

I slowly turned around and I was horrified. it was a forest beast.

it was extremely rare.

"run!" shouted Lucas, "there is no way we can defeat this thing!" We started running. I was the slowest and the creature was the closest to me. so it grabbed my leg so it's chopped its arm off.

Simon grabbed me with one arm and grabbed Lucas with the other he spread his wings and flew. Since the forest beast is rare, it becomes powerful to protects itself, so it can morph into anything, any part of the body, at any time. The forest monster grew wings twice as big as simons and chased after us. it was getting closer and I used air slice to cut his wing off. but I missed.

it tackled Simon and Simon dropped me and Lucas. once Lucas and I hit the ground Lucas got up and grabbed my hand and ran, "Wait! What about Simon!?" I yelled, trying to stop him, "no! he's a goner! whoever gets caught by the forest monster is never seen again!" I feared that Simon is going to be gone, I knew that wasn't the whole truth. I knew Lucas is hiding something. I don't know how I know all of this, but I know that Justin is not dead. he's alive. and that explains why I feel a faint slice of magic on simons left arm. I think I'm going crazy. and I know that Simon is going to live. I know that Lucas is our enemy, not our friend. all from that day. that day I saw Simon again.

"Create!" Shouted Lucas. and a cave suddenly appeared. I climbed in, "I hope we blend in," said Lucas in a worried voice. "Lucas....." I whispered, horrified. "What now?"

"Who are you?