
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

28. The girl she had been

Ethan was moving in a slow circle in his office chair, staring at the invitation card in his hands.

A formal invitation to the matching making event, the Luna's Gambit.

"So you have to take two more people with you?" Victoria raised her brows

Just after lunch, when Ethan had received the invite, his inner circle had assembled in the office.

"Alpha Supreme did honor my request," He said "So I can't bend the rules this time. It says it's mandatory to take at least two more people. Something about more people being there making it more fun."

"I'll go." Vincent said immediately

Ethan gave him a surprised look "That was fast."

"It's like a vacation, isn't it?" Vincent said, leaning back in his chair "And I haven't had a vacation in, let's see… that's right! Three years!"

"You sound like you're complaining, Davenport."

"That's because I am."

"If you're telling us about this, I assume you want to take two of us." Victoria said, then sighed "Well, you boys have fun then."

Ethan looked at Tyler, who stood against the wall just by the door. He was still a little regretful of how he'd handled the beta earlier, but right now was not the time for that.

"Actually," Ethan stopped his chair and tossed the invite on the table "I want you to come, Victoria."

All three of the others looked at him strangely. Ethan avoided traveling too far from the pack, but when he did, he always took Tyler with him. It seemed only natural that this time too, he'd pick the beta.

"This event will last for little more than a month." Ethan explained "And while we're gone, I would like Tyler to stay behind and deal with a contract."

Tyler probably figured Ethan was talking about Thornwood's contract.

"Besides," The Alpha continued "It's a match making event. Who know? Someone might catch your eye."

Victoria gave him an odd look, but she didn't refuse. Instead, she twirled a lock of dark brown hair around her finger.

"Alright. I'll go."

Even Ethan was surprised she agreed so quickly. He darted a glance towards the beta, but whatever he thought about it didn't show on his face.

"It's settled then," Vincent clasped his hands together cheerfully "So, when do we leave?"


"What?" Vincent shot up from his seat "How am I supposed to pack so quickly?"

"Take only what's necessary." Ethan stood up as well "Our hosts will take care of most things on their own."

"But my car," Vincent said, eyes animatedly wide "How would we move it there so quickly?"

"Vincent, you can't take your car with you everywhere." Victoria rolled her eyes "Grow up."

"I can too." The Gamma crossed his arms with a frown "If I can't take my baby with me, then I don't need a vacation."

Ethan couldn't believe this guy. He sighed tiredly.

"Fine, we'll do something about the car. Happy?"

Vincent's grin was instant "Very."

He walked towards the door "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for my first ever vacation in three years!"

"I'll make sure he doesn't pack too much." Victoria left after her twin

Silence occupied the space in Ethan's office. Finally, Tyler spoke.

"What's your angle?"

"About what?" Ethan really was going to make him spell it out

"About taking Victoria there."

"She deserves a vacation."

The beta waited.

"It's exactly as I said," Ethan stood from his chair and looked outside the windows on the back wall that overlooked their territory "I need you here to work on Thornwood's case."

"Do you think I believe that's the only reason?"

Ethan considered his question for a moment, hands behind his back.

"When have I ever done something for a single reason?" He turned to look back at his beta

He recalled a few other details that Alpha Joseph had given him about this event, one in particular had stood out to him.

"At the end of this event, the people who decide to be together will be given the option of coming back there to hold a mating ceremony when they wish." Ethan told him "Those won't be like an ordinary mating ceremony under the full moon."

Tyler raised his brow about a single centimeter, as much curiosity about where Ethan was going with this as he would ever show.

"A witch will bind the two souls in a bond that will be unbreakable, more powerful than any other."

Ethan waited until the beta put two and two together.

"So you're taking her there so she could have a chance to…"

"Exactly." Ethan smiled at him like a proud teacher "It's highly possible that if Victoria has that sort of mating ceremony, her link with Lucas might be overpowered."

Tyler was quiet for a long moment.

"One month is too less," He finally said "There's no way anyone could make such a big decision so quick."

