
Business Gamer

Lin Long, A youngman with a dream. He was given a chance by the supreme beings of the universe. He will become strong in order to protect the earth. The place that was the supream beings motherland.

CrazeNovel · สมัยใหม่
103 Chs

Chapter 17 Mission Completed

Lin Long had spent nine hundred thousand karmas in one sitting. He felt like he was the richest man in the world. Lin Long after finishing dealing with the knowledge in his brain. He came out of the hotel and went to have something to eat at a fancy restaurant. Today he ate buttered lobster. Along with the buffet

Lin Long now felt extremely safe after upgrading the skill. with his profound level and with more rehabilitation along with Iron Physique He was confident that he could survive even being hit by bullets.

Lin Long examined the skill a bit more before feeling desperate. Looking at the price of a high-grade skill, it still gave him goosebumps. The minimum upgrade price for each skill was a million karmas. or fifty million dollars He just had the price of upgrading an advanced skill so much, he didn't want to think about the ultimate level how much money it would cost…

Lin Long sighed after the skill upgrade price. He wanted to see some other topics. He pressed to the mission tab.

[Mission accomplished. Want to confirm it?]


Lin Long replied in a confident tone.

[Mission comleted]

Quest Results: You have dealt with your enemies mercilessly and flawlessly. Your enemies have been bankrupt. McDonald's lost his valuables. And now he is facing the biggest problem of his life.

You choose your path in battle wisely. Hide in the shadows to stealth Enemies cannot find you. and being manipulated without knowing what you are facing You have made them fearful. They will remember you and the shadow that will haunt them everywhere.

Reward: Unlock new items in the shop (by Kim Mintae)

Remarks: Emperor Kim Mintae seems to want Host to be more violent. However, Emperor Chen Ming and Ao Ertian agreed on your path.

Lin Long was very interested in the Emperor's assessment. He didn't think that the Lord of the Universe would evaluate him so much.

Lin Long immediately opened up a shop and took a look. He noticed that the weapons and armor department had popped up.

“System, why are the weapons in the shop so expensive? Isn't it that these guns can be bought from outside?”

Lin Long looked at the shop for a moment and felt that the price was too expensive compared to the price of the gun in the shop and the actual price outside. He thought that the prices outside were incomparably cheaper than in the stores. He couldn't help asking the system.

[Equipment sold in the internal system shop is more durable and reliable than the equipment purchased outside. In addition, buying weapons from outside the system may cause problems for the host as well. If the host wants to buy them in large numbers Hosts may be directly monitored by governments and other relevant agencies. Hosts need to think twice. If one day host has host's own army Hosts may find this function very useful. and most importantly These weapons were created by the Universe Emperor Kim Mintae. It's more than just a normal weapon.]

Lin Long heard the system explain. He took a good look at the weapons. He found that there was also some letter etched into the gun.

“Like a rune… this is definitely enchanted.”

Lin Long felt chills at the thought of these highly destructive armed forces. The enemy in front of him would probably be easily defeated. Inside the shop were snipers, heavy machine guns, guns that he used to use. and many others, even bombs

Lin Long let his imagination run wild for a while before he pulled it back. Before he could purchase armor from the system, He already had the Iron Physique skill. However, he felt safer if he was wearing a safety suit.

Lin Long after finishing himself. He thought it might be time for him to go back to Korea. He's fed up with casinos. Linlong wanted to start his new business. He wants clean money. Lin Long immediately booked a first-class plane ticket.

He hurriedly packed everything into the storage compartment as usual. He finished packing in only a few minutes.