
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

A war is inevitable

In the heart of the sprawling slums, there stood a figure known as Old Man P. He is the boss, the ruler of this lawless territory where bandits, thugs, and miscreants roamed freely. His authority was not derived from noble birth or a legitimate title but from sheer power and fear.

Old Man P., with his weathered face and grizzled appearance, commanded a gang of loyal followers who would do anything to survive in this harsh environment. He ruled with an iron fist, his word law within the boundaries of the slums.

Word reached Old Man P. through his network of informants that a new religion had taken hold among the destitute inhabitants of the slums.

The God of Salvation, had become their Hope, offering freedom and solace to those who had known nothing but suffering. The news ignited a flame of anger within Old Man P. He even beheaded the person who told him the rumours.

How dare this upstart preacher infiltrate his domain and offer false promises to his subjects? He summoned his most trusted lieutenants, hardened criminals with blood-stained hands, and ordered them to gather information and prepare for an assault.

As his henchmen scoured the slums, Old Man P. brooded in his dilapidated hut in the center of the big market square, surrounded by the flickering light of oil lamps and the stench of shit coming from the narrow side streets of the slum that surround the big square.

The air was thick with tension as whispers of the new religion filled the night, spreading like wildfire among the desperate and downtrodden. When 4 out of the 5 informants returned 3 months later, their faces etched with a mix of trepidation and excitement, Old Man P. listened intently to their reports.

The rumors were true—the followers of this so called God of Salvation had indeed formed a congregation, preaching messages of redemption and salvation. Old Man P.'s anger grew with each passing word. He felt his authority slipping through his fingers, replaced by the fervor of this new faith.

He pounded his fist on the table, causing the candle flames to flicker. "No one challenges my rule in these street!," he growled. With a voice filled with rage, Old Man P. barked orders to his subordinates. "Prepare for an attack!" he commanded. "We will crush this blasphemous religion and make an example of anyone who dares to defy my rule! Work unobtrusively, I don't want them to have any chance of Escape! I want to see them all bleed for as long as possible!"

Just as the scouts wanted to leave and carry out his orders, Old Man P's voice resound again "And I want someone to prepare my carriage! I need to see the Cardinal immediately!"


On the other side of the Slum, Kami is floating between the towers of the Cathedral. His new favourite place, after he decided to act more like a real God. He is currently overwatching the situation of his territory through the system panel.

[ Believer Overview ]

[ You have currently 2000 believer! ]

[ 853× men ] [ 684× woman ] [ 363× children ]

[You have:]

[ 20 Holy Knights, 30 Knights, 10 Longbow-Knights, 1 Representative of God, 15 priests, 39 smiths, 21 tailor, 16 carpenter, 40 baker, 1568 unemployed, ... ]

"I need to do something about raw materials. I can't keep wasting my Guldens on so many useless people. Luckily, food is not really expensive, otherwise I would already be searching the slums for new believers.

[ Territory Management]

[ Your territory covers an area of 9 hectares and approximately 3,76569% of the Slum of the City of Hansa ]

[ You have two special buildings! ]

[ Knight Temple ]

[ Level 1 : Train 20 peasants the way of a Holy Knight. ]

[ Cathedral ]

[ Level 1 : Gain +0.01 faith for each prayer ]

[ Accumulated faith : 101.65 -> convertible into 1 Sacred Crystal ]

"I have already 2 special buildings,but for the past months, I didn't really advanced my territory. To gain more Blueprints, I need to either complete mission from the system or buy Blueprints from God Shop. The problem is that I don't have any active mission that I can complete in the near future. I can not buy Blueprints either, because I need my Guldens to buy food and resources or my followers will abandon me." Kami concluded

Talk of the devil and he is bound to appear


[System Mission: Defend your territory from the attack of Old Man P.]

[Old Man P. found out about you and your religion and plans an attack to wipe out your followers! As a God, its your responsibility to protect them from any harm!]

[Reward: 5000 Gulden, 1× Special Blueprint, 1× bronze-tier divine artifact]

"Shit, knew right away that this guy would be a pain in the ass!" Kami immediately sent some of his shadow bonds, which are scattered throughout his territory and are acting like his eyes and ears, in all directions to figure out, where and when Old Man P. plans to attack.

Because Kami was certain that Esther didn't know anything about a possible attack, he sent a message through the sacred medium.

Esther sat at her desk in the grand office of the cathedral, surrounded by towering bookshelves filled with ancient texts and illuminated manuscripts. The room exuded an air of authority and piety, befitting her role as the esteemed leader of the congregation. She was in the midst of signing documents related to the construction of a new school, a project she held close to her heart.

As Esther focused on the task at hand, her hand gliding across the paper, a sudden glow caught her attention. She looked up in surprise as the Sacred Medium, a small white book with gilded edges, began to emit a soft, ethereal light. Intrigued and slightly apprehensive, she carefully put down her pen and reached out to pick up the book.

The moment her fingers made contact, the book came alive. Its pages fluttered open on their own, revealing a blank sheet that was now filled with luminous inscriptions. Esther's eyes widened in astonishment as she read the words that materialized before her.

"My dear child, a threat looms over my sacred domain. Be prepared for an imminent attack on my territory," the message revealed.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. She knew she had to act swiftly to protect her people and defend their beliefs. The God she served had sent her this urgent message through the Sacred Medium, a sign of their unwavering connection and trust in her abilities. At first, she was depressed and worried, because her God suddenly vanished and became distant. But now she knew, that he didn't abandoned her and his people. She was now determined more than ever and would do anything to fulfil the task her God has set for her.

Esther rose from her seat, a sense of determination settling over her. She knew she had to gather her trusted advisors and strategize a plan of action. With a quick yet steady hand, she closed the Sacred Medium, its glow fading but the weight of its message etched deeply in her mind.

Her gaze fell upon the documents she had been signing moments ago, the ink still wet on the paper. The construction of the school would have to wait, for now, the safety of her people took precedence. Esther swiftly collected the important papers and secured them in a drawer, her mind fully focused on the impending threat.

Leaving her office, Esther hurried through the hallowed halls of the cathedral, her steps purposeful and resolute. She knew she had to relay the urgent message to her advisors and call for an emergency meeting. Lives were at stake, and she would do everything in her power to protect her beloved community.

As she made her way towards the meeting chamber, the weight of responsibility pressed upon her, but she found solace in the unwavering guidance of her God. Their message had reached her in a time of need, and she would answer their call with unwavering faith and determination.

The battle to safeguard their sacred domain was about to begin, and Esther would lead her people through the storm, armed with the divine knowledge bestowed upon her by her God.