
"Just one Kiss ".

Camilla rushed to the washrooms she was so angry she wanted to hit something.

"Those little rats " she spat. She bent down and washed her hands. The door opened and someone walked in. Camilla didn't mind and continued.

"Did those two ostriches make you mad?" a voice asked.

Camilla paused and looked up in the mirror. Chris was bending against the wall with his hands resting on his chest. He had a smile on his face.

Camilla turned, "We'll they did but I think I handled it well"

"I know cause I saw them in tears " Chris moved closer.

"Why did you follow inside, don't you know what the sign on the door means?" Camilla smiled

"I do but this whole place belongs to me, I can go anywhere I want " he was closer now.

Camilla moved back but it was a dead-end with the bathroom sink behind.

"Why are you running away from me?" Chris chuckled seeing her little action.

"If I let you close you're going to ruin my makeup " Camilla moved her purse in front of her face.

Chris frowned, "But I have been holding it in all evening, you look so luscious I can't hold back "

Camilla's eyes popped up from her purse, "Am not food stop describing me as one and you can keep holding it in till we get home "

Chris's smile returned, "Alright, you look so seductive that I suggest we leave right now then "

His eyes seemed to be pleading she giggled.

They heard a noise coming towards the washrooms, Camilla frowned what were his guests going to think of him if he was seen inside with her.

She grabbed him and pushed him inside one of the cubicles and motioned him to keep silent.

"I can't believe he win her heart, she was known as the queen of spinsters since no rumor about her dating anyone surfaced," one said.

"Maybe they had been secretly dating & kept it so discreet that no one found out "

"Did you see her figure in that dress, those legs are gorgeous and her chest is huge? I mean I could kill for such a body.

" No wonder our handsome Chris fell for her, they make a great couple "

They giggled in agreement.

Camilla turned to Chris who seemed to agree with them too. She frowned. His hands were moving under her slit.

"Chris, I will kill you " she threatened. But he continued gripping her thighs and hitting her back onto the wall. She felt his excitement through his pants as their bodies collided.

"Just one kiss " he whispered, he was kissing her neck now. She wanted to pull away but his lips found hers and trapped them. He was kissing her so fast that she hardly got a chance to breathe.

Their tongues seemed to be fighting with each other as they kissed, he moved and she was up in the air with his support. Her thighs rested around his waist. She pulled off his coat and rushed to his shirt almost ripping off the buttons as he found the zipper of her dress.

His chest was now exposed her lips kissed every part of it, she felt his moan deep within his throat. Her corset was loose with the zipper half-opened. Her hardened pinkish nipples were visible even under her black lace bra he huffed the moment he saw them.

Chris held her hands up on top of her head with one hand while the other still supported her. He bent down and kissed one of her breasts she moaned, he moved as his tongue licked, sucked and kissed her nipples. He moved one to the other, Camilla had held in her moans afraid someone would hear them.

Chris let her hands go and moved to his pants letting his excited self come out, "Let me down " Camilla said softly.

Chris thought she was running away seemed reluctant to let go.

"My dress will get in the way, help me get it off " she smiled.

He smiled and helped her get off her dress and he hung it up on the door. He turned and froze, she worn black lace lingerie.

"Let's hurry and head back " Camilla pulled him back to her. He moved and bent down placing one of her legs onto his shoulders then he pulled half of the fabric covering her and kissed the lips of her warmest part.

Camilla moaned holding his head, Chris's hot tongue entered opening her up to his abuse. Her grip on his hair tighten as she subconsciously pushed him further into her delicate part. His tongue and lips didn't stop and assaulted her even more.

Chris's assistant had come to ask his boss to return. He has noticed him follow Camilla to the women's washroom. He was ready to knock but then heard some cry. He moved closer to listen and stiffened. He turned back and called two bodyguards to guard the door until his boss and girlfriend came out.

"Ugh...Uh..." her silent moans continued, after she was fully excited he stopped and got up pulling her lips to his again, she could taste her excitement fluids in his mouth as they kissed.

His hands held her thighs and moved his cock to her entrance, pushing himself into her. His thrusts were lustful and satisfying. Her nails dug into his back as their moans disappeared through their kisses.

"Y..your...s.o...good " Chris moaned as his thrusts increased speed.

"Fas...faster " Camilla moaned.