
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

21. Hunting a mysthical creature

Ethan felt like he'd started living in cars.

Currently, Tyler was driving with him to meet Alpha Thornwood at the hotel he was staying at. Part of him was surprised at how he agreed to meet a client at their place of request, rather than meeting at the place of his choice.

But the man hadn't even given him a chance to deny the offer.

That was dangerous. Ethan wished he could blame his slip-up on the fact that he'd been feeling like someone was slowly eating away at his insides, but that would be an excuse.

But he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little curious.

Alpha Logan Thornwood. He held considerable sway in the European Supreme Council. Despite being only one year Ethan's senior, he was running the biggest pack in Germany.

What could he possibly want from Ethan?

"How long until the ambassador stays here?" Tyler's voice pulled him from his thoughts

"So you've met." Ethan studied his beta's profile

Tyler was quiet most of the time, but he had a way of making his silent pointed. Ethan had felt his disturbance ever since they'd started driving, but he knew better than to ask.

He was surprised to get the feeling their ambassador was the cause of the disturbance.

"I take it you don't like her much." Ethan pointed out the obvious

Tyler's hands were tight on the steering wheel "She's trouble."

Ethan raised his brows at his demeanor. It wasn't like him to get riled up easily, and though he knew Angelina could be troublesome, he knew things Tyler couldn't. His reaction didn't make a lot of sense.

"I know," He said instead "But I have no say over the matter. She'll stay until Alpha Supreme calls her back."

His beta's knuckles turned white over the wheel.

"I found her snooping around the forest last night."

Now his reaction was starting to make sense.

"Ignore it," Ethan said, twirling the ring over his finger thoughtfully "In fact, let her do whatever she wants."

He had enough faith in his security measures to rest assured she'd find nothing, no matter where she looked.

"You're underestimating the issue." Tyler frowned

"You're reading too much into this, Tyler." Ethan said "She's one girl. Our defenses will hold against that much."

Tyler sighed, but said nothing more.

Ethan and Tyler were escorted to the penthouse by the same man that'd come to get Alpha Thornwood yesterday evening.

Ethan didn't decipher much from his scent, courtesy of his condition, but if he had to make a guess, he'd say the man was Alpha Thornwood's beta.

He stopped in front of a heavy door, and knocked. After a moment of silence, he stepped aside to let Ethan get the handle.

"Alpha Logan is waiting for you," He said in a gravely tone

He turned his attention to Tyler with clear disdain "Only Alpha Parks was invited."

"A pity," Ethan said, grabbing the handle "He's coming with me."

He walked inside, and didn't need to look back to know Tyler had followed. The door closed behind them with more sass than necessary.

They were in an office of sorts, too impersonal to give any hints about its occupant.

In front of them, behind a heavy desk, Logan Thornwood sat in a heavier still armchair.

"Alpha Parks," He smiled pleasantly when he saw Ethan "Have a seat."

His eyes didn't even flicker to Tyler, and Ethan felt a tick of irritation. It was the attitude of a man used to things going his way.

"I'm glad you could make it." Thornwood started "What would you like?"

"That depends on our conversation," Ethan said as he sat down in the visitor's chair "I'm open for anything from coffee to wine."

A touch of real amusement spread over Thornwood's face.

"I admit I've never had wine this early in the day." He leaned back in his chair "It'll be a novel experience."

No sooner had he said that that the door knocked, and a moment later, a server walked in with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

Ethan had the eerie feeling that he had everything prepared already.

Thornwood silently poured two shots, then handed one over to Ethan.

"I've heard much about your dealings with the human government," Thornwood said "Your businesses, the odd borders of your pack. Rumors from the council."

"I'm flattered," Ethan smiled cynically "But I'm afraid I haven't done much researched about you. I'm rather preoccupied these days."

"The only things important about me, Alpha, is that you and I are very alike."

Ethan took a slow sip of his shot, and leaned back in his chair. Sunlight crossed inside through the windows, but the room was starting to feel dark.

"That's a bold statement if you've heard anything about me." He said lowly

Thornwood leaned forward, interlocking his fingers over his table. All merriment had been washed off his face.

"To stand among the most influential people of the Lycan world, you need to have one of two things." Thornwood held up a finger "Either be born into power," he held up a second finger "Or be exceptional.

"You and I aren't elite born," Thornwood said, a hint of fire in his voice "We weren't given power on a silver platter. We have it because we took it by force."

Ethan didn't let a single thought cross his face, waiting.

"That's why you are the only person who can understand me in this situation, Alpha Parks." Thornwood swirled his drink in the glass

This was starting to get boring. Ethan swallowed his drink, and set the glass aside with a sigh.

"I have a flair for drama, Thornwood," He said dispassionately "But I'm also painfully susceptible to boredom. Get to the point."

"Very well," His smile was edged with derision "There's someone I'm looking for, and I'm told that person is in America right now."

Ethan sighed heavily. Then he stood and put his hands in his pockets, thumbs peeking out. He looked down at Thornwood coldly. He'd come here so early in the day for nothing but poetics.

"I think you misunderstood, Thornwood," He said calmly "When looking for lost people, you should hire a detective, not a lawyer."

This was a royal waste of his time. Ethan turned around, and Tyler turned to follow him outside.

He hadn't even taken a step forward when the sound of the armchair moving over the floor caught his attention.

