
Power Assessment

All the girls started walking towards their rooms and suddenly a guy in a white coat and face mask appeared. The entire cafeteria fell incredibly silent. He got a clipboard out and looked around the room. "Riley Wilson and Cyndi Garcia?" The 2 girls froze and stared at each other.

"Relax." said Tanesha.

"They are taking you to the power room to figure out what your abilities are. Eventually you will get confined in your room to work just like us." 

"Riley Wilson and Cyndi Garcia!" Repeated the man in the white coat and both girls briskly walked to him.

"It is time for your power assessment. Follow me." He then proceeded to walk the opposite direction of the individual rooms and hallways. At the door, a woman was standing there with a clipboard. 

"You will be put through a series of tests to assess your skills. In order to ensure maximum efficiency you will be confined to a room with no food or water until your powers are revealed. In order to unlock your abilities, your body must be put through starvation. You will also be separated." suddenly two more men came from down the hall. 

"Each of you will be escorted to your designated rooms." One man grabbed Riley by the wrist and the other grabbed Cyndi. The door they just walked through slammed behind them and 2 more invisible doors opened up in the opposite direction. 

Riley was practically thrown in a room. She looked around and saw a fish tank filled with water but clearly sealed. That was it. Only hard tile and a fish tank were there. She stared around and then sat on the floor. She lay down on the floor to think about her current situation and wondered to herself. How could I possibly get out of here? That fleeting thought stopped upon exhaustion over taking her body. Almost a week of unsteady sleep and shocks took its toll and she began to drift off only to get another electric shock. 

"What now?!" she screamed. She was met with silence.

Riley glared at the ceiling and began to drift again but was shocked every time.

"I can't even sleep now?!" Riley asked through tears but was met with silence. Exhausted she began to cry. Hot wet tears rolled down her cheeks. She curled into a ball and sobbed to herself until her mouth became pasty. She rolled around on the floor and then stared at the fish tank. Slowly she crawled to it and stared at the water. Her fingers lightly grazed the thick glass. She wanted water, desperately but it was behind glass. She imagines, that was probably a pleasant power to discover for Lisa. She pictured herself breaking the glass and water rushing onto her body and hydrating her. Laughing in victory as she discovered her powers. She then thought how Tanesha would have made the glass explode and water would have come spilling out all over the floor. She then thought about how Adah probably just wanted to disappear. How she just wished the pain would go away and she would suddenly vanish. Then she thought about how June made other people hallucinate.

How did she discover that power? Riley thought to herself.

How could she possibly have figured that one out with no one here? She gave it some thought and suddenly she was transported somewhere mentally. 

I'm so thirsty. Hungry. Please make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. MAKE IT STOP. They should suffer. They should suffer. It shouldn't be me. It shouldn't be me. Bang. Ow. I shouldn't have hit the glass like that. I wonder how they would feel in my shoes. I bet they wouldn't like it. Ha! That would be a sight. Give them a shock. Make them all hurt. Hurt them. Hurt them. Make them suffer. Screams. There are many screams. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Riley is suddenly transported back into her body and she realizes she is still touching the glass. Did I just recieve June's memories? She thought to herself.

She then closed her eyes and concentrated.

 June? Think about June. Maybe I can learn some more? June? June. Riley thought

Why do I keep hearing Riley's voice in my head? What the heck? June's voice came to Riley minds.

Holy shit. JUNE! It is Riley? I think I'm communicating with you. Responded Riley.

Wow, that was fast. Most people take more than a few hours to figure out their powers. Can you communicate with everyone? June Projected.

I can try…Tanesha? Tanesha? Riley thought really hard

Riley? Tanesha's voice responded.

Holy moly that is so COOL!!! I can hear Tanesha now too! Chimed in June

June? Tanesha inquired

Dude get this. Riley is a TELEPATH! How many people can you communicate with at once mentally? Like theoretically could you communicate with the whole group? Asked June

I can try. Uh...Lisa? Adah? Riley at this point began to quickly figure out how to project her mind more easily. Like an invisible muscle she didn't know she had.

Riley? Lisa and Adah thought in unison.

Ok ok ok okokokokok this is so trippy. I can feel all of your minds in my brain. Tanesha thought.

It is so cool though because we can now plan out our escape this way without any interference. Thought June.

That is a good point. Thought Tanesha

Hold up! What is going on here?! Thought Lisa

Riley is a telepath. Tanesha and June thought.

That was fast. Thought Adah

Uh...but don't they kill telepaths because of how dangerous they are? They almost killed June until they figured out how to block it.  Lisa projected

A wave of fear went through Riley. 

That is true, but they might not have figured it out yet. She learned it so quickly, that no one probably thinks anything of it. Maybe we can try to make her fake out a power? Tanesha responded

What power could I possibly fake? Do any of your powers work long distance? Asked Riley.

Mine do actually but the farther the distance, the more difficult it is because I can't see the water or know it's location. Responded Adah

Riley's brain started to move at hyper speed. She was progressively feeling more desperate. What if I projected the image of the tank to you so you could see it? 

That actually might work. Let's try it. 

Riley projected the image of the tank to Adah and within 30 seconds, the entire tank shattered and water spilled all over her. 

It worked! Um...now how do I say goodbye to you guys now? 

Suddenly a blinding shock went through her body that was so painful she passed out.

When she woke up, she was strapped down to a metal table. 

"Relax child. We are just going to do some blood work on you. You are the fastest recorded case for a power assessment. No one has ever managed to do it in 5 hours." said a woman wearing a white coat, coke bottle glasses and a face mask. She had short blond hair.

"It felt longer than that." responded Riley.

"Which is ironic because people that were stuck in there for weeks say the opposite."

Riley felt rage overcome her body. Keeping someone in there for weeks felt incredibly cruel. The government was doing it too. All of it. She was extremely mad. 

"Careful. You are starting to transition." 

A needle was stuck in her arm. Blood was drawn and she was released from her straps. 

"You will be officially registered in the water power classes for this facility and your education will begin tomorrow. You will be escorted to your room where you will be permitted to sleep for the day."

The doctor walked out of the room and waved her hand, signaling for Riley to follow. She shuffled behind the doctor until she got to her room. Riley stepped inside and the door slammed behind her. She collapsed on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

Adah? Riley thought to herself. 

Yeah? Responded Adah

How are we going to pull this off? I can't do this without you. 

We have the same classes now so it will be way easier than making water shatter glass on the opposite side of this facility that's for sure. Responded Adah

Point taken. Um I guess I'll just leave then? I need sleep. Responded Riley and with that, she finally got some well needed rest.