"Love is blind, no?" Ethan said calmly, Tyler opened his mouth to say something but the Alpha beat him to it "It's no small claim to say that bond will overpower a soulmate bond. This is more of a test. If a single pair decides to hold that ceremony, we get to know how well it works. We could ask those witches to perform a ceremony for us sometime later."

The beta's brows furrowed "If it's such a powerful bond, there probably aren't many who can do that. Those who can must be hard to convince."

"Who knows? Maybe a request from the Alpha Supreme of Europe would be good enough."

The whole picture of his plan came together, and Tyler looked almost impressed.

Ethan wished he could've left it at that, could've considered this moving on from their argument in the interrogation tower.

But when did wishes ever come true?

"Besides," He walked to the door "We might not have to ask for any favor at all."

He stopped at the threshold, just besides his beta.

"Maybe Victoria would like to have that ceremony with someone who's there."

He walked off before Tyler could respond. Ethan doubted he would anyways.

Angelina opened her room's door to find Ethan standing in front of it.

After their conversation in the garden, she'd simply done what she did last night and escaped to her room with her lunch. Victoria had thanked her heartily, and Tyler had uttered a word of apology as well, but that hadn't been enough for her to gather the courage to sit and eat with them.

Now Ethan gave her a lopsided smile.

She almost stepped back in surprise.

His real smile was always lopsided.

"It seems your career as an ambassador will be short-lived, Angelina."

"I'm sorry?" Angelina blinked, snapping out of her thoughts

He put his hands in his pockets, thumbs peeking out.

"I will be leaving for Germany on the first flight tomorrow." Ethan told her "I talked to the Alpha Supreme, and he agreed that you don't need to be here until I come back."

His words sank in. Angelina was unsure of what to say.

"I'm going back to New York?" She asked dumbly

Ethan nodded "You're free to decide what time you want to leave."

"I see."

She'd expected him to walk away, expected herself to close the door. Both of them stood where they were, unmoving.

"I guess this is goodbye." Angelina said quietly

For some reason she couldn't bring herself to look at him. It felt odd, as if someone had stepped over her throat. They'd never said goodbye the last time.

The last time they'd parted ways, it was accompanied by the bitter taste of betrayal.

"So it seems." Ethan let out a quiet breath "Let me know when you're leaving. I'll have someone take you back."

He turned around, the sound of his footsteps disappeared down the hall. Angelina closed the door to her room, leaning back against it.

So the matching making event was starting.

Angelina pushed herself to her feet, braced herself with a roll of her shoulders.

It was time for her to say goodbye to a lot of things.

It felt bittersweet, to leave the Parks' territory.

Angelina stepped outside the borders, a single duffle bag hanging down her shoulder. She hadn't had much time to pack, and Elise had been adamant that everything she might need will be provided. That was true, and now Angelina was glad that she didn't pack much.

She hadn't expected she'd be here for barely three days.

The red head looked back at the towering walls, standing guard to the many secrets of Parks' territory.

Just three days had never felt so long.

Angelina had refused Ethan's insisting offer to have someone drop her straight to the New York Head Quarters. It was ironic, really, she often wondered about never truly feeling like she belonged anywhere, yet she refused any pinch of time or space someone offered her.

She let out a breath, pulled the hood of her hoodie over her head, and started on the earthen road.

The trek was longer than usual, as she strolled along the trees.

Soon, she'd pass by Winters' territory. A part of her wanted to go back and see Morgan, maybe Aunt Juliette too, but there was no telling who might find her changed scent suspicious.

Besides, a mirthless smile tugged at her lips, she had to leave all that behind now.

There was no home for her, no place to go back to, no person to look forward to meeting. She would wander the face of this earth for many, many years to come. There would be no shoulder to share her burden, no soul in which she would confide.

That was her responsibility. That was the part she would play in the big scheme of things.

She wondered if it was liberation or imprisonment.

