
Chapter 335: Sinister Closed Beta Start

Friday morning, six o'clock.

Super Tomato updates his status punctually:

"The closed beta of 'Speed Chase' starts in—0 years!"

The first hot comment is a picture drawn by a player using special characters, showing a little man screaming.

The text bubble says: "Four years! Do you know how I've spent these four years?!"

This picture received more than 50,000 likes.

The second hot comment is:

"When will 'Speed Chase' closed beta start?

— Today! Today!"


Most players won't be able to participate in the closed beta, but this time is different.

Lincoln generously didn't require players to keep the beta a secret!

It's not like "Paradise" last time where agreements were vague and full of leaks.

There wasn't even mention of keeping things secret!

Under Lincoln's special care, Super Tomato successfully received the closed beta qualifications.

During yesterday's live broadcast, after he finished reading the beta instructions, he hesitated a bit.