
Business Gamer

Lin Long, A youngman with a dream. He was given a chance by the supreme beings of the universe. He will become strong in order to protect the earth. The place that was the supream beings motherland.

CrazeNovel · สมัยใหม่
103 Chs

Chapter 103 for stability?

Charlotte now moved closer to Lin Long. before hugging him Her breathing was not rhythmic. Her fear probably hasn't gone away yet.

Lin Long hugged her tightly. to let you know that he's right here

“Longlong doesn't feel disgusted with Charlotte, right?”

“Disgust, there's no way, why should I disgust Charlotte?”

Charlotte took a breath. before speaking up

“Longlong, longlong, now you know that Charlotte...is not normal.”

Lin Long was silent for a moment before nodding.

Charlotte smiled. before speaking to him

“Then Longlong can still accept Charlotte? Imperfect Charlotte Could Longlong still be a lover for someone like Charlotte?”

Lin Long shook her head before hugging her tighter.

“Not everyone's Charlotte is perfect. even myself There's no need for Charlotte to feel bad. and speak distantly Now...we are considered lovers. Anything that is not perfect, let the other person complete it.”