

The sound of gunshots echoed in the room " You are just mine, your blood, breath,body ,mind , your everything is just mine, No one has the right to take you away from me, I've been waiting for you for so long, I'll make you mine whether you like it or not." Emir drank a glass of water " This water will not quench my thirst, only your tears can quench my thirst, only your tears Miss Eda Ertan " _____________________________________________ "I lost him , I lost him " Eda crying like a baby " I lost him Firuze " "Eda don't be sad , everything will be settle trust me, If your love is true, it will be found, your love will not be empty your love will be return to you may be in different ways, in different shape or may be in different face but it will diffidently come to you " Firuze comforted her " How can you say ?" " you will see honey " Firuze said --------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful and delicate girl like fragrant flowers, Eda , who was hungry and desirous of love which she never got before . She was out to find love for herself and got stuck in an many year-old rivalry . It was her misfortune or her test, she got love but the one she loved turned out to be her worst enemy.She was caught in the beautiful trap of a hunter who was already waiting for her to unleash his revenge fire. Will she ever be able to get out of the trap of fake love and hatred? Will her flower of love bloom in the desert of hatred or will she lose her love in the burning fire of revenge? Will she get her love ? -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SiBa_Lili · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Chapter # 13 : Revenge

" Do you what time is it now ? " Emir said

She gazed at the wall clock " I still want to go home " Eda protested

" You will go at this time of night " He said

" Yes " she said without hesitate

" You are shifting house, even after reaching there, you need time to set up the house " He sighed " Stay here tonight, I will tell Doğan that he will drop you off at your apartment tomorrow morning " Emir said and waited for her response

Eda planned to go Firuze house, she thought that she must be waiting for her " I wasn't going to the new apartment, I was going to my friend's house"

" Then it's good, you can go there tomorrow it's better for your health" Emir said

' Health, I'm not sick and why is he pretending like a caring boyfriend ' She thought " No I want to go right now and you cannot stop me " She urged

Emir sighed heavily " Eda " He said in very attractive tone, Eda quickly gazed at him, her ears perked up that how good her name was looking when he pronounced it, does he know how erotic he made her name sounds

" Eda You are not feeling well, eat something and then go to sleep, you can go home tomorrow, your health is more important, isn't it " Emir requested softly and seductively, any woman can be ready to surrender to him after his request, but it was stubborn Eda

Eda felt warmness in his words but these words are nothing compared to the stubbornness of this stubborn girl " No I want to go home, she must be tensed about me "

Emir snorted softly in anger " Okay after eating you can go " he said and went out to the room as if he didn't want to hear her anymore

In all this time she noticed that the room was quite beautiful, she stepped out to the room and got shocked, she thought that it was a room of his apartment but no it was a room of his castle, for her it was a castle she never seen this kind of a house in her life, she looked around " Now where can I find dinning room in this big house " she murmured

" Ma'am " A servent called her, at first she didn't hear but then the servent came Infront of her and bowed to her " Ma'am president Kaya is waiting for you in dining, let me take you to the dinning area " he said politely

Eda nodded and followed him, she crossed the well-designed big and small dinning rooms and she reached the main dinning room where Emir was . Servent bowed to her and opened the door for her, she stepped in but there was no one in the room

" president Kaya's sister has come to meet him so he has gone to meet her, have your meal ma'am " He said formally and Eda nodded, after that another woman came and served food to Eda .

Emit walked towards the kitchen, seeing him butler bowed to him " Sir do you want something? " Butler asked

He was about to say something but a woman interrupted his words by saying " Two cups of green tea" She said and directly gazed at Emir, crossing her hands over chest . Woman was in branded expensive suit. Emir sighed and lowered his gaze as he didn't want to make any eye-contact with her .

" Who is that girl " She asked him as she was his mother. Hearing her words Emir glared at his assistant who was standing near to sofa, he averted his gaze

" Don't look at him, look at me " Woman said while pointing on herself by index finger .

"Elder sister, she is our company's new architect" Emir said politely.

Woman was his elder sister ' Dilara' and was the first child of Kaya family.

" so what is she doing in your house" She investigated him like a FBİ officer .

"She has had an accident, My car hit her " Emir explained.

"Yes, but she was not hurt or injured. She is fine" Dilara said as she wanted to know his real intentions that why he took this girl in his house, he could admit her in hospital.

Emir glared at the the position where his assistant was standing, Dilara came in front of him and said " you don't need to glared at him, Come with me to the study " Dilara then took the way of study , Emir was glaring at him he wanted to kick him out from the job but he couldn't do this, Doğan was his assistant but he was hired by her elder sister Dilara, Doğan gave all information about Emir relationships with girls to Dilara, only Dilara could dismiss him .

" Sat here " Dilara said pointing at the couch, asking him to sit beside her, Emir nodded and sat beside her ." Emir explain me , why did you bring her here ? "

" I have already told you that she hit by my car, and I " He paused and looked at the ground. " And I? " Dilara said

" And I also didn't know why I brought her here " He said,

Dilara sighed and put her hand on his shoulder, patting his shoulder gently she said " Don't forget our revenge " Dilara reminded him, his face turned red as he thought about something

what kind of revenge he wants to take ??

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