

What does their king minds posses of. From water to land and air! Their kingdom has invented military or non military things. Is there even greater than a battleship even the others kingdom technology like steam engine can compete!..

3 Chs

Time Travel

Life is hard. And even harder for me, I had worked at various companies as a software developer. The pay is good only if you don't have a family.

My specialisation as a developer is being left behind by the sudden boom of cloud computing and AI boot. now anybody can develop an application even if they did not study as an IT

Well, not liked old times ha. I murmured.

I walk along the road of Nursery st. And begun to daydream that I had reverse the time. Where I can freely choose the time I wanted to enter.

I'm 28 years old now nearly 30. It's not the age where a man can't change their career path. But I'm tired to look for something new. I'm tired to start something where all of my colleagues and friends are far ahead of me.

I open the Door of my apartment, it's not big and not too small. I have a small bed and small space for my table and computer not that much, but it's a place to stay.

I open my computer and begun to code something like a time travel application where the user can leap through time to the time they want to go to.

Starting from 1 line of code to hundreds and thousands of lines and then finally about 3 hours I'm finished.

I Tested the app. Oh great, it's running fine!

<Would you like to travel through time Y/N? >


<In what year? >


<Processing... >

<Process Completed! >

And suddenly the electricity cut off. The whole city experiences a total blackout.

I fell to the ground and passed out.

[the electricity comes back on minutes later]

<logical error! >

<logical error! >

[the monitor keeps blinking and showing an alert status]


I open my eyes, the first thing I saw is an old man wearing a silk cloth with a red long coat and a trouser. The man has deep, heavy eyes, wrinkled forehead and a white beard.

I begun to question him with some questions, but the answers I get is different from what I define as reality.

I begun to ponder my head.

The last thing I remember is that I made an application designed to travel time, but it's merely an application a nothing of a real time travel machine

Ha! I really travel back through time? But this does not look like 2016!. Did I reincarnated into a game like MMORPG games?.

I begun to say something like the MC of a novel would say, when they appeared in a strange place. To my disappointment status or whatsoever didn't float or any game like system did not rung in my head.

I felt pain in my chess. I noticed a wound in my upper body. As I tried to get up my body begun to ache. I decided to lay down

The room is made of wood and bamboo the floor is earth and the bed is stripped of bamboo piece together. The ray of sunlight passed to the holes in the roof.

So based on Mr Alfred story the body I possess is the 3rd in line of successors of the king the culprit for my injuries are this man's brother.

This body's name is John kingship of the empire blood kingship!


I'm starving would you mind to serve me some food Aflred sir.

Yes young lord. Alfred nodded.

He exited the room and came back after a while.

Beside him is a man holding a pot

A man wearing a rug cloth with untidy hair.

Scars are imprinted all over in his body, thick callous form in his palm.

My lord, it seems that the village chief left early in this morning and this man's name is aulrad he is the assistant of the chief

Forgive me, Lord.

boiled potatoes is the treasure of our house and this is the most precious thing I can offer to you.

The two of them lowered their heads

6 months had passed from the last harvest now we are relying on some planted crops at a garden. Aulrad added.

Ohh, so what crops are you now growing in the field? I asked with some expectation to know what these people are planting.

Nothing my lord, we let untouched for a year, so the soil can be rich.

And why is that it takes too long don't you have a fertilisers?. With a confuse face .

None Lord. fertiliser is worth of a year food for us.

This village is the poorest place I live on what can I do to live comfortably these words did not slip out of my mouth.

After a moment.

A grin face from myself can be seen.