
Building Base In Apocalypse

souta · สยองขวัญ
29 Chs

Chapter 5: Sibling's Love

The twins, Lily and Nana, climbed into the pickup truck as they prepared to head towards the mountains. Lily couldn't help but ask, "Why are we going to the mountains?"

Amy replied, "Because our base is there"

Curious, Amy asked "By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Lily, the oldest," she introduced herself.

Nana chimed in, "I'm Nana...the youngest." She said with a fragile voice

Amy smiled and introduced herself, "Ah, I see. My name is Amelia, but you can call me Amy"

"The other girl in the driver's seat is Steffanie, and the one leading us is Souta. He's our leader."

Lily, still trying to make sense of the situation, asked, "How did you meet Souta?"

Amy explained, "Souta was our childhood friend, and we also went to the same school."

Lily nodded, not fully comprehending the situation. "Is that so?"

Amy beamed, her face filled with pride. "Souta is really cool, you know! He kills zombies with ease, bam and bam!"

Lily still struggled to grasp the reality of their situation, but she played along. "Is that so? He must be amazing, haha" laughed awkwardly

Amy noticed Lily's conflicted expression and asked, "Hey... Are you mad at Souta for killing the man earlier?"

Lily hesitated before sharing their story,

"That man earlier was our uncle. He used to be kind to us, but when things started to go bad, he became violent and would hurt us if we didn't listen to him."

Amy's voice softened as she asked again, "So, are you angry at Souta?"

then suddenly Nana was the one to reply, anger flared momentarily as she spoke, "No... He deserved that. If I were in my big brother's shoes, I would have done the same." She said menacingly

Steff glared at Nana on the rear view mirror, while Amy and Lily fell into a momentary silence.

"Nana is right. He deserved it," Lily finally said, breaking the silence.

After an hour of driving, they arrived at the mansion just as the evening set in. They had dinner, and Amy showed Lily and Nana to their room. Since the twins preferred to sleep together, only one room was needed.

"Here is the bathroom, you can use it however you like since we still have electricity and water"

Amy said as she showed the bathroom, "If you have anything to ask just ask any of us, we will happily answer your questions"

"We'll sure do, thank you" Lily said as she smiled

Lily and Nana took a bath together, "Ahhh, it's been a while since the two of us took a bath right?" Lily said with a bliss

"Right..." Nana replied coldly

"Hey, is there something wrong?" Lily asked worriedly

"There's nothing wrong" Nana said with a fake smile, Suddenly Lily splash water on Nana's face.

"There is clearly wrong when you smile like that" Nana said seriously

"Sighed, we're really twins" Lily said and look at the ceiling, "You see, I'm scared... the world have turn into something we can't predict, dangers are everywhere... it's scary that we may die someday or even tomorrow, we don't know what the future holds..." Lily said with a sad expression

"I'm scared, Nana." She said looking at Nana with tears on her face.

"So even the matured Lily is scared, hehe."

Lily got embarrassed right afted she regret telling her that Nana said something

"That's normal, even I, myself are scared, we are powerless and can't do something on our own, Amy and her team, we still don't know if there trustworthy" Nana said

"But I'm sure, that we should enjoy every moment of our life! We only have one life, if we die tomorrow so be it!"

"If we did everything that we won't regret then even if dying after this bath is no means!"

"After all, we have enjoyed the past so why get scared of the future! We should learn in this present and look forward for the future, because I'm sure that all of us will have happy ending!" Lily continued with a resolve on her face, happily telling this to Nana

Nana smiled Idolizing her, "I'm jealous of you, to have a strong mindset like this, okay, I will try my best to enjoy every moment we share!" Nana said happily

"That's right!" The two of them, high fived with a determination of being happy by all means!

The next morning, Lily suddenly burst into the room where the Souta and the others were in.

"It's morning already!" Lily shouted, only to find them in a state of undress. Embarrassed, she quickly closed the door.

They woke up late due to exhaustion, and after breakfast, they started moving the items they had looted from the store.

