
Building an Empire in Game of Thrones

Greg was the son of the smartest and most powerful people in the world. His Mom and Dad being geniuses made advanced technology that boosted the world's development level but also caused more conflict. Follow Greg as he tries and build an Empire in Game of thrones --- --- This Story will be faced paced and include Kingdom building and a Harem The Game of Thrones world will also have a slightly bigger population and bigger armies This is a side project so don't expect fast updates unless readers ask for more.

Dr_Dred · สงคราม
109 Chs

It's Almost Time

Just an Update on what's going on right now.

So I am just re-reading the Story to get back into it so I can continue writing the story and remember all the character's, troops, and abilities, etc, that I will need to get back to writing this story.

Once I am done doing that I will have a little notepad of all the character's, and important event's that happened and continue writing the story in the upcoming weeks. Chapter's will be once a Week to start but will increase as time goes on to once a day.

Just wanted to inform anybody still awaiting for this story to return, And I hope you have a good day.