
building a base in the apocalypse world

a world full of walking corpse eating people how will you survive if the world we used to know... turn into a nightmare that you would never want to be with this is a story of how our mc survive in apocalypse world

KLUX · อื่นๆ
63 Chs


morning comes, all of them didn't expect since Souta the leader tell them to rest, he was with Amy, Steff, Ashley, Sebastian, her daughter Hannah, and the twins lily and Nana.

the soldiers was in the middle of training, Roger And Rex come and greet Souta then they laugh hard and grinning.

and so Souta came to the training zone and walk to an open space, he was there standing waiting for Rex and Roger to come.

"it's been a while since someone spare with me" Rogers said while stretching his arms "I've been busy hunting that I forgot to spare some time with training so it's also been a while" as he stretched his legs.

they then stand silently looking at Souta the soldiers gather to watch as they sit at the sand staring at them Silently, breathing heavily with excitement.

Souta was standing there when Roger and Rex Charge at Souta, Rex punch Souta at the face but Souta dodge it then Rex Kicked Souta but using his hand he blocked it with ease.

Rex and Roger nod at each other and start teaming him up, But Souta just dodge it nor block it he didn't even attack them as if he was taking it easy.

but with him taking it easy Roger landed a clean jab at Souta's cheeks, but Souta didn't feel it as if he was just slapped by a girl.

they began to fasten their attack using every martial arts they know, Roger kicked Souta using his left foot but Souta catch his foot Rex rushed below Souta upper cutting him then Rex used his right foot to kick Souta's head.

Souta headbutt Rex also dodging Roger's kicked, he let go of his foot and step back then sighed.

"did we get him?" exhaustingly said by Rex "I don't think s-" Souta in just a blink of an eye he was already below Roger punching his stomach, he's fast is the only thought that came to Roger's head.

Rex quickly react to this, but Souta grabbed his arm and using his elbow he target his neck, Roger get ups and starts fighting Souta one on one.

but as he trow his punch it's either Souta catch it nor dodge it, Roger turn around and kicked Souta but Souta get down and slide his foot kicking Roger's foot leaving him out balance that he fall.

"hah.. hah.. hah... we give up" Roger said while catching his breath.

the people that was watching clap their hands and start shouting how Amazing Souta is, I bow as a sign of respect "thank you for your time" as I walk towards where Amy and the others are.

Amy nagged me for being careless while Steff and Ashley was overreacting, using the towel wiping my sweat while Ashley quickly treat the scratch at my head and they did this silently without a word.

when they're done they sighed have both hands in their waist proudly for what they done, I walk towards them then pat their head "thank you" I said with a smile and they Embarrastly blush and turn around.

while drinking a bottle of water that Sebastian gave to me I look at the training grounds, almost all of it was under construction Soldiers go to jogging for 3 hours early in the morning, eat breakfast.

and Start a "game of tag" which in a open space where lot of obstacles are in the way such as table they are going to play a game of tag which they literally play a game of tag but lot harder with the obstacles in the way.

do some push ups, curl ups, pull ups and other strength excise thanks to the equipment we loot from the gym we have harder training than before, then they will have a physical sparing match, then a sword fight lastly at the shooting range where they practice how to shoot and fire a gun.

overall they will train their body, stamina, martial arts, balance, handling guns, and for the last training killing zombies

the construction will done next month at the fastest and the training will be a lot harder, with the lieutenant being here they might teach them how to fight at the sea.

Garp, Kisse, Jana was standing at one of the tents, when Alex walk towards them and asked "just who is young master?"

"so you noticed it too huh?" Garp said "yes, from the looks of their skills those two Oldman is not just a simple Oldman, they're at least a leader of a special force group"

Kisse and Jana was surprised "what?! leader of a special force?!" Kisse loudly said

"is young master that skilled?" Jana asked calmly "if he beat a captain of the special force then ofcouse he is something that we call a monster"

"what is special force in the first place?"

Kisse sighed "being in special force is already great since one out of ten of the ordinary soldiers can only go in, they're what we called the "elite" in the military"

"and not only he beat a captain of a elite force they are two of them on top of that, that's not a simple highschool student can do" Kisse said while looking at Souta

"with such a young age, just who is our leader?" Alex said

"just be glad that you are not the enemy of his" Garp said


after that they all went back to the mansion, the day past Souta Again came to the training zone but this time Roger and Rex are not his opponent but the all of the soldiers testing their skills.

after beating them all he then again go back to the mansion, this continues for a week yet all of them not know what he thinks and why is he doing this.

Kisse rushed at the mansion to see Souta then angrily asked to meet Souta, Sebastian lead her to the living room then call Souta.

"hey! leader what's the meaning of this?!beating our soldiers until they couldn't move this is not a training anymore! this is one-sided torture!" Shouting at Shouta angrily

Souta sit down then Sebastian pour him a cup of tea, Souta take a sip then talks.

"what's the meaning of training to you?"

"what?!" What's with him! after one sidedly torture our men now he's asking what's the meaning of training?!

"answer me" Kisse bite her lips as she can't oppose, what's with that stare?! ahh this is annoying!


"what? I can't hear you"

"training is to teach people to improve their self, training is also what we need to get better one thing after another"

"I see... then do you still call a training if you can't surpass your old self?"


"then how can you call it a training if you're going easy on them? a training is needed to be hard, if it was easy then what can the soldier learn?"


"I'm doing this for the best of the soldiers, you can see it for yourself after a month"

Souta stand up then walks away then said "I promise you that" Kisse was shock that they're rumors where Souta's promise is the rarest at the base

it's my first time making an action scene so I don't know so much, sorry about that

KLUXcreators' thoughts