"We got ourselves lots of stuff!" Amy said with joy

"With this! We'll be able to keep ourselves safe! Am I right!?" Lily said shouting

"Lily... you're voice is loud" Nana said

"Haha, it's okay to get excited but please keep your voice down" Souta said as he giggled

"This is the last one" Steff said, she was on the back of the pick up truck passing them the things they got.

Souta then invited the twins to join their training sessions to help them learn how to protect themselves. The twins agreed, and after unloading the items into the pickup truck, they went to the backyard to begin their training.

They started with jogging

"What the hell is wrong with you people! How can you run for hours!" Lily shouted sitting on the ground exhausted

Nana on the other hand was already sleeping on the ground, "Stay with me,

Nana!" Lily said holding her hand

"Fwuah~..? Is this heaven?" Lily said waking up

"Snap it out Nana!"

After that they then moved on to swinging exercises.

Amy asked Souta something "Hey Souta... umm" Right before she can even request it Souta immediately said "You can take the bow"

"Eh? Really?"


She celebrate with joy

Amy showed interest in the bow, so she was given one to practice with. Lily wanted to learn how to use an axe, so she was provided with one along with a pistol.

"Souta... correct?" Lily asked

"Yes?" Souta replied

"Why are you giving me a gun? Aren't you afraid that I might kill you when you're not looking?" Lily asked curiously

"Hmmm, I'm pretty sure you aren't going to kill me, after all if we were all to die you two can't handle it all by yourself" Souta replied confidently to his guts

"Also, here, this is for you" Souta give the air gun to Nana, Nana was fascinated by the air gun and was given one to practice with, along with a pistol.

"You sure are trusting yourself too much, don't regret what you've started" Lily said and went to Nana

"Can I have this?" Steff asking to have the military knives

"Just take whatever your eyes takes interest" Souta said

Steff wanted to train with military knives, so she was given a pair.

They spent a few hours training until evening, and then gathered for dinner. During the meal, Souta suggested, "Tomorrow, instead of jogging in the backyard, let's explore around the mountains to explore some places we haven't been to yet."

Everyone agreed, and the next morning, they woke up early to prepare their supplies. They planned to have breakfast and lunch during their excursion. After driving for hours

, they reached a point where they decided to stop and have lunch, as they hadn't come across anything significant apart from trees.

While eating, Lily proposed, "Hey, how about we walk around for a while?"

Amy agreed, saying, "Sure, that's a great idea."

Amy called out to Souta, who was nearby. "Souta, we'll be going for a walk real quick."

Souta nodded and reminded them, "Make sure to bring your weapons with you."

The two ventured into the surroundings, unaware of an elderly zombie lurking behind them. The zombie reached out and grabbed Amy's shoulder, but Amy, trained in martial arts by Souta, swiftly reacted. She flipped the zombie to the ground and retrieved a kitchen knife from her waist, stabbing the zombie in the head.

"That was close," Amy said, wiping the sweat from her brow.

Lily was stunned and impressed, gazing at Amy with newfound admiration. "You were cool back there, big sister!"

Amy chuckled modestly. "Is that so? Haha, thanks."

They returned to where the others were and shared their encounter. Souta, initially worried, couldn't help but show his relief. He hugged Amy tightly, saying, "Thank God you're okay."

Amy tried to calm him down by praising him. "I'm okay because Souta taught us martial arts."

Souta, visibly concerned, realized that the world they now lived in was vastly different. Killing had become commonplace, and they needed to adapt to survive. He spoke sternly, "Just don't do reckless things like that again, okay?"

"Okay," Amy replied, understanding the gravity of the situation.

After lunch, they continued their journey deeper into the mountains, hoping to find a settlement nearby. Along the way, they noticed a car crash that likely belonged to the elderly man they encountered earlier.

"That must be from the oldman earlier" Amy said

"If he's heading this direction that means there's a settlement nearby" Souta said As they continued, surrounded by trees, they finally came across a farm.

"Wow, Souta's judgement sure is something" Nana said impressed from what she saw

"It was the right thing to team up with him from the very start, I know for a fact just by looking at him that he has an ambitiounous personality making him a great leader" Lily said

They cautiously explored the area, hoping to find useful items.

