
CADMUS ACADEMY [TUA 1] Filipino/Tagalog

jilib480 · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 2

Apo Noni and Gyrant seem to have become one in spirit or mind which he calls himself. Apo Noni is very old but his strength is still feared by some of the villages. Because the level of power that Apo Noni has achieved is high but it is also undeniable that he has passed the time, this is a case of Fifth Level Summoner who has five strong Familiar and Gyrant is one of his familiar. In villages, village chiefs like Chief Dario are usually only at the Fourth level Summoner. The 6th Level to 9th Level Summoners are Patriarchs. But in Apo Noni's old age, it will be difficult for him to hunt his sixth familiar and he has the strength of 6th Level Summoner to 7th Level Summoner so even if Chief Dario and three of his Formers work together, it still doesn't matter. this is because their Summoning Magic level is only low. He also cannot ask for help from the Patriarchs now because he also has a problem facing against other patriarchs.

Summoner World is in the disciplined process of having a system of order. Apart from this, there are many other adjustments here, especially since there are changes in the summoner rankings and Apo Noni did not even get into any of the rankings because there are many more who are stronger than him.

When Gyrant arrived at the scene, Apo Noni was also very surprised by what he saw. He doesn't quite think that a young creature is inside the Summoner's glass which is a teleportation magic of the summoners but what really amazes him is the pathetic form of the boy inside. It was almost dead when Apo Noni looked at it but when he saw the child's condition well he was breathing and his skin was also slowly healing in a fast way. He was sure of his hypothesis why it turned out this way.

"Is it now the return of the Summoner children from another dimension? This is a big event for everyone. But why does this child's arrival seem so bad? It can't be caused by the Summoner's glass or it has an anomaly. It's a good thing just and he's in it because it has regeneration or recovery ability so it's still alive because otherwise it might have died forever. Tsk! Tsk! " Apo Noni just said in his mind as he observed it using what he called Gyrant who was one of his five familiar.

[Familiar: Call the creatures you call such as celestial beings, divine gods, divine childs and so on. It can also be Summoned Beast or Summoned Creatures and so on.]

Gyrant also immediately tried to lift the child's very heavy Summoned Glass that could not be measured but he was also able to lift it in several attempts. Apo Noni's vein also almost burst because he also drained almost some energy from it while continuing to control his familiar Gyrant even his energy.

"Grandpa Noni, what's going on, why does it seem like nahi ------!" worried Third Former Serion said as he saw the agony of their Apo Noni.

First Former Aleton immediately stopped him from speaking.

"Are you going to kill Apo Noni ha, Serion! He's probably doing something important at these times. When you disturb Apo's concentration I'll really let you down with my familiar ones when something bad happens to him!" said First Former Aleton. Even if they don't like the new chief of their village, Chief Dario, they can't even insult Apo Noni. Even if he is not included in the Summoner's Ranking List, it is an honor for them to be their family or ancestors of the village of Hercas.

Later, they were all shocked when Apo Noni suddenly vomited fresh blood.

"Grandpa Noni!" Chief Dario, First Former Aleton, Second Former Mario and Third Former Serion said simultaneously while worried.

Apo Noni immediately drank Energy Recovery Water, a special water from Summoner's River. The world of Summoners is special. The environment is very beautiful and blessed with rich energies of nature even the soil is very fertile and the waters are healing. It's just that it also has levels and the Energy Recovery Water in Summoner's River is a very dangerous place because this place is infested with land especially in the waters of Ownerless Beasts and other Ownerless Heroes and Creatures.

That is the frightening reality in the world of Summoner's and one is Summoner's River in having an Opening Portal that goes to the world of Summons World where there are countless numbers of Ownerless Summon Beast/Creature/Heroes which are just waiting to own them to become familiar with them but can't just fix them because you need to tame it or you need to catch it using Summoner's Rope which is a magical leash which is specially made to you catch them but it's still up to you whether you succeed or not. Ownerless Summoned Beasts/Creatures are fierce while Summoned Heroes are naturally contemptuous and elusive and are mostly children of Celestial Beings and gods and goddesses.

Every three months the large Opening Portal of Summons World opens. Here you have to hunt your familiar hero/beast/creature. Just like Gyrant who is a Summoned Hero who is the son of a Celestial Beings. Because Apo Noni was old when he caught it but if he was young he might have surpassed some Summoner's level and he would have reached a few thousand years but his Summoner's Talent has gradually declined for several hundred years he will only stay here in this world so others are very careful that Apo Noni is angry, especially the formers and Chief Dario.

