
Chapter 578: The Dense "New Game"

"Terraria", even the 2D version can drive people crazy, let alone the virtual reality version.

Even if it's been modified during production to reduce some of the outrageous and heavy content, it's not a game for all ages.

Lincoln decided to abandon the dynamic age rating mechanism and set the game rating directly to [18+] adult level.

Moreover, before entering the game, there is a "Safety Game Notice", which primarily warns players with high blood pressure, heart disease, claustrophobia, and other conditions that they should [NOT] play this game.

After reading the "Safety Game Notice," they must sign a "Disclaimer Clause" to begin playing the game.

However, this "Disclaimer Clause" is actually to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation.

If someone is genuinely scared and harmed, Cloud Dream will still pay for their treatment.

But this money is not "compensation"; it is "charitable donation," which is entirely different in nature.