
Chapter 13

The next morning, the detectives where there, saying they wanted to talk to the kids again.

Miles woke up first and went by Rue's and Kaitlyn's bed to tell them the news.

" What do you mean they are going to question us? " Kaitlyn asked from the bathroom where she was changing. Miles rested his head on the bathroom door " I don't know, I just got the news. "

Rue murmured " Just be calm. Nothung is going to happen " . But she wasn't sure about that.

Miles was wearing a black t-shirt with a half red, half blue shirt on top of it and a pair of black jeans. Rue just put on a red long-sleeved shirt and black trousers while Kaitlyn was wearing a black sweater and grey checkered pants.


Brandon was already outside, his hair combed. Surprisingly he was wearing a pair of glasses. His hands were normal again. The boy caught Rue staring at his arms and nodded.

Gina Henderson was there. The girl who complained about staying with boys. She had short dark brown hair with the front strays of hair dyed silver and curious green eyes. But her eyes were dancing with pain too. She was wearing a white shirt, unbuttoned at the top, tucked in high-waisted blue jeans, and a black belt. On top of the shirt she had a grey jacket.

Gina walked past them directly towards the detectives, Brandon letting out a low whistle. Kaitlyn started laughing " Really Brandon? Right now? "

He threw his hand towards the girl in frustration " Just look at her! " . Kaitlyn shook her head and greeted Eleanor and Harvey.

Harvey's raven hair was all combed in a middle part, almost symmetrical. All of it with a flowered unbuttoned chemise and striped black pants.

" Harvey it's freezing cold, snd you are wearing a shirt? " Brandon pointed out.

Harvey glanced at his arms and then back at him " A cold won't kill me. Why are you wearing glasses? "

" They just look good on me "

" Right "

Gina was arguing with the detectives and she came back defeated. Brandon grabbed her arm " What did you ask them?" Gina slapped his hand away " None of your concern "

Harvey coughed and Brandon glared at him " Oh come on "

Gina looked at him and said " Fine " a satisfying look growed on Brandon's face " I asked them why are they questioning us again. " Harvey raised a brow " And what did they say "

" That they found new evidence " and then she was gone.

Miles was looking terrified but Brandon patted his back " It's ok guys. They're bluffing "

Rue mouthed " I don't think they are "

They all started arguing and putting their plan together.

Brandon spat out " Just don't say we went on the boat with him. Is it that hard? " Kaitlyn tilted her head " We know, Romeo "

Harvey giggled " Miles, mate are you good? "

Miles threw him a sarcastic look " Brilliant. My friend also have - "

Brandon cut in " Stop right there. What do you mean also ? " Miles's face was pale now. His hands were trembling while he was pinching his pants.

" Nothing. I just meant - " Rue interrupted him " Miles... what happened. "

Sweat was running down his face. " Nothing just... after all... this. I don't really... know " Brandon looked confused " Just spit it out, Miles "

" Fine. I can - I can do things too. " His friends were all silent. None of them knew what to say anymore.

Their friend explained it all. Mostly that he could move... things. That seemed the most normal event now, if Rue had to be honest. Brandon's arms, Eleanor's weather manipulating... all seemed normal. Ordinary.

But Miles never told her that he can do that. Is that how he could make tha scarf dissapear when they stole from a store. Is that hoe he managed to do all his magic tricks?

All their thoughts were interrupted when one of the detectives came up to them.

" Which one of you is Harvey N- " Harvey swooped in front of the detective stopling him from sayingus last name " That would be me "

The detective gave him an odd look and took him aside with other guys to talk to him.

Miles swallowed while Rue turned on her heels to face him " Why. Didn't. You. Tell me? " Her friend couldn't look her in the eyes " I'm sorry... I just didn't know what was wrong with me "

Kaitlyn placed his head on her shoulder and was slowly caressing his head. " Nothing is wrong with you. No one would ever think that. We will always be here with you. Whether you like it or not ".

Miles looked up and met his bestfriend's gaze " I'm so so so sorry Rue. I thought I was a freak. I tried to- to get rid of it but it just didn't go away " His voice cracked and tears started going down his cheeks, just like a sad waterfall. Does a waterfall cry all the time and people are just ignorant and can't hear it? Or does the water try to cover all the horrible things beneath it?

Is the water a cry for help or a shield?

For Miles it was a cry for help.

Rue hugged her friend and he hold her for a few moments before she said " It's ok. I'm not mad at you. Just remember. We will always be with you "

The boy slowly nodded and looked at Brandon who was just looking at him. " That's right magic buddy, we have your back. " Miles scoffed and looked at Eleanor who was holding out her arms.

He jumped in her arms and she told him " You can't be a bigger freak than I am " they all laughed at that, and Brandon made his puppy eyes " Or than me " Miles wiped away his tears " Fair enough "

Harvey arrived and subtly nodded while the detective called Rue. She strode off with him in the coaches' office. Two other detectives were there.

" Miss Hunter. " it was Ganty " Nice to see you again "

She only inclined her head and sat on a chair. The one who came and took her shook her hand " I am detective Ryder and this is detective Woods. " he gestured to the other detective.

Rue awkardly shook his hand too snd tried to look as relaxed but concerned as possible.

" Miss Hunter. Last time mister Ganty interogated you, you said that you didn't go with Monty at the boat " started Woods.

Rue nodded. Woods waited for something and then continued " But Lucas, your colleague, told us that you and your friends said that you would go to the boat. "

Rue swallowed once- twice. What did Harvey say. What would Harvey say?

Just don't tell them that we were with him - Brandon's words.

" We did say we were going that's correct, but we realised it would be dangerous. Our friend, Eleanor got scared and we didn't go with him. "

Ganty looked surprised but satisfied with the answer. Ryder continued " Why was Eleanor scared. "

Prick she thought.

