
By the Moon River

Elestria waits for her mate for 240 full moons. This year, she was the gossip for being the only one without a mate. Tired and disappointed, she joined the palace forces to spy on the Seraphim Kingdom. Under the lunar eclipse, she found that special fragrance. For the first time, her body was deeply relaxed, but her mind was aflame. The wolf in her stirred with excitement. Elestria found him. His brilliant red eyes didn't blink as they locked gazes. In that very moment, they realized they had found each other as enemies.

eveawonyu · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Elestria on Sunday Night

A round, white full moon hung in the sky since sunset. A sprinkling of stars surrounded it and illuminated the earth of the Emberfall Kingdom.

The howls of wolves were in every house, except for the house near the woodshed. That was Elestria's house. She was 21 this year and without a mate.

On the old wooden bed, her straight brown hair was scattered. Her legs hung over the bed. Her eyes were closed for a moment. She stared at the ceiling, then sighed.

"You should try again." It was Scarlett who spoke. The white wolf inside Elestria sighed in disappointment.

Elestria said, "There are no wolves for us here."

"We should move to another region."

"Make me rich, then we'll move."

"Elestria! It's your fault I haven't met my mate yet!"

She took a deep breath before shouting, "You think you're the only one without a mate? The whole town is mocking me for not having a mate! You-"

"What? It's my fault?! It's-"

Elestria cut off her hearing with Scarlett. Her hands cupped her face with a tired sigh. She turned her head to the window. The brightly shining moon she had seen for twenty years in loneliness.

"Is there no mate for me?" she whispered.

The wolf's howls intermingled outside. Her expression changed. She got up to close the window and lock the door. She returned by jumping onto the bed on her stomach.

Her face sank into the pillow. The room was one of three in the house. There wasn't much furniture as she lived alone. The only light was the candle in the room. However, the moonlight still dared to enter through the gap.


The next day, Elestria carried a piece of wood into her house. Her hair was tied up, but it kept falling and eventually came loose. She didn't care and continued her work.

She brought the wood from the drying shed. She's a girl who can't stand the cold. At all times, her home should be warm. Autumn in Emberfall was almost as cold as winter. If the house wasn't warm, she wouldn't get out of the blanket.

Scarlett hasn't said anything yet. She must be tired of waiting and waiting. Mates can't be forced. Searching is also useless if the moon goddess doesn't approve.

"Elestria!" A shrill female voice called her name.

Elestria didn't need to turn her head. She knew who that was. She was Roxi. Last year, she met her mate. People said he was as handsome as a god. To Elestria, he was a duplicate of Roxi, the haughty, pretentious, and annoying one. Just look at his face.

"Elestria! I'm calling you."

Roxi stood nearby. She wore a flowing orange dress with a ribbon in her hair. Her mate stood by the tree. He carried a picnic basket.

"What?" replied Elestria indifferently. Her body bent down to pick up some wood.

Roxi chuckled, then folded her arms across her chest. "Moving wood is rough work, dear. You could damage your nails. You need a mate to do this," she said with a chuckle.

"You're going on a picnic?"

"Yes! It's our first picnic. The lake in the middle of the forest is very pretty. We'll come back to visit it again in winter." When she was talking, she couldn't hide her happiness.

Elestria grinned. "That's good."

"Yes, it is. Eh? You're distracting me!"

When Roxi pointed at her, Elestria got up. Her brown dress moved softly in time with her movements. She walked to the house and back again. She folded her arms across her chest in front of Roxi. "Your picnic sounds lovely, Roxi. Enjoy it and just worry about your life. You're smart so you'll understand, right?"

Roxi was stunned. Then, she clucked. Her hand cupped her left cheek. She said, "Everyone has found a mate. I'm worried about you living alone. It's a hard world, Els."

Elestria's right eye twitched. Scarlett who had just woken up whispered to her to scratch that face. However, Elestria replied calmly, "Because life is hard, we think about our own lives."

"That's right?"

"Your mate is waiting. Hurry up and leave."

Roxi was silent for a moment. She trotted quietly to a tree while peering at Elestria who had entered the woodshed. Her mate immediately asked, "Why do you care about her? She doesn't care about you."

Roxi smiled sweetly. "She's the only one without a mate. It's a pity if she doesn't have a mate."

He shook his head lightly. He took Roxi's hand, then walked on. "The bitchy girl meets the same," he chuckled.

"Like those of us who are both good-looking?"

"You could say that."

They giggled.


"You should have scratched her face! Or at least cut out her tongue."

"What will I get?"


Scarlett grinned at the wolf form. Her polished smooth and white fangs appeared. Meanwhile, Elestria sat in the backyard. She was watching the maple leaves begin to turn yellow.

"People are so busy talking about me that I don't wanna go to the market. Indeed, without a mate is a sin?"

"No, dear," Scarlett replied sweetly.

"Not having a mate means that I can't live alone?"

"No." There was a pause after Scarlett spoke again. She continued, "But we need one!"

Elestria lay down on the grass. Sweat dripped from her forehead. Her index finger wiped them off. Her eyes looked deep into the sky. 

"We need him to get fucked! Please, Elestria, move to another region. He is waiting for us."

"Make me rich first."

Scarlett let out a sad sigh. Her face was downcast. Suddenly, she looked up. She suggested. "Let's work in the palace! You become a servant. The salary by the palace is big."

"If I break a small item in the palace, my life pays for it," Elestria said bitterly.

"You can't possibly join the army, right? You who are a weak girl...."

Elestria no longer heard Scarlett's babble. She became busy with the exciting mission by the palace troops. Her lips curled in interest.

"Elestria!" Scarlett called out to her with all her might.

"What? Your shouting is ruining my ears."

"I know what you're thinking. Don't tell me you wanna join."

"I didn't say anything... yet."

Scarlett opened her eyes and mouth in shock. "Are you crazy?" she asked stammeringly.

"This girl who waited for a mate for 240 full moons needs some entertainment. We're leaving for the palace tomorrow!"

"Elestria! Think of him waiting for us in another region. He's waiting for you, waiting for me! Don't waste-"

She cut off her hearing with Scarlett. In an excited movement, she ran into the house. She hurriedly took a large bag from the wardrobe to fill it with clothes.