

Young Damian Takahashi is born into a world of chaos where demons feast on humans and it is a war to survive. Now, he must battle these demons and stop himself from ever initiating the war all over again to stop this burning chaos

Mamus_Samson · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


' It's happening again. The demons...are coming '.

Immediately, demons began rushing in from the East, attacking the camp. Demons, both winged and wingless, began devouring everyone. The city and everywhere else was under attack. Once again, the Sergeant did nothing but yell out orders. He made a run for it and ran to the tower. No one, not even Damian himself knew what came over him, but at that moment, time stopped for Damian. Veins appeared in his eyes and all over his body. His clothes burnt to ashes, his shoes vaporized. Fire began to consume Damian but he was not burning. His hair turned red and dark clouds formed in the sky. Seconds later, fire balls began to rain from the sky and Damian had an evil grin on his face.

People didn't know what to do. There were demons attacking and fire balls raining from the sky, it was chaos everywhere. Just then, Damian heard a scream. He looked at the direction where the scream came from and saw a demon pinning a boy to the ground.

' Help me! ', the boy screamed. Damian didn't know what came over him, but he was enjoying this scene. The smell of blood dripping from from the boy's midsection, the delectable screams he made, the sight of teeth dripping saliva on the boy's face, he was enjoying this. It was like he wanted to throw away that demon and devour the boy. Unknowingly, he smirked.

' Help me!! ' The boy screamed again and that's when Damian quickly found the humanity inside of him. He came to his senses and snapped at the demon. ' GET OFF OF HIM!! ' Immediately, Damian pounced on the demon and snapped its neck. As if that was not enough, he tore its head off with his bare hands.

After doing that, he senses fear, something that had never happened before. He could never sense fear or reap out demon's heads with his bare hands. What made him able to do so now?

Damian looked at the boy and he seemed terrified. Who wouldn't be after what he just saw? Damian just growled at him. He couldn't explain why, but he was having a feeling of disgust for the boy. But why?

' Go!! Now!! Kill every single one of those beasts!! None should be left alive!! '

Damian heard someone shouting out orders. He looked at the direction where the order came from and saw the female guild soldiers rushing into the battlefield. They began slaying all the demons and rescuing the other male soldiers. Damian suddenly felt immediate impact on the back of his head followed by a big ' bang!'. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he felt another, and again, ' bang!'. Damian sensed it was coming from the west so he looked in that direction and saw Meesha, the top soldier of the female guild, firing a bazooka at him. He could understand why, after all, he was looking like a demon prince or something, but what he couldn't understand was why he was getting mad at her.

Meesha, not knowing she was about to unleash the biggest demon they had ever fought, continued firing not caring wether he was dead or not. She fired and fired until suddenly, the bazooka couldn't fire anymore.

That was when she looked up and saw that Damian was right in front of her holding the tip of the bazooka. He scowled when his eyes met hers. ' That hurt'.