
Everything is mine

The class monitor retreated in fear and stopped persuading. Anyway, Song Zihao was not a good person either. Don't get beaten up yourself!.

Although the class monitor's disfigurement was pitiful, Ximen Yu had to knock on her and say, "Class monitor, don't worry, it's your turn later!"

The class monitor almost fainted when he heard Ximen Yu's words, "Will it be my turn later?". She thought she would be fine if she didn't speak, but when the class monitor saw Song Zihao like that, his legs immediately trembled with fear.

Tang Xian'er walked out and said, "Ximen Yu, forget it, let go of him! Keep going, he's really dying!"

Ximen Yu naturally had a sense of propriety, and it was impossible for Song Zihao to really die.

At this moment, the homeroom teacher Qin Bing hurriedly walked in.

"What's wrong, what happened!" Qin Bing, the homeroom teacher, estimated that she had received a report from one of her classmates, so she hurriedly arrived.

"Ximenyu, what are you doing!" Qin Bing quickly ran up and saw Ximenyu holding Song Zihao's neck with one hand, lifting it high. Song Zihao seemed to be about to be strangled to death, and immediately shouted at Ximenyu.

"Don't let him go yet!"

"Hehe, good morning, Teacher Qin. Don't worry, I'll let him go now!" Ximen Yu asked Song Zihao, "Song Zihao, don't blame me for being verbose. It's related to my happiness. I have to ask, do you agree with me?"

The classmates in the class shuddered and realized that the extermination of the nun had arrived. If this guy didn't quickly release Song Zihao, he would even torture Fu if he didn't accept it. It seems that Abbess Extinction has finally encountered a strong opponent!.

Qin Bing frowned and said, "Ximenyu, I asked you to let go of Song Zihao, didn't you hear me?" Qin Bing was very angry. The new Ximenyu dared to challenge her authority the next day at school.

The beautiful homeroom teacher couldn't help but give face, and Ximen Yu shouted at Song Zihao, "I don't have time to talk to you anymore. Are you satisfied?"

"I take it, I take it, wuwuwu!" Song Zihao quickly nodded and said, but it was very difficult!.

"Who will Tang Xian'er belong to in the future?"

"It's yours, it's all... it's yours, I don't have anything... I want it!" Song Zihao cried.

Song Zihao readily agreed.

The homeroom teacher Qin Bing was very angry, her chest rapidly rising and falling in anger. Do you still have her as the homeroom teacher in your eyes!.

But she is a weak girl, what can she do? Although she has been nicknamed the Extinction Abbess by everyone, she does not have the martial arts skills of the Extinction Abbess!.

"Ximenyu, don't be too reckless!" Qin Bing roared, unable to bear it anymore.

Ximen Yu let go of Song Zihao and looked at the beautiful homeroom teacher Qin Bing. He chuckled and said, "Teacher Qin, I'm sorry. Oh, by the way, what can I do for you?"

Qin Bing really wants to smash him to death with an egg, playing and smiling with her! What else is there to ask!.

After Song Zihao was released, he coughed desperately. He was convinced by Ximen Yu, and he was afraid of Ximen Yu from his soul. The two attendants immediately sent him to the school medical room.

"Ximenyu, come to my office!" Qin Bing finished speaking and angrily left. If she didn't clean up this student, how could she, as the class teacher, carry out her work in the future!.

"Ximen Yu, I admire him! Song Zihao has practiced Taekwondo before, and I didn't expect him to be no match for you at all!" After the homeroom teacher left, Zhao Jian gave Ximen Yu a thumbs up, feeling very admiration. Song Zihao used to be so arrogant, but this time he was cleaned up by Ximen Yu. Zhao Jian saw it and was really pleased!.

"Hehe! It's nothing, okay, may I ask where the homeroom teacher's office is?" Ximen Yu smiled and asked.

Tang Xian'er glared at him and said angrily, "You're still laughing. Look at how you got picked up by Teacher Qin!"

"Xian'er, don't worry about me. Teacher Qin dare not do anything to me! It's not certain who will be punished by whom!"

"You don't mean to hit Teacher Qin, do you?" Xian'er asked in shock.

"I'm sweating, am I that kind of person? Anyway, I don't think Teacher Qin is anything scary! Alright, I'm leaving! Teacher Qin is still waiting for me!"

Ximen Yu learned from Zhao Jian that Qin Bing's office was located in the teacher's building!.

When Ximen Yu walked to the teacher's building, he happened to meet the director of the teaching department!.

The director warmly greeted and said, "Brother Ximen, where are you going?"

"Oh, it's Director Big Brother. I just beat up one of the class bullies! Teacher Qin asked me to go to her office!" Ximen Yu said calmly. If other students dare to tell the Director of the Education Department like this, they will be arrested and punished immediately.

"Hehehe!" The director smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Brother Ximen, you're amazing! You dared to hit someone in just two days! Not bad, the future is limitless!"

"Hahaha! It's nothing, I just packed it up casually!"

"Alright, don't stand at the door. Come in and have a cup of tea before we talk!"


Ximen Yu didn't immediately go find Qin Bing and brewed tea in the office of the Director of Education!, But Qin Bing was waiting for Ximenyu in the office for a long time without coming, and his anger grew stronger and stronger in his heart!, I called the class monitor and he said, "Ximen Yu is not in class!"! Qin Bingqi's face turned pale with iron!.

Ximen Yu sat in the office of the Director of Education for half an hour before getting up and leaving to go to Qin Bing's office.

Class teacher Qin Bing stood in front of her office window, looking out angrily.

Surprisingly, Ximenyu hadn't come to find her for half an hour!, At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Teacher Qin, I'm here!" Ximenyu stood at the door and said with a smile.

"Sorry, Teacher Qin, you've been waiting for so long!"

"Ximenyu, what exactly do you mean? Why are you only here now?" Qin Bing angrily asked. A perfect iceberg beauty, despite her young age, roared with a strong aura that was enough to scare ordinary students. Even Song Zihao had to obediently lower the head of a boss in front of her!.

"Oh, just as I passed by the hallway of the teacher's office, a buddy asked me to sit in his office, which delayed me!" Ximen Classroom said without blushing or jumping, muttering to herself, "Hmph, I have a director covering me up, I'm not afraid of you!"!.