
Business Gamer

Lin Long, A youngman with a dream. He was given a chance by the supreme beings of the universe. He will become strong in order to protect the earth. The place that was the supream beings motherland.

CrazeNovel · สมัยใหม่
103 Chs

Chapter 37 A date

Lin Long after coming out of the cafeteria Journalists crowded out and asked him about the situation when the assailants started their attacks. Lin Long kept his mouth shut, refusing to speak or answer any questions. The reporters were unable to interview Lin Long at all. After not getting Lin Long's consent, they couldn't help but turn and ask someone else instead.

Lin Long let out a sigh before continuing to walk towards his parked car.

The events that happened today appeared on the front page of the newspaper. The assailant who opened fire on the students was heavily criticized by various sectors. Politicians started to come out and move about it. They discussed arms control policy for more stringent measures. This event is a very big event. The university even shut down all classes for the week in order to investigate and plan the next level of prevention.