"You might want to remember," Thornwood's tone was calm "That I have the resources of a whole continent at my disposal. Yet, I'm involving you."

Ethan looked over his shoulder. Despite his composed manner, Thornwood's frame was rigid. He was definitely pissed, and failing at hiding it.

"If you knew how to use those resources right, I'm sure you wouldn't need to."

Irritation crossed his features, but Thornwood recovered remarkably fast. He eased the tension from his body with a practiced breath.

"Very well, I had hoped you would want something in return," He shrugged a shoulder "But it seems you won't listen."

"What could you have that I would want?" Ethan turned halfway

"A favor markets a favor."

"My question remains," Ethan rocked on his heels lazily "I'm a lawyer, not a detective."

At that, Thornwood pulled a drawer open and took out a file.

"This is the copy of a contract my father signed nearly ten years ago," Thornwood told him

Ethan raised his brows "You should have started with that."

"Have a seat," The other Alpha said, as he sat down again "This will take some time to explain."

Ethan exchanged a look with Tyler.

'He's desperate,' He heard his beta over the link 'We can use that to our advantage.'

He had a point, and Thornwood really had gotten Ethan's attention with the contract.

Ethan stepped away from the chair he was sitting on, and moved to the other. Tyler took the cue and settled down as well. For the first time since they'd entered the room, Thornwood cast a glance towards the beta. He looked at him for a long moment, then turned his attention to Ethan again.

"The contract was an agreement between my father and one of his acquaintances to handover a family heirloom," Thornwood explained "The arrangements were made, but the acquaintance passed before the contract could come to completion."

"You're looking for the legal representative?" Ethan guessed "A relative of this acquaintance?"

Thornwood grinned "Precisely, but it's proven to be very hard to find her myself."

"The contract was signed in Germany, even if you find the representative," Ethan told him "It's possible the contract will not be enforced here. It's also possible that the heirloom was destroyed, or has been sold, given the representative doesn't want to get involved. There are a lot of technicalities."

"That's not possible," Thornwood shook his head "As for enforcing the contract here, I assure you the matter is grave enough to concern the whole European Council, but at the same time, this information is too sensitive to be leaked. There are many people in the Council who would go to any lengths to see me fail. Do you understand my situation now?"

Ethan drummed his fingers over the armrest, thinking.

"How are you so sure I can even find this girl?"

"She may have changed her appearance. I wouldn't put that past her." Thornwood mused "But she's too distinctive to hide for long. And you have a reputation of always fulfilling your end of a bargain."

"Do enlighten me about this uniqueness."

"Alpha Parks, do you know about Lone Wolves?"

Ethan stared at him for a long moment. Thornwood was entirely serious.

"What you're saying," Ethan couldn't believe this man "Is you want me to find a mystical creature who has a legal contract with you?"

"It appears that way, yes." Thornwood nodded "As with all stories, a trail of rumors will always be following her. I understand that this may take time, and I can't stay here long enough to find her myself."

Ethan felt like this was a bad time to laugh.

He decided to humor the man.

"Alright. Let's assume I find the Lone Wolf," Ethan said "And hand her over to you as a fugitive. What does that get me?"

"Like I said, a favor markets a favor, but every man wants something different." Thornwood said "What is it that you want?"

Ethan looked at him for a long moment, unimpressed.

The stability of his pack. The happiness of his inner circle. To have every child in his pack's orphanage to stop having nightmares. A cure for his disease.

A sardonic smile curved along his lips.

"30 million dollars."

Thornwood's brows went up.

"You could ask for anything," He said "Geopolitical power. A favor from the Alpha Supreme of Europe. Some nuisance removed from your life. But you want this? Money?"

Ethan stood and rolled his shoulders casually.

"Perhaps we aren't as alike as you thought, Alpha." Ethan told him "Everything you offer me, I can get for myself."

"Then you simply fancy money?" Thornwood stood as well

"Of course. Money is divine." Ethan told him honestly "But it's not for myself. That's simply the cost of all the trouble I'll have to go through to find your mystical creature."

He extended a hand in Thornwood's direction "For now, let's assume you owe me a favor. After such a long conversation, we are surely close enough to owe each other."

Thornwood's expression twitched "It was certainly interesting."

He flinched a little as they shook hands. Thornwood looked at down at the silver ring on Ethan's finger. He looked back at his guest in a whole new light.

"I look forward to meeting you again, Alpha Ethan Parks."

"You likely won't." Ethan smiled "But you'll have your fugitive within the next six weeks."

"That's a big statement. I have been looking for years, yet I haven't found her."

"As you said," His hands found his pockets again "I am exceptional at what I do."

Ethan turned to the door, Tyler's silent footsteps behind him.

"A contract will reach you. I will also require a copy of the one you showed me."

They didn't close the door behind as they left. Thornwood seemed to have plenty of people for that.

"This isn't like the jobs we usually take," Tyler said once they left the building "Finding a missing person, specially a supposed mystical creature, isn't going to be easy."

Ethan clucked his tongue "Don't underestimate my people, Anderson. They don't disappoint."

Tyler shook his head "We definitely didn't need the money."

"What's wrong with having it? Money is great." Ethan grinned "Besides, did you see the look on his face when I told him that wasn't the favor?"

Finally, his beta cracked a smile.

"He was so pissed."

Ethan also cracked his first genuine smile of the day.

"That's just what I do best."