
She's Gone

Eraser Heads hair flew up again and the chief stoped attacking Lina. When he had control over himself he passed out. The rush and change of mindset and emotions was to much. Lina soon rushed to his side to help him. Shane pulled out a gun from his pocket, and aimed for Lina. Before he could shoot, Eraser Head rased to him and tried to take the gun from him. Shane jumped back and made a run for the empty room. Eraser Head chased after him. Realizing he was being chased, Shane turned around and quickly tried to shoot Eraser Head. Ending up missing, the bullet hit Lina in the arm. Surprised by the pain she yelled. Eraser Head turned back to help Lina.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Just go after him! I'll be fine," Lina told him. He nodded his head and ran back after Shane.

In the time being Shane had opened a hidden door with a button in the empty room. Eraser Head was far faster than Shane, so he soon cought up to him. When he did he grabbed his arms and slammed him to the floor. Lina came up to them. She had rapped up her arm, but was holding because of the pain. "Here are the cuffs," she said and awkwardly handed him the handcuffs while still holding her arm.

When he received them, Eraser Head put them on Shane. He stood up and made Shane do the same.

"Are you ok?" he asked Lina.

"Yeah I'm fine, I've called for others so they will be able to help me when here."

"Good now let's get this guy out of here. You can help him," Eraser Head said pointing his head towards the chief. Lina ran over to help him up. Shane was struggling to escape Eraser Head, but all was in vain. Eraser Head had to good a grip on him.

When they where ready to head back out, Eraser Head said,

"Lead us out of here." Shane stayed silent, clearly indicating he would not. "Fine, we'll figure it out." Lina walked to them. "No need, I marked the path as we came. If we can find them, then we can find the way back. Lets just get down this hallway first," she said. Lina then took the lead. Wen they got to the end of the hallway they realized Lyrin and Ras were no longer there.

"They must have went back to the main house," Eraser Head said. So they continued to fine their way out. Looking for Lina's marks wasn't to hard, so they got out rather fast. The other policemen were there when they got out, and soon tended to Lina's wounds.

"Wait where are that girl and Ras?" Lina asked.

"I can't find them. I've searched the whole house," Eraser Head said. Shane had over heard them, and was worrying about where is daughter was

"Where is my daughter?" he asked, "Your supposed to look after civilians, where is she?!"

"We're trying to figure that out, not stop talking. Someone get him in the car," Eraser Head said. Someone came over and took Shane to one of the police cars.

"We need to search for this girl. She could be in hurt," Eraser Head said. Suddenly there was a scream coming from the woods.

"That sounded like that girl!" Lina yelled. She went to get up, and check it out.

"No you stay here, I'll go check it out," Eraser Head said. Lina nodded her head and sat back down.

This backstory part is almost over.

TimeZ_Voidcreators' thoughts