
Chapter 49: Turncoat Part 1

Cal shivered staring up at the gaslight. Had Bri really been there? If he'd been there, why had he left her alone in the cold and dark? She wanted to sit up, to move, but she barely had the strength to breathe. Her ribs hurt again, so did her face. Crysabel would be so angry at her.

"Captain?" Someone shook her gently. "Captain?"

Cal opened her eyes, but couldn't focus them. Even blurred she knew it was Bundo leaning over her.

"I knew you'd come."

He swept her up and carried her to the coach, laying her on the seat before climbing up to drive.

"Sorry, my lady, but I must see the extent of your injuries." Nyian brushed a featherlight hand across Cal's brow. "Bruises, no cuts." The woman's hand pressed on Cal's stomach as impersonal as the wind. "No bleeding inside." She tilted Cal's face to one side, then the other with a gentle finger. "You will show the marks on your face, but no bones are broken."

"Spitting blood." Cal rasped, trying not to cough.