
Building Base In Apocalypse

souta · สยองขวัญ
29 Chs

Chapter 16: Projects before Winter passed

Chapter 16: Projects before Winter passed

The next thing he goes is in the town, the town is now recovering from the apocalypse, electricity is added thanks to the generators and few solars that we found, the security is also tightly guarded, making use of the cctv cameras, part of the town was also demolished and was maked into a farm that would provide us food, people are helping each other for us to live in this community peacefully.

I visited the town hall, and Jenny is the one I set in charge with, Jenny knows what she's doing. With her charisma and leadership appearance, she was loved by people, while me? I don't want that kind of thing, though people don't love me. Instead, they are afraid of me.

Souta walked into Jenny's office, finding her immersed in paperwork. He leaned against the doorframe, giving her a friendly nod. "Hey, Jenny. How's everything going on your side?"

Jenny looked up from her desk and flashed a tired smile. "Oh, hey Souta. You know, the usual. I'm trying to keep things running smoothly around here."

Souta chuckled. "Well, take it easy with that smile. It's kinda scary when you force it like that."

Jenny raised an eyebrow playfully. "Oh really? Scary, huh? Maybe if someone hadn't roped me into this leadership gig, I'd still be all rainbows and sunshine."

He smirked, "Yeah, I guess I have that effect on people."

She shook her head with a chuckle. "Nah, don't sell yourself short. You've got that mysterious and serious vibe going for you. It's just a different kind of charm."

Souta let out a mock gasp. "Charm? Now you're exaggerating."

"Oh, I'm serious! People around here respect you a lot. You might not see it, but you've made a huge impact. Folks are willing to jump on board with any project you propose," Jenny replied, tapping her pen against the desk.

He shrugged modestly. "I don't seek their love, just their cooperation."

"That's what makes you a natural leader, Souta. People look up to you, and they trust your judgment," Jenny said with genuine admiration in her voice.

"Guess I prefer staying in the background, away from the spotlight," he admitted, glancing out the window for a moment.

Jenny smiled warmly, understanding his sentiment. "And that's what makes you unique. We balance each other out."

Souta nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. "Yeah, I suppose we do. Without you handling the diplomacy, I'd probably scare everyone away."

She laughed. "Well, I'm grateful you leave the diplomacy to me. Otherwise, we might end up with an empty town and a one-man show."

"Fair point," he said, a small grin forming. "Anyway, let's keep doing what we're doing. Seems to be working for the town, right?"

Jenny nodded, determination evident in her eyes. "Absolutely. We'll keep this place thriving together."

As they exchanged nods of agreement, there was an unspoken understanding between them—a bond forged in the aftermath of the apocalypse, where each of them played a vital role in rebuilding the community they now cherished.

The projects completed so far to ensure the town's survival in a zombie-infested world are as follows:

Entry and Exit Points: Access to the town is controlled through limited entry and exit points. Guard posts and checkpoints have been established to monitor anyone coming in or going out. People leaving the town are accompanied by armed escorts to ensure their safety and reduce the risk of bringing back zombies.

Resource Management: All available resources, including food, water, medical supplies, and weapons, have been inventoried. Rationing measures have been implemented to ensure supplies last longer. Scavenging missions and trading with other survivor groups have been organized to procure additional resources.

Safe Zones and Housing: Safe zones have been designated within the town, providing refuge for people during zombie attacks. All housing has been reinforced and equipped with basic defense mechanisms to enhance security.

Medical Facilities: A well-equipped medical facility has been set up to treat injuries and illnesses. Selected individuals have undergone training in basic first aid and medical care to provide immediate assistance when needed.

Training and Defense: Regular training sessions are conducted to teach self-defense, zombie combat techniques, and proper weapon handling to empower the town's inhabitants to protect themselves effectively.

Community Rules and Regulations: Clear rules and regulations have been established to maintain order and prevent conflicts within the town. Fair and consistent enforcement of these rules helps ensure a harmonious community.

Scouting and Reconnaissance: Scouting parties are routinely sent out to gather vital information about the surrounding areas, potential threats, and resource locations. This data enables the town to make informed decisions and stay vigilant against dangers.

For the lack of water and food, they digged for well around the town and plant crops on part of the town.

Education and Entertainment: Education and recreational activities are actively encouraged to maintain high morale among the residents. Focusing on mental well-being is crucial in coping with the challenges they face.

Escape Plan: An emergency contingency plan is in place to evacuate the town safely if the situation becomes untenable. The town's residents are aware of evacuation routes and designated safe locations.

With these projects completed, the town is better prepared to face the ongoing challenges of a world overrun by zombies and ensure the safety and well-being of its inhabitants.

As Souta returned to the mansion, there the mansion was now filled with houses around the area, tree house to he exact, the girls that was on the hunter village was moved here for 'protection' of Souta this order was made by Shana, Steff, Amy and Jenny.

"I'm back," Souta said as he opened the door. there, a group of maids are bowing before him, "This... is going to be a long winter"