
Business Gamer

Lin Long, A youngman with a dream. He was given a chance by the supreme beings of the universe. He will become strong in order to protect the earth. The place that was the supream beings motherland.

CrazeNovel · สมัยใหม่
103 Chs

Chapter 2 Gamer System

Lin Long wanted to save money, but once in a while it would be fine.

Lin Long came down from the apartment and rode his bike straight to the restaurant where he regularly ate.

"Look who came! Actually, it's an orphan from a poor neighborhood. "

Lin Long arrived in front of the restaurant and frowned. He didn't expect to meet someone he didn't want to meet at a time like this.

He met Min Tae, a young man about the same age as him. Accompanied by a group of gangsters, he often spends time with them.

Min Tae was the one who messed with Lin Long the most. Because he has no father or mother to protect him. This made him a target for these people.

Lin Long shook his head. He didn't want to mess with these people.

He didn't care and wanted to walk into the restaurant.

"Min Soah, how are you?"

Asked Lin Long, he looked at a young woman standing in the restaurant waiting to welcome customers.

Min Soah was the only woman who was good to him. Min Soah was a very beautiful person who made everyone like her, including him.

"I'm fine and you."

Min Soah spoke with a smile to Lin Long.

"I’m okay, so how are you doing these days?"

Lin Long smiled. Min Soah was still good to him and answered his question without feeling annoyed like anyone else.

"I haven't done much lately. I helped my father manage this restaurant. But what would you like to eat? "

"Oh I would like Jajangmian and a bottle of beer."

Lin Long said as he took out the money in his pocket to pay Min Soah.

Min Soah took the money from Lin Long before heading into the kitchen to deliver orders to her father.

"Here you go. Do you want anything else?"

Min Soah asked while looking at the clock on the wall. Lin Long knew that Min Soah should have something to do. He picked up the food that Min Soah had brought to him before speaking.

"Nothing, thank you very much."

Lin Long finished receiving the food and immediately walked out of the restaurant.

He walked to his bike as usual and found Min Tae now sitting on his bike.

Lin Long felt that things were starting to get very bad.

"Hey, You let us wait a long time. You think I don't know what you think of Min Soah? I don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror. Today, I'll just teach you softly. "

Min Tae said with a nod to his mob.

"What I think with whom is up to me. I don't need to ask permission from anyone, right? "

Lin Long said, with a clenched fist. Even though he was weak and helpless. He wouldn’t let anyone mess with him easily.

He knew Min Tae liked Min Soah and already confessed to her but he was rejected without mercy.

Min Soah hated bully the most. He knew that because she was bullied too but with the help of teachers. No one dare to do anything to her anymore.

Min Tae heard Lin Long. He was angry.

"Huh... but it's up to me to make anyone who messes with my girl learn a lesson."

Lin Long could only grit his teeth right now. He could only fight one person in a group because that person was weaker than the others.

But Min Tae and the others weren't. They were athletes. They were physically strong and fast.

He just won't be able to fight with just Min Tae alone. Don’t mention the whole group?

‘Why my fu*king life’

Lin Long was beaten several times.

Lin Long punched him once but was knocked back three or four times.

He was punched, kicked until he could barely stand.

"From today on, stay away from Soah, otherwise I will kill you."

Min Tae, after beating Lin Long until he was satisfied, threw him to the ground.

Lin Long felt pain throughout his body. His head hit the concrete on the ground before he fainted.

Lin Long woke up after being unconscious for how many hours? He felt his whole body ache.

And right now, he still has a headache. He heard someone's voice. It is the voice of a girl.

[Make a connection to the mainframe!]

"Waaaa!!! Who is it? "

Lin Long looked around. He was still in the parking lot, where he was parking his bicycle. There was not a single person around.

[Congratulations, you're the winner who received a game system from Universe Lord Chen Ming. Would you like to get this gaming system?!]


Lin Long felt as though he was hallucinating. He pinched his cheek and felt pain. This was not a dream and not a hallucination. He screamed loudly all around him.


"What the hell is going on here? What is it now? "

Lin Long could not believe that he was delusional. His brain must have been affected for sure.

"What did the voice that sounded up just now say?"

Lin Long had read many novels. There were some stories where the protagonist hears strange noises in their head. But no, it could just be the sound of the evil spirit that was circling this location.

[Does the host want to log in to the teaching assistant?]

"The voice, the voice is still in my head. I must be crazy. "

[Conduct a physical exam! It was found that the host had some degree of damage. but there is no brain injury]

Hearing this, Lin Long blinked his eyes. He hurriedly spoke up.

"You're not a ghost, are you?"

[Deny, the game system is not a spirit or ghost.It is a system created by Universe Lord Chen Ming.]

He heard that the game system answered him. He felt suspicious.

"Who is this Universe Lord Chen Ming and why did he choose me?"

Lin Long said, with a questioning look. He wanted to know who Chen Ming was. And why choose him?

[The system cannot answer host questions. because the host level is not high enough.]

Lin Long only blinked his eyes. level is not high enough.

Lin Long breathed a sigh. He expected that. He had read a novel about something like this. For high-level beings, just knowing their names was already a great merit.

"And what should I do from now on?"

[Only accept the gamer system!]

Lin Long thought for a moment before agreeing.

[Welcome to the host of the Gamer System 2.0 created by Universe Lord Chen Ming!]


[Please specify the objectives for teaching aids](00.10s)

[1. Survive the Zombie Apocalypse by Kim Mintae]

[2. How to earn money from the system by Chen Ming]

[3. How to Make a Harem Happy by Kim Mintae]

[4. A Manly Fight by Ao Ertian]

[5. True Qi Cultivation by Chen Ming]

Lin Long blinked. Two more names were added: Kim Mintae and Ao Ertian. He wanted to ask the system But He felt that the system would say that he wasn't high enough as usual.

Lin Long, who was thinking about it, didn't notice that in the upper right corner of the selection, there was a limited time to choose.

It was too late for him to notice.

[Out of time! make adjustments to teaching as appropriate.]

"Wait a minute!"

Fast! Lin Long couldn't change anything. The system has made a selection for him.

"Why is my life so bad all the time?"

Lin Long breathed a sigh.

[Make a route guide to the host. By the words of the three universe lords, right and wrong lie with the strong. Weak and you can only be a good friend!]

Lin Long heard the words of the three universe lords. He felt that there was something wrong with it.

“The strong determine whether something is right or wrong. But the weak can only be a good friend! What does it mean!? "

Lin Long was suspicious. He could feel that some kind of knowledge flashed through his head.

The knowledge he gained was the method of cultivating his body and defining his breath.

He had never thought that just regulating his breathing would be able to strengthen his body.

Moreover, he gained something more than breathing exercises.

[The host has received the "Basic Dragon Refining Breath" by Chen Ming.]

[Host received "Basic Thai Boxing" by Ao Ertian]

[Host acquires the "Basic Psychic Power" from Kim Mintae.]