

Riley sat down at a desk. There was a laptop and headphones. She looked around and everyone automatically started turning on their computers and putting on their headset. She clicked the button and put on her own headphones.

"Welcome to our automated learning system. This is a voice activated computer that will design and make your class daily based off of your previous classes. What is your name so I can pull up your history?" asked the computer

"Riley Wilson." the computer made a loading signal.

"It appears that this is your first day of class. Congratulations on taking the first step to our voluntary training program."

Riley snorted and then got the shock collar.

"Today we will begin with a basic assessment of your learning skills to see where we will place you in the program. I am going to ask you a series of questions, and I want you to answer them to the best of your ability."

Riley waited. "Uh, ok?"

"Great! Let's begin the first assessment in Anatomy. What is puberty?"

Riley paused, "Do you mean puberty for humans or for me?"

"Answering a question with a question is not valid. What is puberty?"

"Well, I suppose it would depend on the person. For humans it means your voice changes, you grow hair in different places, girls start bleeding out of their...err you know. But I don't have that. I turned into some fish creature thingy." Responded Riley.

"Well said, very observant. This is true that you will never undergo standard puberty. The puberty you go through is vastly different than what humans go through. Animals like yourself are believed to be infertile." 

Riley noticed that animals quip but did not comment. She understood the tactic. It was meant to make her feel inferior but she wouldn't let that hurt her.

"Next question. This is in the topic of Psychology. Do you love your parents?"

Riley felt like this was a trick but she responded with a questioning, "Yes?"

"Answering a question with a question is not valid. Do you love your parents?"

Riley didn't hesitate this time, "Yes."

"Good. It would be a shame if they died don't you agree?" 

Riley tensed up. She now knew what was being said to her. "Yes."

"Then you should probably not do anything to get them in trouble don't you think?"

Riley's blood boiled. She felt a wave of rage course through her body. Her hand gripped the computer and flung it across the room. Suddenly she couldn't breathe, everyone was staring at her. A shockwave coursed through her entire body. It was so debilitating she almost passed out. The rage was so strong, her entire body ran on adrenaline. 

"Control your anger Ms. Wilson." the intercom stated.

"How. DARE. YOU!!! You threaten my parents?! I'll kill you! I'll kill ALL of you!" Another painful shock ran through Riley's body. Her vision was getting fuzzy. She zeroed in on the white coat. She lunged. Her vision was red and tinted. Her breathing was shallow. She could barely breathe. But she had one thing on her mind. Make them suffer. 

She grabbed the white coat. She felt a zapping shock. She didn't care. Blood, blood was everywhere. She blacked out.

In what felt like minutes she woke up too a bunch of white jackets in a classroom in shackles. 

The entire class was staring at her. "She woke up." a student said.

She gazed around vision still fuzzy. "Control your anger. You just terminated a scientist. Next time we catch you transition, we won't be so forgiving." They grabbed Riley by her shackles and dragged her to her room.

"You will remain in your room until your powers class.  You just destroyed a thousand dollar computer. No food for 3 days is your punishment." Riley was practically thrown in her room and the door slammed shut.

Riley paced the room. She tried to piece together her memory but after they threatened her family it became a blur. She now understood why so many people are complying. She understood perfectly now why everyone has just fallen in line like sheep. They have something on everyone and what can they do to prevent it other than simply obeying? 

Tanesha, Lisa, June and Adah didn't obey.

Dude I'm in class why are you sending us your weird mind thing right now? Asked June

Why didn't you obey even after they threatened your parents or family.

Well I don't have a family for one. Responded Tanesha

Lisa chimed in, My family tolerated me in all honesty. They are probably relieved to have their disabled daughter gone.

I'm sure that isn't true. Riley said

Shhh let me tell myself and them that okay? It makes it easier.

I'm sure if my parents were here they would tell me to escape and don't look back. June said.

Ok so why is this even important? Asked Adah

The computer threatened my parents so I kinda blacked out and killed someone...I think… Riley said

Sounds like we have a badass. thought Tanesha with a little laughter in her voice.

Dude i'm honestly surprised they didn't kill you. Said June

They took me out of class and said I won't have any food for the next 3 days. But...June you are right though.

I always am. What am I right about?

My parents would want me to escape. I was their little girl and they loved me a lot. They wouldn't want this for me. We need to escape as soon as possible. Should we wait for Cyndi?

No. They all thought at the same time

Why not?

We have no idea how long it will take her to finish and she may stay after being threatened. Responded June.

Well I think the first order of business is to figure out how to turn off these shock collars. It really is hard to use our powers with a painful shock going off. Plus there is a deadly setting too so even if we get out they can just set it off and we die. Responded Adah

Oh how revolutionary. I can't believe we have never thought of that. Dude that is literally the reason we didn't escape last time said Lisa. 

Well Adah is right though. I have this entire place mapped out. I know how to get out and everytime I'm stopped because of this ridiculous collar. Tanesha responded. 

Well then how do we get something off that is waterproof, smash proof, and has no obvious switch on it. Plus we are watched 24/7. June stated with a little exasperation.

Well I think we need to go back to class because zoning out is raising suspicion so let me leave. Said Lisa.

Same. said everyone else.

Riley cut the chat and continued to stare at the ceiling. She felt frustration, anger, pain, sadness. She had no idea what to do. It was only day 2 but it felt like it had been centuries. She wished she could figure out the secret. She also worried about Cyndi. Cyndi who gave off this innocent wide eyed look. She didn't say a single word when she met her but for some reason she felt the girl had a past. 

Someone please help me. I don't want to be in pain anymore. I just want it to stop. I want it all to go away. I want to become nothing. I want to be air. 

Cyndi? Riley asked.

And now I'm hearing voices...great…

Riley worried about giving herself away. What if she did change her mind. What if she gave us away. 

What about your parents? Don't you want to go back to them? Asked Riley

That's laughable. I'll take this over my parents any day. 


The voice in my head clearly isn't a mind reader that's for sure. I really would rather not be beaten. Starving isn't fun either but still. Wait, why am I talking to myself anyways? Lalalala this is so not happening. Go away pesky second personality.

So there is no way they could threaten you into falling in line?

Uh...no? What a stupid question.

Jeez I'm just trying to make sure you don't betray us.

Us? Us? Wait a minute there are more of you?

Yeah. We just wanna figure out how to get the shock collars off or we can't escape. If those can't come off then it doesn't matter. 

Oh you are one of those girls from the first day I was here.

No I'm not.

Yes you are. The other girls said their powers…so my guess is you are...Riley?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh chill out, I won't tell anyone.

I sure hope so cuz I'll be killed if they find out I'm a telepath.

Well I'll do what I can to help you but you are just going to wait until I get out.

I don't think it matters anyway. We don't know how to remove the collars. 

Well that gives me something to think about, now can you leave me alone. It feels weird having your voice in my head.

Okay fine.