
CADMUS ACADEMY [TUA 1] Filipino/Tagalog

jilib480 · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 15

Even though what happened to young Evor was sad, especially these days, he still continued to practice and get stronger.

He can now summon his familiar but is it just a cute fire fox. This is just a baby fire fox but he knows that in the future he will also be a man and able to fight but for now he will only train with him and strengthen his bond with this familiar.

It's also mischievous and very hyper. Sometimes it does try to make fire but the fire that is released from this crater is not stable and sometimes it even coughs loudly. This is really normal, especially since his first familiar must be small and not over 50 years old. Only his second familiar can fill this requirement.

He also needs to take care of it and not subject the fire fox to intense training. It needs to be nurtured accordingly if he doesn't want it to get tired and there will be no development in his body.


"Child, Apo Noni is calling you. It's time for you to practice with your big pet fire Fox." Village Chief Dario laughed and said as he saw the boy Evor rehearsing non-stop with his super-sized pet Fire Fox.

The months went by really quickly and now young Evor's vigor is back. He remembers that it was only a few weeks ago but it became sad which is really a painful event. Having a Void Familiar really is not a good news for everyone especially and who would want to have this kind of familiar that can't be used at all. You can say you are very unlucky if this is what you get.

Maybe you'll just grow old with white hair before the void familiar inside your summoners ball comes out. No one has yet been able to reveal their true form. Unlike the familiars you actually caught and not just accidentally picked up from anywhere.

There is a saying that the void familiar is empty for whoever is lucky enough to get it. They seem to be the blackest ships among all the familiars. Useless and indifferent to the summoners who own them.

But in Evor's situation, he believes that the void familiar in him is filled. Maybe it's just his instinct. He didn't want to hope forever but he felt that there was life inside his Summoners ball.

How many times have they argued about it. He did ask Apo Noni about void familiars and he always teased her to tell him.

Young Evor was happy when he heard Village Chief Dario say that he had arrived at his place.

"It's you, Chief Dario. It's good that Apo Noni has plans to call me. I thought he wouldn't call me." Young Evor smiled and said while his eyes still seemed to be shining.

Village Chief Dario frowned at what the young Evor said and spoke quickly.

"Hey, you're young. You know Apo Noni is old and you have a lot to take care of. It's good that he gave you permission now. Those three formers are also big apples." Village Chief Dario laughed and said that he just wanted to laugh at the behavior of the three formers. These three also join forces to disturb him and annoy him.

Young Evor just laughed. In the few months of his stay here, he can say that he seems to have gotten used to the behavior of First Former Aleton, Second Former Mario and Third Former Serion, especially that they are opposite to the two of them and Village Chief Dario who you thought was fire will be poured out on them if they do not settle. He doesn't know how he got used to them but they rarely see each other now because he's busy practicing alone with his Fire Fox.

Village Chief Dario also has a problem because he also does a lot in the management of the village. Expect it to be really hardworking and it doesn't just know the three formers. This Village Chief is really good. He thought that they were the only people here but the place where he was staying was the vast manor of the village officials. It is separated from the households themselves in accordance with the set up of the village. Part of the forest is also here and farming or agriculture is the main occupation of the villagers. They also can't just hunt here because they might encounter other people. There are also many domesticated animals here just like his home world.

It's also funny because the village he is in is peaceful. He is also strong with Apo Noni and Village Chief Dario so the three formers do not discuss him. The three are really really annoying.

"You can't be funny. You're too high blood there Village Chief Dario, that's really all they are. You said it too, just get used to it." Young Evor laughed and said while he also quickly shook his clothes. He doesn't want to look like a wet chick when he faces Apo Noni.

"Oh he, go away because you might be arguing with those three gogos. I'm going to our village first because I have a meeting with them." Village Chief Dario spoke seriously. He is really busy now. It's going to be noon now, so why don't he stay up late just for what he has to say.

"Alright Village Chief Dario, I'll go first hehe. Thank you very much!" Evor said politely as he quickly left. It waved before its figure disappeared when it was far away.

Village Chief Dario just looked at the boy and when he noticed that his figure had disappeared, he spoke quickly.

"Hey, that boy. He didn't even talk to me in the end. He was really walking towards Apo Noni." Village Chief Dario just laughed and said and quickly walked towards the road to the village. Fortunately, he had already passed the very place where young Evor was lying, so he was walking straight.


"Grandpa Noni!!!!!!" Young Evor shouted loudly when he saw the figure of the old man Apo Noni not far away. It was only a long way away because he was already aware of its presence.