" I don't know. She reallybl doesn't like breaking the rules so maybe that's why. "

Ganty took over " Why did you let Monty alone, on the boat, knowing it was dangerous "

She couldn't take this anymore. Why so many questions. They definitely knew. But how? No, that would be impossible. Play along she said to herself. She cracked her knuckles and looked as ashamed as she could. She was ashamed. Desperate, even.

" I- I don't know. We were- were drunk too. We just didn't care anymore about it. We just- just let ourselves be taken by that- that magic. Drinks.... music "

Believable she considered that to be a good argument.

Woods inclined his head to the others and let her go back to her friends.

None of her friends were questioned after her.

" How did it go? " Miles said as he saw her.

Harvey looked a little bit alarmed but as if he already knew she said the right things, he nodded slowly.

" I said that we didn't go because it was dangerous and Eleanor got scared " she replied.

Harvey looked satisfied " Good " was all he managed to say.

Eleanor however had an annoyed look on her face " Come on, I wouldn't do that! " All of them looked at her . She scoffed " Fine. I would " .

Their laugh was the only thing keeping them sane. They would be torn apart if they weren't together.

Miles said that they should meet in the woods so he can show them something so they all agreed, a bit worried.

They separated and soon they were in the woods, Miles already there, sitting on the ground.

" Why did you call us? " Harvey clicked his tongue. Brandon looked confused too " Right, mate, spit it out "

A rock was standing before Brandon and that rock started floating, inch by inch it reached the boy's chin. It was a smooth flight, but the rock was sometimes moving to the left or right.

Kaitlyn looked at Brandon, who just rolled his eyes at her stare " This isn't me guys " he pointed at the rock.

" That's me " Miles stood up. " I can- can do ... this " he paused and then continued " I don't know how this happened, it-it just did. It freaks me out too... but ... I don't know... "

Rue smiled " Miles, this is the coolest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. " Eleanor jumped right next to her " It's true Miles, this is so cool "

The boy seemed ... good. He didn't look like he thought himself to be a freak anymore. He had his friends, and they had him. And they all needed eachother.

" Brandon, have you tried anything with your... whatever... yet? " Kaitlyn hesitated, but her friend's calm looked made her smile.

" No, not really. It just- hurt a lot. So I don't really feel like trying anything "

Eleanor insisted " Come on, maybe you can learn how to control your... arms "

" I don't want to play Hades, ok? "

Rue agreed " He's right, it could be dangerous"

Harvey gave a meaningful look " I just combed my hair, guys! "

Rue rolled her eyes " Oh, poor you "

Brandon looked like he had enough " Fine, shut stop arguing "

So they all steadied on their feet, trying to find their balance. Brandon was standing there, doing nothings, his eyes closed. Why do people close their eyes when something bad is about to happen? Maybe they think that can protect them. That's a little bit... foolish.

Brandon's eyelids were turning black, and that thing growed bigger and bigger till his face looked like dark lightning was flashing from his eyes, all the way towards his ears.

" Brandon- " Miles started " I don't think this is supposed to happen. " he swalloed " Brandon, open your eyes- "

Eleanor intervened " Brandon, open your eyes "

So he did. But they didn't look like his melted chocolate brown eyes. They looked like- like fire. All they could see was fire glittering from his eyes. No emotion. Nothing.

" What the- " Harvey started before a cold dark breeze smashed into his chest, sending him into a tree.

Brandon turned his head towards him, smiled and then looked at the others " I feel awesome "

Eleanor was concerned " You don't look awesome "

Brandon faked a sad face, mimicking a tear dropping from his eyes. " That's too bad. "

Kaitlyn wasn't breathing. Just staring. Scared. Until she came to her senses " Brandon, look at me. You just- just hit Harvey. I don't hink you feel good "

" Oh did I? I am sorry Harvey. " he laughed " What's wrong? Rue? "

Rue couldn't move. She was beginning to be scared of her friend. But he didn't look like her friend anymore. Didn't sound like him either. She had to pull him back here " Brandon... "

" Rue... "

" How- how do you feel "

Shadows were drippling from his back now just floating around him, like a beautiful, dark presence. He was smiling, his arrogant look back on. He raised his hand, and as he ripped a piece from the night sky, a black flame appeared in hand.

" Come on, that's cool " he showed the flame with his other hand.

Eleanor touched his arm " Brandon, that's cool. So you can now control your powers? "

" I think so. I mean I don't know how, it just happened. And I feel so- so much power inside me. "

" How does it feel like? " Harvey disted his shirt. Brandon glanced a second at him and then back at them " It feel like- like flames and lighting and darkness and... the sky... a of them are there. Inside me. Waiting for me. "

Kaitlyn put her hands behind her back " That can't be good, right? "

Before Brandon could say anything, Rue ran up to him and hugged him tight. She hold him there, trying to convey any bit of light that she had in her, to him.

She felt like drops of... of spring and color and light were being transferred in her friend's body, until Brandon hugged her back.

Rue looked up to him. His eyes were normal again. Beautiful, expressive brown eyes.

Brandon quickly apologised to Harvey and then to everyone.

" What- what happened? " Eleanor asked him.

" I don't know... I felt like I was ... I was in my body... but also wasn't. I could feel all this power and- and all I wanted to do was use it. "

Rue asked, still holding him in her arms " Are you good now? "

" I think I am " He put an arm on her shoulder and the other on Eleanor's and started their walk back to camp.

Harvey was just behind them, with Kaitlyn and Miles.

" So what now? " Kaitlyn asked.

Brandon waited a bit before responding. " Now- now we just... don't get caught"

Like that is going to be easy.