In an odd sense, Angelina enjoyed traveling through public transport. She'd changed two buses already, and was now waiting for the third.

Despite the chill in the air, the streets were busy. She stood among the many waiting for the bus, brought her hands to her mouth to blow warm breath over them.

Her eyes wandered aimlessly, going to the pavement across the road.

Time stopped.

Angelina's eyes widened, her whole frame frozen. Not even her heart dared to beat.

Because just across from her, Logan Thornwood stepped out of a building.

Midnight eyes shifted to her immediately, curls of dark hair falling over them.

Just like her, he too, stopped moving with the world. His eyes were wide, shock marred his features.

Then his face broke into an amused smile, eyes crinkling with it, a familiar dimple popping up in his left cheek.

His lips moved, and formed a single word.


The bus stopped in front of Angelina's face.

Just like that, her suspended clock shattered, the shards cutting through her like a thousand little silver knives.

The next moment, Angelina was shoving her way against the wave of the crowd, ears deaf to any words. She managed to get past the bus, frantically looking at where the Alpha was just standing.

He was gone.

'No', Angelina thought, thoughts rioting in her head, 'he can't leave just yet.'

All reason was left behind as she made a mad dash across the road, uncaring of whatever might came crashing at her. She caught a hint of the familiar scent in the air, following behind it without a second thought.

Logan who had been her secret keeper. Logan who always let her win. Logan who had never denied her anything.

Logan who had ruined everything.

Somewhere at the back of her mind, Angelina heard a voice that said she was running in the wrong direction, that she needed to run away from him, not towards him. But she didn't care, hadn't known seeing him would turn her into the girl she had been.

Reckless. Foolish. Arrogant. Thinking she could win against anything.

She could smell blood, fire, smoke. She could see burning flesh, the hatred in Tyler's eyes, the loathing she saw in her own reflection.

Angelina skidded to a halt, cold air dragging harshly down her windpipe, and she looked around frantically.

She'd lost the scent, had no idea where he was. As if he'd vanished.

'Get a grip', She clenched her hands into fists, nails digging sharply into her palms. 'Get a grip, you damned fool.'

Angelina pressed both her palms flat against a wall, head hanging down, trying to regulate her breaths, ignoring the looks of people passing by.

She pressed her eyes closed.


Chasing after him would change nothing. Killing him would not bring anything back. Getting killed by him would only disrupt her responsibility.

In the pocket of her jeans, her phone buzzed. Pushing herself off the wall, Angelina pulled it out, her fingers trembling from the onslaught of emotions.

"Hello?" Her voice was too shrill

"Angelina? Are you alright?" Silas' concerned voice reached her

"Fine," Angelina dragged a hand through her hair, which had come undone around her shoulders "Did you need something?"

"Well, there's something I thought you should know."

"What is it?" Angelina started walking back to the bus stand, trying to wrap her head around what she'd just seen and done

"I don't exactly know when, but when I reached the HQ, I heard something."

She hmmed to let him know she was listening.

"Thornwood has extended his stay. He informed the Alpha Supreme he'll be staying in New York for the next two weeks."

The phone broke in her grip. Angelina jumped herself, staring at the cracked screen blankly. She watched her own expression in a million shards.

Torn between terrified and terrifying.

A wave of anger washed over her, different than the one that had come from seeing Logan. This one was chilling in its intensity.

She wasn't that foolish girl anymore. She refused to be.

Two hours later, Angelina sat in Alpha Luke's office. He leaned his elbows over the table, fingers interlocked in front of his face.

"Is this really what you wish to do?" He asked her seriously

Angelina steeled herself, and gave him a firm nod.

"I'm going to Germany."

Hello my lovely readers!

How do you like the story so far? Please ignore any typos or mistakes, since this is an unedited first draft of the book!

Tomorrow's chapter is going to be a little off the main plot line! I may lock the chapter after a few days, since you dont necessarily need to read it to continue with the story.

Be prepared for Tyler's POV!

Jv_Author_Azizcreators' thoughts