The old man Apo Noni just laughed when he noticed the young Evor approaching his place. It even waved to indicate that it was him.

Young Evor was panting when he got to where the old man Apo Noni was who you thought ran a marathon just to get there fast.

"Just take it easy. It looks like someone is chasing your opponent if you can run. Just relax." Said the old man Apo Noni as he couldn't stop giving a glass of water to young Evor who was still taking air from his lungs.

Young Evor was fine from his shortness of breath when he drank water. It was really hyper. Joke he waited all week just for this day.

"Why did you call me Apo Noni? It looks like I have something new to do." Young Evor asked in surprise. He really didn't know why.

"You're forgetting that the Opening Portal of the Summons World opens in Summoner's River tomorrow, do you want to go there?! Up to S6tg Level Summoners can go there to attend the search for their future familiar. You want to get your own familiar as well is it not?!" The old man, Apo Noni, said seriously. In his old age you wouldn't think his memory is still sharp.

Young Evor just scratched the back of his neck.

"Ahehe... I seem to have forgotten, Apo Noni, that it's tomorrow. Yes, yes. Will you also participate with the three formers and Village Chief Dario?!" Said the young Evor as he seemed to change the conversation. He didn't want to look like a blast because he forgot about tomorrow's big event. He also wants to go tomorrow and get a new familiar. I'm sure that this time he will be successful and he promises that he won't be stupid now.

"Well, of course. It's a tradition here to find a familiar and strengthen the power of each summoner. Who wants to miss this kind of opportunity?!" Only the old man Apo Noni said. This will be an exciting event for all of the summoners. He also plans to get a new familiar to strengthen the village's protection.

The truth is that the village has a big problem but they just kept it a secret from everyone including Evor. Only First Former Aleton, Second Former Mario, Third Former Serion and the Village Chief Dario only know this. Apo Noni is too old but if he wants to strengthen the village, they must level up in order to prolong the village's existence. They are facing a lot of problems and he doesn't even want young Evor to be affected.

"That's fine then Apo Noni. Can I go with you to find a familiar?!" Young Evor asked as you noticed that he wanted to come along.

"What you want is not possible, Ijo. We will go inside the Opening Portal to look for a familiar there. It is difficult to enter there and there are many fierce and untamable Summons. It is too dangerous if you go inside." Said the old man, Apo Noni. Indeed, it is not just dangerous but very dangerous. Summons within the Opening Portal can easily level up so low level can't join. 3rd Level Summoners are at risk and there are many summons out there that they can make familiar. It is not advisable to go in because they will only become victims here. Such a situation is difficult. He will be an easy target.

Apo Noni is also worried about Evor's condition. It is still a First Level Summoner and only has one working familiar. Unlike a full second level summoner that has two familiars, it can only summon one familiar. It was difficult and he didn't want to ruin it. He was not a heartless being who wanted to harm this boy who was just beginning to develop a technique to become a powerful summoner in the future.

That's why he will find a way to find a suitable familiar for the three formers to somehow strengthen the forces of their village. Village Chief Dario can also find a suitable familiar if lucky.

"It's a shame, Apo Noni, if that's the case. I'd like to go inside the Opening Portal to see the inside of it." Young Evor said while noticing that he was also sad because he couldn't come. Indeed, he still needs to become a full Fourth Level Summoner if he wants to go inside, but he can only summon three Familiars. He is already 19 years old and at his age, it can be said that he is really young compared to the hundreds and thousands of summoners living in this world.

"When Apo Noni says no, don't feel sorry Evor. You only have one Familiar so you should be ashamed of your STRENGTH hahaha!" Full of sarcasm said a familiar voice just behind Evor.

The young Evor immediately faced it and he quickly saw the creature that spoke not far from where they were, who was none other than Marcus Bellford. He was definitely not the type of person that young Evor wanted to see.

"I didn't think there was a snort wandering around here. It's really the strength of your lime to come here!" Evor's words were full of teasing when he saw that he was still carrying huge buckets.

"Hmmp! Get ready Evor when I get stronger. Just because you beat me last month doesn't mean you always win." Marcus Bellford said as he snarled in annoyance. There was still a playful smile on his lips. His familiar is also turning three so it's impossible for him not to celebrate, he will definitely be stronger than Evor. He is 21 years old who is about to become a Third Level Summoner and he wants to surpass Evor. He was really annoyed by his presence, especially his defeat before, so he has been rehearsing every day to prepare for having a third familiar for tomorrow. First Former Aleton is raising him so he won't be defeated by young Evor. His father-in-law, First Former Aleton, is also angry with Village Chief Dario so he will not let this Evor pest pass by.