
"For Your Good"

"Mom," Camilla got up as her mother walked to her. She had just arrived when she heard her come down the stairs.

"Sweetie " she kissed her daughter with a smile. And sat next to her as she gently touched her cheek.

"You wanted to see me?" Camilla asked.

Her mother frowned, "You in a hurry to leave, is something bothering you?"

"No, I just have another meeting to attend after here " she lied.

After what she had found out Camilla was scared to be in the same room with her mother alone.

She wasn't the same woman who had raised her and that had shattered the trust she heard in her mother.

"Alright, the reason why I asked you here was that I wanted to ask you something. It's really important and would be helpful for your future if you listen to me " she said.

Camilla felt her body tense up wondering what her mother wanted this time.

"I need you to leave that man immediately, leave the country and transfer the business aboard," she said with a serious look on her face.

Camilla was speechless, her mom was back at it again. But why was she still persistent like this.

"Mom I told you before, I can never leave him no matter what you say to try to convince me "

"But it's for your good, he has never been good for you I just don't why you can't see it " her mother frowned holding her daughter"s hand.

"I don't know what he did to you but can't you at least see that he treats me well. He can never hurt me " Camilla pulled away from her mother.

"The danger that is lurking in the dark behind him will soon jump out, just trust me and start far away from him " her mother seemed to beg now.

Camilla frowned and grabbed her bag, "I thought you would change after we found out what you did to me but it's like you can't ever change " she said as she turned around to leave.

"Camilla, Camilla...." her mother called but she didn't stop and continued to walk away.

"She will kill you this time if you don't leave Chris, please listen to me and leave that man alone" her mother walked to where Camilla had stopped. "She has always seen you as a rival from the day that man set eyes on you, she kept trying to stop you both but failed. But this time she's set on getting you out of her way "

Her mother was now crying as she held onto her daughter. Confused Camilla pulled away from her grasp and ran out of her parent's home and got into her car.

She could see her mother running behind her as she kept pleading for her to listen. But Camilla was tired of her games and drove off in anger and confusion.

Chris came back home to find Camilla staring at the blank screen of the Tv. It was off so what was she watching. He walked toward her and it was she wasn't even aware he was there.

It was until he came in front of her and knelt, "Love what's wrong, did your mother say something hurtful?" he asked.

She shook her head and fell into his chest, she hugged him so right he got more worried. What happened when she went to see her mother. Chris moved his arms to her waist and laid her on his lap, holding her tightly. He felt like she was scared of something but didn't ask what it was.

He kept holding her like that until he felt her body loosen up, she had fallen asleep. He carried her back to their room and laid next to her in bed. What had happened to her, he kept wondering as he watched her sleep?

"No matter what she says, as long as you still choose me and believe in us then am willing to fight with you," he said while kissing her forehead and then laying back down next to her.

"I love you too " Camilla murmured in her sleep.

Chris chuckled, "I love you more " he whispered.