with him" his voice suddenly sounded so tired.

"Why? You didn't have to. I wasn't going to judge you. I know you love him and it's hard to leave the one you love so please don't do it for me" I really didn't like that they broke up because of me.

"No Noah, it's not just you. He promised me he would change but he didn't. He isn't even trying. We are done until he changes his ways" he said and I pulled him in a hug.

"I’m there for you. I hope he comes around" I rubbed his back and he hummed.

"NOAH CARTER!" I heard my mum shouting from downstairs.

"Coming mum!" I shouted back. Keith said it was time for him to go back home and I let him. I changed my clothes and went downstairs and entered the living room.

I sat on the couch and my mother sat beside me. She is actually a sweet heart but she can be very scary if it is what needed.

"So? How did you end up in bruises, again?" I heard her ask rather calmly.

"There is this guy who bullied me the very first day and the next day of school. It stopped but I don't know what happened to him, he beat me today"

"Is it the same gang you told me about once?" I heard her voice laced with concerned.

"Yes mom but he is taken care of. I don't know what happened but Keith told me that he was standing outside principal's office" I kept the information that my professor told on him and I'm kinda seeing my teacher, to myself.

"Explain everything? How did you end up in the hospital?"

"Mum he beat me and I blacked out. They took me to hospital but before going I told them not to contact you because you would get worried" I lied professionally and I hated myself for that.

There was silence for few seconds and I could tell she was staring at me but then she sighed. She cupped my face with one hand and brushed my fringes off of my face with other.

"I can always tell when you are lying because you are so bad at it. And you are bad at it because I never taught you how to lie"

"Mum I-" she cut me off.

"No it's okay baby. If you don't want to tell, I get it. It must be very personal and I don't want to step in your personal things but you got me worried today. I just want you not to lie to me. Okay?" she kissed my forehead and I nodded.

"Mum I’m sorry but I need time" I murmured. She pulled me closer to her and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Take your time baby but don't ever lie to me." She said and I mumbled an 'okay' and cuddled closer to her.

"I can't stay mad at you and you know that. You are my baby and you will always be my baby no matter how big you get" she kissed my cheek and pulled me in a hug.

"I love you mum" I mumbled and kissed her cheek.


I was sitting in the canteen because I didn't want to take the class. I was feeling weary. I laid my head on my arms which were folded on the table. I let out a yawn. It wasn't that I didn't sleep last night, I was just exhausted. I closed my eyes and soon they relaxed. The light always burn my eyes.

I could hear the voices of students in the hallway. I felt someone's presence beside me. It wasn't just one person. I could tell there were more than one by the sound of breaths.

I sat straight. My throat went dry. I turned my head to my left side where I felt someone sitting beside me on the bench.

"K-Keith?" I stuttered out the name that first came to my mouth. There wasn't a word. Just silence.

"This isn't funny guys." I extended my hand to touch the person. It landed on someone's face. I could tell this person was not Keith or Isaac or anyone of my friends. I instantly pulled my hand back.

"M-Mateo?" I choked out the name that came to my mind.

"Noah..." I heard the familiar voice. It was Mateo. I gulped and scooted away a little.

"Listen, I didn't tell on you." I tried to cool him down so that he won't beat the shit out me again.

"That's not what I’m here for" I heard him.

"Mateo I’m sorry but Mr. Brown saw you there. I never said a word against you to anybody." I spoke with a shaky voice.

"Noah..." I cut him off.

"Just let me go please" I shut my eyes tightly when I felt him scooting closer to me.

"Listen to me dimwit!" he shouted. I closed my mouth tight which never shuts up.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered out.

"I came here to apologize but your motor kinda mouth doesn't stop speaking." He groaned.

"A-ap-apologize?" I didn't know why I was so scared of him. Oh Noah don't be ridiculous. He almost killed you yesterday. Maybe that's why.

"Yeah. I thought about it last night, how you almost died because of my unreasonable hatred and it made me feel disgusted. I don't know why I’m like this but I’m really sorry. I just feel stronger when I make someone feel weak. But it's not an excuse. I’m really ashamed of myself. I’m really very sorry. Hope you'll forgive me." He said and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched.

"Hey there is no need to be scared. I won't be a trouble to you anymore" I just nodded and didn't say a word.

"We gotta go. Umm... if you need any help, tell me?" I shook my head.

"Okay then..." I felt a pat on my back and heard the fading sound of footsteps. I let out a breath which I didn't even know I was holding.

My phone rang and I fished it out of my pocket. I answered the call.


"Hey Noah, it's me Jessica"

"Oh hey Jess"

"Are you alright? You left the school early yesterday and I haven't even seen you today" So that means Keith didn't tell anyone else yesterday.

"Uh... I’m fine Jess. I’m in canteen. I really didn't feel like attending the class. I'll meet you in next class" I hurried to hang up the phone before she could ask anything else.

I grabbed my stuff and made my way to my class. I felt someone was following me so I turned around. The hallways were empty because the students were still in classes. There was not a single sound in the hallway.

"Hello" my voice echoed back. I shrugged and kept walking until I reached the class room. As I was about to open the door I felt someone's breath on my back. It gave me goosebumps and I shivered. I was scared to even turn around.

I wanted to turn around but then I heard the sound of someone running away. The feeling of someone behind me was gone. I knew the person behind me was the one who ran away. I didn't think much of who that person could be and opened the door to my class.

