
Business Gamer

Lin Long, A youngman with a dream. He was given a chance by the supreme beings of the universe. He will become strong in order to protect the earth. The place that was the supream beings motherland.

CrazeNovel · สมัยใหม่
103 Chs

Chapter 35 Rage [3]

This is the main question, without capital or money, no matter how good the idea is, the work will not work. However, money is the key factor that moves everything forward. If Lin Long had no capital He couldn't do anything. As for Yoon Harang, she might be able to use her network to raise funds. She wanted to use this advantage to persuade Lin Long to join the club.

“Capital? Of course I have more than you think. I think I will lightly invest fifty billion won. and look at the future paths to see where to go next.”

Hear the amount of money Lin Long said. Yoon Harang could only take a deep breath. Since when was it that easy to find funding? If she introduced someone from her network to Lin Long They should be able to help Lin Long but not so much as to give fifty billion won of capital. At most, they should only give around 500 million won.

Yoon Harang was now beginning to suspect Lin Long's background as to where he came from.