"Steff, I'll help you climb the gate" Souta suggested, the perimeters are safely surrounded by reinforce wood

They approached the farmhouse, "This Farm sure is large, don't you think staying here is also a good idea?" Steff suggested

"I won't agree to that, those woods won't stop humans and zombies that much though this wide area is a good place that doesn't mean it's meant for survival, the mansion is still the best option for us" Souta stated his thoughts

"Hey Souta, there's a house there" Amy pointed, the house was in the middle of the wide farm.

"Hey Souta, we'll be searching around can we do that?" Nana asked

"What? No!" Souta said

"But... Lily is already at it" She pointed at her sister who is already walking around

"Oh goddammit what are you two doing, use your gun if you ever see any danger okay? So that we'll come rushing"

"Okay!! Bye bye then" Nana said and ran towards Lily

They continued what they are doing and  proceeded cautiously, they then  knocked on the door, but received no response. With no other options, they broke open the door and entered. They searched the house, hoping to find something valuable. Souta decided to check the second floor, where he opened a door only to find a scared thirteen-year-old boy holding a shotgun.

The boy pointed the gun at Souta, shouting, "Hands up, or I'll shoot!"

Remaining calm, Souta raised his hands and reassured the boy, "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you or anything, okay?"

But the boy remained distrustful, shouting, "Shut up! Don't move, or I'll shoot!"

Souta understood the boy's fear and nervousness. In a split second, he kicked the boy's hand, causing him to drop the shotgun, and kicked him away. Souta swiftly picked up the weapon and aimed it at the boy, saying, "Hands up, kid."

Complying, the boy raised his hands in surrender. Amy and Steff quickly rushed upstairs upon hearing the commotion. They restrained the boy and tied his hands.

They all went back downstairs, where Souta questioned the boy, "Are you alone?"

The boy, still annoyed, replied, "Yes, I'm alone!" Shouting ang glaring at Souta angrily

Souta, looking to de-escalate the situation, proposed, "I'll hold you as a hostage and tell your sibling to put down their weapons, or else you'll die."

"Heh, like I said, I'm alone, so that won't work!" he kept shouting suspiciously.

Souta shot a glare downwards. "Get the f*ck out from where you're hiding! Or I'll shoot this boy!" he threatened.

A girl suddenly emerged from under the bed, looking about the same age as us. She bravely faced us. "Okay, you can do anything you want with me, just don't hurt my brother," she said, her voice trembling but determined.

The kid beside her shouted, "No! You can do whatever you want with me! Just don't touch my sister!"

"Don't act like a kid anymore! What do they want from a kid anyway!" the girl retorted, her eyes fiery with defiance.

Meanwhile, the twin we had sent to search for something returned.

"Isn't this where the old man lives?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Nana replied.

Curiously, the twin eyed the scene before them. "What are you doing?" Lily inquired.

"Nothing really," Souta replied nonchalantly.

"Nothing my ass! What happened here!?" Lily persisted.

"Like I said, nothing," Souta replied, avoiding eye contact.

In the room filled with tension, we all exchanged looks, trying to understand the situation better.

Souta addressed the siblings breaking the silent, "I won't harm either of you. We only want to search this place for supplies. If you'd like, you can join us."

"You two are determined to protect each other. Unlike the others, they might not show up like you two," Souta remarked, acknowledging their strong bond.

Confused, the siblings asked, "Join? What is this, a game? And why are you looting us? Isn't that just stealing?"

Souta laughed at their innocence. "Stealing? HAHAHAHAHA! What do you think will happen next? Are you going to call the police?"

The boy confidently replied, "Of course!"

Souta's laughter intensified. "What? Are you dumb? The government and the police are long gone."

Confused and shocked, the siblings struggled to comprehend the situation. Amy suggested that they see for themselves, and Souta agreed, noting their confusion.

"How about you take a look at the town? Then you'll understand," Souta proposed, ready to show them the harsh reality of their new world.