They would have liked to prolong Apo Noni's life because this has become the foundation of their village and that is why many villages do not interfere or disturb them because they are afraid of the strength that Apo Noni has even on this brink. of death a few hundred years from now. They are just waiting for this to happen and then they will attack and take over their place. That is the big problem in Summoner's World, you need more strength and power so that you will not be oppressed or enslaved by anyone. Your opponents here will be your fellow Summoners and the call for organizing the system here is the conquest of the land or village next to you. Even if there is only one patriarch of some villages, the system will remain the same here and it is common for conquest here to have the evolution of the village into a town until it becomes a City, that is the only one who can rule here and this is if you are the strongest.

The Formers are currently supporting Apo Noni and Chief Dario is silent. He also does not want to quarrel with them or quarrel with them because it is also boring for him.

"What did you do, Apo Noni? Why do you seem to make yourself tired ?!" worried said Second Former Mario who was the caretaker in his seat now. He didn't know what Apo Noni was preoccupied with in merging his mind with Gyrant. It was only now that he saw again that Apo Noni was very tired and even a little hurt because of what he did that he was very worried about. Apo Noni is the only remaining protector of their village and they are still very weak compared to Chief Dario who is the leader of the village of Hercas to which they belong.

"Because you forgot to tell me that today is the Summoner's Annual Celebrations for the return of the young summoners. You didn't even tell me about it, I'm still in trouble." said Apo Noni

"Now it's Apo Noni? I also forgot to tell you, I'm sorry." Chief Dario said apologetically while scratching his neck. The two months also met last night, which means that the current date is also in another month. They were also very busy last month, so they missed the occasion this month. This is the Summoner's Annual Celebration.

The three Formers immediately resented what Village Chief Dario had said.

"Isn't it your duty as Chief or better to say Village Chief to find out the important Occasions this month or any other day or year. Apo Noni is old enough to think about other things because it will only harm his health. it's your irresponsibility. " said First Former Aleton.

"That's why, I have no intention of hurting or ruining our relationship with our roles. You must know how to do time management Village Chief Dario because this is an important occasion of the whole Summoner World for new generations. One month from now. now the Opening Portal to Summoner's River is opening so that the disciples of our village may be affected tsk! tsk! " Third Former Serion said with disgust. He doesn't want the Village Chief to be as care-free because they are a lot of work but he becomes careless even with his simple responsibilities. They don't want to lead it but not to the point that they want to oust it. It's because they are even younger compared to their Formers who are twenty years old. It's only thirty because they're close to paying. They may be guides but if they need to be strict, it must be for the order of their village and not just personal preference. Because when the village is destroyed, they will all suffer as well.

"I'm also a little tired of our fight. All I ask is that you improve the role assigned to you Village Chief Dario. We just remember that you must lead the village and we are under your control well because it's your fault is also the fault of the whole village. " Second Former Mario just said while he had nothing more to say. He also doesn't want to stress Apo Noni as much. He was a little nervous about the incident earlier because he vomited a lot of blood. He did not want to add to the problem so he would consider their general welfare rather than personal purpose. They are in a serious and dangerous situation and are becoming very aggressive because the neighboring villages are their biggest problem today.

"I'm really sorry, let me and I will try to do my job well." Village Chief Dario said that his determination to improve his leadership can be seen. After all, he got used to it when he was young that he only did it for pleasure and he only did very light training and he forgot that he was in charge here. It was only then that his parents were deliberately murdered in the last three years so at the age of twenty-five his parents died and that is where the hellish training began for him to prepare himself for the task that was early placed on his shoulders. . He was an only child so he had no sympathy but his subjects especially Apo Noni who was his great-grandfather. He had long since retired as Village Chief and it also helped him in organizing and preparing him as Village Chief. The death of his parent caused pressure from the neighboring villages but they did not take a step that would anger Apo Noni. They were also not held responsible for the death of his parents because foul play happened as if it was intentional but they did not gather evidence to pinpoint the suspects they suspected. Besides, they didn't make ruckus in their Village called Hercas because they didn't want to anger a Fifth Level Summoner, Apo Noni.

As a Village Chief he studied every branch of their territory under his jurisdiction. Trade, the flow of money or wealth of the village, the production of food and much more. He also aims to find out about the suspicious actions of the other villages and the protection of his subjects. Their situation has been quite difficult for the past five months until now because a dispute has erupted among the Patriarchs of the Towns near their villages. In that case, it will be difficult for them to act, especially in inside and outside activities such as trading. The effect of this can be seen especially for those who also rely on trade because farming with them is not as productive even the forest near their territory may also be seized by their opponents from other villages only.

This is a very sad incident in the town of Hercas especially for the leaders here who are burdened with this very serious problem.