I stepped in and slowly made my way to one of the seats. I could feel someone was already in the class.

"Ah Mr. Carter, you are very early today?" I heard Mr. Gibson.

"Good morning Mr. Gibson" I spoke looking straight where I heard the voice coming from.

"Good morning. You look tired" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah feeling a little bit down. Maybe because of the weather" I shrugged.

"Take care" he said and I just smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

I heard the bell rang and waited for the class to fill in.

"Hey lazy ass" I heard Anna's voice.

"Hey, person without an ass" I said sweetly.

"If you weren't adorable I would’ve smacked your head right now" she groaned and sat beside me. I gave her a smug look.

"Whatever" I said and after that we took the class in silence.


"So you are disappearing again?" I heard Keith as I was ready to meet Mr. Brown after hearing the lunch break bell.

"I... uh-" he cut me off.

"It's okay. I know you are going back to your love interest" He said in a playful tone. I groaned.

"Wait, you are not going to follow me right?"

"No Noah. I am not nosy. I would rather wait for you to tell me than sneak around and try to fit my nose in your business" he said. I gave him a smile.

"Hug me you idiot" I said and he pulled me in a hug. He pulled away but didn't leave my hand.

"You need help to be somewhere?" he asked rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

"No. I'll be fine" I assured him and he let my hand go.

"Alright see you in Literature" he said and I heard his footsteps fading. I sighed and made my way to our secret place.

As I reached there I could feel a presence there.

"You already here? Thank God I don't have to wait today" I chuckled but didn't get a response. I sat beside him.

"What? Are you back to not speaking?" I asked playfully hitting him.

"C'mon I’m already exhausted. Don't test my patience" I sighed. But still got no response.

"Seriously? Are we really going to do this again?" I asked getting annoyed.

"It's not funny anymore" I tried to reach his hand but couldn't and the next thing I heard was pair of foot running.

"What the fuck just happened?" I murmured. I felt someone approaching me.

"Where did you go?" I asked crossing my arms on my chest.

"Noah, it's me Keith" I got a response.

"So you followed me here? No wonder he ran away" I mumbled the last part to myself.

"No I didn't follow. Mr. Brown told me you'd be here and he has asked you to meet him in his office."

"Mr. Brown?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah. Sorry Mr. Brown ruined your date" He chuckled. I smiled.

"So let me escort you" he said. I didn't mind though.

"You said he ran away? As in male? So are you-" I cut him off.

"I don't know" I said.

"Fair enough. By the way, why would he run away like that?" he asked. Because he is my teacher.

"There are things you don't know" I just replied.

"Here we are. I will see you in Literature then?" I nodded and he went away.

I opened the door.

"May I come in?" I asked smirking.

"Yes." He said but I could tell the playfulness in his tone.

"So now you have decided to speak?"

"Huh? What are you even talking about?" I took a seat.

"You were not replying me when I was talking to you earlier" I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Noah you were talking to Wyatt earlier" he said and I frowned.


"Why do you think I told you to meet me in my office? I went there and saw you too comfortable with him so, on my way back I asked Dawson to tell you that I'm waiting for you in my office"

"Thank God I didn't say something shit"

"Language Mr. Carter"

"Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You seem to forget that I am your teacher at the end of the day"

"Well you don't act like one when I'm around" I shrugged.

"Do you want me to?" he asked.

"Nahh" there was silence for a couple of minutes.

"How are you?" he spoke again.

"Been better. A little exhausted today"

"You should have taken rest for at least one day" his voice genuinely laced with concern.

"Mum would get worried sick."

"And did you have your breakfast today?"


"And what about the lunch?"

"I don't want to" I said.

"Well too bad cause you have to" he said and I heard shuffling.

"What you doing?"

"Taking your lunchbox out of your bag" he said.

"No" I whined.

"Yes. Eat or I am telling your mother that you have eating disorder"

"You are the worst" I huffed.

"Been told so" he said and opened my lunchbox. How did I know? Beause the room filled with the delicious smell.

"I’m not going to eat alone" I crossed my arms.

"Well too bad you have to because I am full" he said and I groaned and started munching on my food.

"You know my mum knew I wasn't with Keith yesterday" I said with mouth full of food, few moments later.

"How?" he asked.

"Apparently Keith wanted to check on me so he visited my home"

"So what did you tell her?" he asked. I stuffed my lunchbox back in my bag after finishing my lunch. I got closer to him as he was sitting beside me on the chair. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Half-truth" I said. He started massaging my scalp.


"I told her about me getting beaten like a loser I am-" he interrupted.

"Hey... You are not a loser"

"Well I am and I didn't tell her about my eating habit" I said with a guilt.

"It's okay though as long as you promise to eat properly"

"I’m trying to"

"No honey you are not trying hard enough" his hands stopped brushing my hairs. I pulled away.

"Umm... you should come to my house..." He said as the bell rang before he could say anything else.

"Ugh!" I groaned. I wanted to spend more time.

"Guess we have to go" he said and pulled me up.

"I hate school" I grumbled. I heard him chuckle.

"It's not funny. You don't know what it's like to wake up in the morning and get out of the comfortable bed just to hear teachers rambling out about the stuff that would never help in your life any way possible" I put my bag on.

"FYI, I attended school that's why I am your professor. Now get up" he chuckled and pulled me up. I groaned again.

"You go first" I heard him and nodded. I walked to my class and after few minutes Mr. Brown walked in.