
Calvin's Dairy

"Calvin, my mom would just kill me just come to think of it, I just completed college and I got pregnant, I am yet to be eighteen for Godsake"Luxury said all this in one breathe while sobbing in between

Queen_Dazzle · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

I got drank and spilled it out

...... Calvin's pov........

We finally finished our examination and since bro steve is on a two days leave from work, he decided to let his friends come over to our house and have a small party so, I quickly showered after school and had a nap so that, I won't sleep off at the party, I slept for a very long time and woke up around six pm so i freshened up, wore a grey top and white pants and went downstairs to help bro with the set up in the garden.

Soon our guests started arriving and the party began ,we first introduced ourselves, played truth or dare game but I call it say it or shot it because it involves alcohol, we played for a very long time but then the questions they were asking me was too much so I started taking shots after shots and I don't really remember anything from there because I woke up with my head spinning.

...Third person POV........

We played the game for a very long time but then calvin started avoiding the questions or dares by taking in shots,well we intended to stop him but his brother stopped us and then asked him a question which got me personally startled"Calvin do you love your bestfriend",he asked and Calvin only hummed and nodded, I also dared him to get a girlfriend for himself and he said a firm No, we didn't stop him from drinking either because we wanted to know what he was hiding and he finally got drank because Steve increased the drink to half of the glass,we re-asked him all the questions again.

"What's the name of the girl you like" -first person

"luxury" he replied

"Does she know u like her-"second person

"yes but I don't want to force her"

-calvin replied again

"Would you want us to help you get her" I asked

And to my surprise he didn't reply because he was fast asleep and i helped Steve to take him to his bedroom. after that I overheard Luxury's brother, Ivan and steve talking about something,

...Ivan- " I already knew this would happen but wasn't expecting it that early,steve let's just help him, he's like a little brother and i can't see him hurt"

Steve...." but it's gonna all depend on Luxury, because we can't force her"

"she likes him because i heard her talking to Becklyn about this - ivan said

We continued the party until everyone got tired and went to their various homes.